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Издательство Атмосфера

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Лечебное дело
2021 / N 4

Клиническое значение антинуклеарных антител
Т.М. Решетняк, А.А. Шумилова, Н.М. Кошелева

Список литературы

1. Tan EM. Autoantibodies and autoimmunity: a three-decade perspective. A tribute to Henry G. Kunkel. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1997 Apr;815:1-14.
2. Mahler M, Pierangeli S, Meroni PL, Fritzler MJ. Autoantibodies in systemic autoimmune disorders. Journal of Immunology Research 2014;2014:263091.
3. Ling M, Murali M. Antinuclear antibody tests. Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 2019 Dec;39(4):513-24.
4. Hargraves MM, Richmond H, Morton R. Presentation of two bone marrow elements; the tart cell and the L.E. cell. Proceedings of the Staff Meetings. Mayo Clinic 1948 Jan;23(2):25-8.
5. Holborow EJ. Serum anti-nuclear factor and auto-immunity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 1960 Aug;53(8):625-7.
6. Pashnina IA, Krivolapova IM, Fedotkina TV, Ryabkova VA, Chereshneva MV, Churilov LP, Chereshnev VA. Antinuclear autoantibodies in health: autoimmunity is not a synonym of autoimmune disease. Antibodies (Basel) 2021 Feb;10(1):9.
7. Choi MY, Clarke AE, St Pierre Y, Hanly JG, Urowitz MB, Romero-Diaz J, Gordon C, Bae SC, Bernatsky S, Wallace DJ, Merrill JT, Isenberg DA, Rahman A, Ginzler EM, Petri M, Bruce IN, Dooley MA, Fortin PR, Gladman DD, Sanchez-Guerrero J, Steinsson K, Ramsey-Goldman R, Khamashta MA, Aranow C, Alarcón GS, Manzi S, Nived O, Zoma AA, van Vollenhoven RF, Ramos-Casals M, Ruiz-Irastorza G, Lim SS, Kalunian KC, Inanc M, Kamen DL, Peschken CA, Jacobsen S, Askanase A, Stoll T, Buyon J, Mahler M, Fritzler MJ. Antinuclear antibody-negative systemic lupus erythematosus in an International inception cohort. Arthritis Care & Research (Hoboken) 2019 Jul;71(7):893-902.
8. Dieker JWC, van der Vlag J, Berden JH. Deranged removal of apoptotic cells: its role in the genesis of lupus. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation 2004 Feb;19(2):282-5.
9. Александрова Е.Н., Верижникова Ж.Г., Новиков А.А., Лукина Г.В. Современный взгляд на проблемы исследования антинуклеарных антител при системной красной волчанке (обзор литературы). Клиническая лабораторная диагностика 2018;63(6):340-8.
10. Верижникова Ж.Г., Александрова Е.Н., Новиков А.А., Панафидина Т.А., Середавкина Н.В., Попкова Т.В., Айзина Н.Л., Насонов Е.Л. Клиническая информативность автоматизированных методов скринингового определения антинуклеарных антител с использованием непрямой реакции иммунофлюоресценции, иммуноферментного анализа и мультифлексной технологии xМАР при системной красной волчанке. Клиническая лабораторная диагностика 2017;62(3):173-7.
11. Шаяхметова Р.У., Ананьева Л.П. Позитивность по антителам к рибонуклеопротеину при ревматических заболеваниях: фокус на системную склеродермию. Современная ревматология 2017;11(4):48-55.
12. Kumar Y, Bhatia A, Minz RW. Antinuclear antibodies and their detection methods in diagnosis of connective tissue diseases: a journey revisited. Diagnostic Pathology 2009 Jan;4:1.
13. Migliorini P, Baldini C, Rocchi V, Bombardieri S. Anti-Sm and anti-RNP antibodies. Autoimmunity 2005 Feb;38(1):47-54.
14. Fuchs G, Stein AJ, Fu C, Reinisch KM, Wolin SL. Structural and biochemical basis for misfolded RNA recognition by the Ro autoantigen. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2006 Nov;13(11):1002-9.
15. Mahony R, Broadbent L, Maier-Moore JS, Power UF, Jefferies CA. The RNA binding protein La/SS-B promotes RIG-I-mediated type I and type III IFN responses following Sendai viral infection. Scientific Reports 2017 Nov;7(1):14537.
16. Zampieri S, Ghirardello A, Iaccarino L, Tarricone E, Gambari PF, Doria A. Anti-Jo-1 antibodies. Autoimmunity 2005 Feb;38(1):73-8.
17. Alsaed OS, Alamlih LI, Al-Radideh O, Chandra P, Alemadi S, Al-Allaf AW. Clinical utility of ANA-ELISA vs ANA-immunofluorescence in connective tissue diseases. Scientific Reports 2021 Apr;11(1):8229.
18. Infantino M, Meacci F, Grossi V, Manfredi M, Gobbi FL, Sarzi-Puttini P, Atzeni F, Benucci M. The clinical impact of anti-DFS70 antibodies in undifferentiated connective tissue disease: case reports and a review of the literature. Immunologic Research 2017 Feb;65(1):293-5.
19. Fitch-Rogalsky C, Steber W, Mahler M, Lupton T, Martin L, Barr SG, Mosher DP, Wick J, Fritzler MJ. Clinical and serological features of patients referred through a rheumatology triage system because of positive antinuclear antibodies. PLoS One 2014 Apr;9(4):e93812.
20. Gundín S, Irure-Ventura J, Asensio E, Ramos D, Mahler M, Martínez-Taboada V, López-Hoyos M. Measurement of anti-DFS70 antibodies in patients with ANA-associated autoimmune rheumatic diseases suspicion is cost-effective. Autoimmunity Highlights 2016 Dec;7(1):10.
21. Mariz HA, Sato EI, Barbosa SH, Rodrigues SH, Dellavance A, Andrade LE. Pattern on the antinuclear antibody-HEp-2 test is a critical parameter for discriminating antinuclear antibody-positive healthy individuals and patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Arthritis & Rheumatism 2011 Jan;63(1):191-200.
22. Muro Y. Antinuclear antibodies. Autoimmunity 2005 Feb;38(1):3-9.
23. Kridin K, Laufer-Britva R, Kridin M, Comaneshter D, Batat E, Cohen AD. The relationship between pemphigus and systemic lupus erythematosus: a cross-sectional study, systematic review, and meta-analysis. Immunology Research 2019 Feb;67(1):116-22.
24. Tebo AE. Recent approaches to optimize laboratory assessment of antinuclear antibodies. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 2017 Dec;24(12):e00270-17.
25. Agmon-Levin N, Damoiseaux J, Kallenberg C, Sack U, Witte T, Herold M, Bossuyt X, Musset L, Cervera R, Plaza-Lopez A, Dias C, Sousa MJ, Radice A, Eriksson C, Hultgren O, Viander M, Khamashta M, Regenass S, Andrade LE, Wiik A, Tincani A, Rönnelid J, Bloch DB, Fritzler MJ, Chan EK, Garcia-De La Torre I, Konstantinov KN, Lahita R, Wilson M, Vainio O, Fabien N, Sinico RA, Meroni P, Shoenfeld Y. International recommendations for the assessment of autoantibodies to cellular antigens referred to as anti-nuclear antibodies. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014 Jan;73(1):17-23.
26. Pisetsky DS. Antinuclear antibody testing – misunderstood or misbegotten? Nature Reviews. Rheumatology 2017 Aug;13(8):495-502.
27. Tozzoli R, Bonaguri C, Melegari A, Antico A, Bassetti D, Bizzaro N. Current state of diagnostic technologies in the autoimmunology laboratory. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2013 Jan;51(1):129-38.
28. Bizzaro N. Autoantibody profiles in autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Mediterranean Journal of Rheumatology 2019 Jun;30(2):86-9.
29. Grygiel-Górniak B, Rogacka N, Puszczewicz M. Antinuclear antibodies in healthy people and non-rheumatic diseases – diagnostic and clinical implications. Reumatologia 2018;56(4):243-8.
30. Copple SS, Martins TB, Masterson C, Joly E, Hill HR. Comparison of three multiplex immunoassays for detection of antibodies to extractable nuclear antibodies using clinically defined sera. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2007 Aug;1109:464-72.
31. Meroni PL, Schur PH. ANA screening: an old test with new recommendations. Annals of the Rheumatic Disease 2010 Aug;69(8):1420-2.
32. Solomon DH, Kavanaugh AJ, Schur PH; American College of Rheumatology Ad Hoc Committee on Immunologic Testing Guidelines. Evidence-based guidelines for the use of immunologic tests: antinuclear antibody testing. Arthritis & Rheumatism 2002 Aug;47(4):434-44.
33. Tešija Kuna A, Đerek L, Drvar V, Kozmar A, Gugo K. Assessment of antinuclear antibodies (ANA): national recommendations on behalf of the Croatian society of medical biochemistry and laboratory medicine. Biochemia Medica (Zagreb) 2021 Jun;31(2):020502.
34. Nosal RS, Superville SS, Varacallo M. Biochemistry, antinuclear antibodies (ANA). 2020 Sep 15. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; Last update: November 9, 2021.
35. Chan EK, Damoiseaux J, Carballo OG, Conrad K, de Melo Cruvinel W, Carvalho Francescantonio PL, Fritzler MJ, Garcia-De La Torre I, Herold M, Mimori T, Satoh M, von Mühlen CA, Andrade LEC. Report of the first International consensus on standardized nomenclature of antinuclear antibody HEp-2 cell patterns 2014-2015. Frontiers in Immunology 2015 Aug;6:412.
36. Conrad K, Andrade LE, Chan EK, Mahler M, Meroni PL, Pruijn GJ, Steiner G, Shoenfeld Y. From autoantibody research to standardized diagnostic assays in the management of human diseases – report of the 12th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies. Lupus 2016 Jul;25(8):787-96.
37. Damoiseaux J, Andrade LEC, Carballo OG, Conrad K, Francescantonio PLC, Fritzler MJ, Garcia de la Torre I, Herold M, Klotz W, de Melo Cruvinel W, Mimori T, von Muhlen C, Satoh M, Chan EK. Clinical relevance of HEp-2 indirect immunofluorescent patterns: the International consensus on ANA patterns (ICAP) perspective. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2019 Jul;78(7):879-89.
38. Men K, Chen Y, Zhang J, Wei D. The evaluation of cellular immune function in elderly patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Korean Journal of Internal Medicine 2019 Jul;34(4):932-7.
39. Im JH, Chung MH, Park YK, Kwon HY, Baek JH, Lee SY, Lee JS. Antinuclear antibodies in infectious diseases. Infectious Diseases (London, England) 2020 Mar;52(3):177-85.
40. van der Geest KS, Lorencetti PG, Abdulahad WH, Horst G, Huitema M, Roozendaal C, Kroesen BJ, Brouwer E, Boots AM. Aging-dependent decline of IL-10 producing B cells coincides with production of antinuclear antibodies but not rheumatoid factors. Experimental Gerontology 2016 Mar;75:24-9.
41. Nilsson BO, Skogh T, Ernerudh J, Johansson B, Löfgren S, Wikby A, Dahle C. Antinuclear antibodies in the oldest-old women and men. Journal of Autoimmunity 2006 Dec;27(4):281-8.
42. Hayashi N, Koshiba M, Nishimura K, Sugiyama D, Nakamura T, Morinobu S, Kawano S, Kumagai S. Prevalence of disease-specific antinuclear antibodies in general population: estimates from annual physical examinations of residents of a small town over a 5-year period. Modern Rheumatology 2008;18(2):153-60.
43. Yang Z, Ren Y, Liu D, Lin F, Liang Y. Prevalence of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases and clinical significance of ANA profile: data from a tertiary hospital in Shanghai, China. APMIS 2016 Sep;124(9):805-11.
44. Suurmond J, Diamond B. Autoantibodies in systemic autoimmune diseases: specificity and pathogenicity. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 2015 Jun;125(6):2194-202.
45. Xiao ZX, Miller JS, Zheng SG. An updated advance of autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases. Autoimmunity Reviews 2021 Feb;20(2):102743.
46. Sebode M, Weiler-Normann C, Liwinski T, Schramm C. Autoantibodies in autoimmune liver disease – clinical and diagnostic relevance. Frontiers in Immunology 2018 Mar;9:609.
47. Ананьева Л.П. Роль аутоантител в ранней диагностике системных иммуновоспалительных ревматических заболеваний. Современная ревматология 2019;13(1):5-10.
48. Morawiec-Szymonik E, Foltyn W, Marek B, Głogowska-Szeląg J, Kos-Kudła B, Kajdaniuk D. Antibodies involved in the development of pernicious anemia and other autoimmune diseases. Polish Archives of Internal Medicine 2020 Jan;130(1):31-7.
49. Wang KY, Yang YH, Chuang YH, Chan PJ, Yu HH, Lee JH, Wang LC, Chiang BL. The initial manifestations and final diagnosis of patients with high and low titers of antinuclear antibodies after 6 months of follow-up. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection 2011 Jun;44(3):222-8.
50. Attilakos A, Fotis L, Dinopoulos A, Alexopoulos H, Theofilopoulou AV, Tzioufas AG, Mastroyianni S, Karalexi M, Garoufi A. Antiphospholipid and antinuclear antibodies in children with idiopathic epilepsy: a 2-year prospective study. Journal of Clinical Neurology (Seoul, Korea) 2020 Jan;16(1):140-4.
51. van Mierlo HC, de Witte L, Derksen RH, Otten HG; GROUP investigators. The prevalence of antinuclear antibodies in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: results from a large cohort study. NPJ Schizophrenia 2015 May;1:15013.
52. Vlagea A, Falagan S, Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez G, Moreno-Rubio J, Merino M, Zambrana F, Casado E, Sereno M. Antinuclear antibodies and cancer: a literature review. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology 2018 Jul;127:42-9.
53. Stochmal A, Czuwara J, Trojanowska M, Rudnicka L. Antinuclear antibodies in systemic sclerosis: an update. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology 2020 Feb;58(1):40-51.
54. Bent MA, Varacallo M, Fox EJ, Voss S, Frauenhoffer EE. Lipoma arborescens and coexisting psoriatic arthritis: a case report and review of the literature. JBJS Case Connector 2013 Oct-Dec;3(4):e121.
55. Cavalcante MB, Cavalcante CTMB, Sarno M, da Silva ACB, Barini R. Antinuclear antibodies and recurrent miscarriage: systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 2020 Mar;83(3):e13215.
56. Deroux A, Dumestre-Perard C, Dunand-Faure C, Bouillet L, Hoffmann P. Female infertility and serum auto-antibodies: a systematic review. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology 2017 Aug;53(1):78-86.
57. Насонов Е.Л., Бекетова Т.В., Решетняк Т.М., Лила А.М., Ананьева Л.П., Лисицина Т.А., Соловьев С.К. Коронавирусная болезнь 2019 (COVID-19) и иммуновоспалительные ревматические заболевания: на перекрестке проблем тромбовоспаления и аутоиммунитета. Научно-практическая ревматология 2020;58(4):353-67.
58. Насонов Е.Л. Коронавирусная болезнь 2019 (COVID-19) и аутоиммунитет. Научно-практическая ревматология 2021;59(1):5-30.
59. Shah S, Danda D, Kavadichanda C, Das S, Adarsh MB, Negi VS. Autoimmune and rheumatic musculoskeletal diseases as a consequence of SARS-CoV-2 infection and its treatment. Rheumatology International 2020 Oct;40(10):1539-54.
60. Lerma LA, Chaudhary A, Bryan A, Morishima C, Wener MH, Fink SL. Prevalence of autoantibody responses in acute coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Journal of Translational Autoimmunity 2020;3:100073.
61. Клюквина Н. Г., Гунчикова В. М., Новикова А.М. Синдром лекарственной волчанки. Современная ревматология 2018;12(4):32-41.
62. Vedove CD, Del Giglio M, Schena D, Girolomoni G. Drug-induced lupus erythematosus. Archives of Dermatological Research 2009 Jan;301(1):99-105.
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1. Tan EM. Autoantibodies and autoimmunity: a three-decade perspective. A tribute to Henry G. Kunkel. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1997 Apr;815:1-14.
2. Mahler M, Pierangeli S, Meroni PL, Fritzler MJ. Autoantibodies in systemic autoimmune disorders. Journal of Immunology Research 2014;2014:263091.
3. Ling M, Murali M. Antinuclear antibody tests. Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 2019 Dec;39(4):513-24.
4. Hargraves MM, Richmond H, Morton R. Presentation of two bone marrow elements; the tart cell and the L.E. cell. Proceedings of the Staff Meetings. Mayo Clinic 1948 Jan;23(2):25-8.
5. Holborow EJ. Serum anti-nuclear factor and auto-immunity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 1960 Aug;53(8):625-7.
6. Pashnina IA, Krivolapova IM, Fedotkina TV, Ryabkova VA, Chereshneva MV, Churilov LP, Chereshnev VA. Antinuclear autoantibodies in health: autoimmunity is not a synonym of autoimmune disease. Antibodies (Basel) 2021 Feb;10(1):9.
7. Choi MY, Clarke AE, St Pierre Y, Hanly JG, Urowitz MB, Romero-Diaz J, Gordon C, Bae SC, Bernatsky S, Wallace DJ, Merrill JT, Isenberg DA, Rahman A, Ginzler EM, Petri M, Bruce IN, Dooley MA, Fortin PR, Gladman DD, Sanchez-Guerrero J, Steinsson K, Ramsey-Goldman R, Khamashta MA, Aranow C, Alarcón GS, Manzi S, Nived O, Zoma AA, van Vollenhoven RF, Ramos-Casals M, Ruiz-Irastorza G, Lim SS, Kalunian KC, Inanc M, Kamen DL, Peschken CA, Jacobsen S, Askanase A, Stoll T, Buyon J, Mahler M, Fritzler MJ. Antinuclear antibody-negative systemic lupus erythematosus in an International inception cohort. Arthritis Care & Research (Hoboken) 2019 Jul;71(7):893-902.
8. Dieker JWC, van der Vlag J, Berden JH. Deranged removal of apoptotic cells: its role in the genesis of lupus. Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation 2004 Feb;19(2):282-5.
9. Aleksandrova EN, Verizhnikova ZG, Novikov AA, Lukina GV. Modern look at the problems of investigation of antinuclear antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus: literature review. Russian Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics 2018;63(6):340-8 (In Russian).
10. Verizhnikova ZhG, Aleksandrova EN, Novikov AA, Panafidina TA, Seredavkina NV, Popkova TV, Ayzina NL, Nasonov EL. Clinical informativeness of automated methods of screening detection of antinuclear antibodies using indirect immune fluorescence reaction, enzyme immunoassay and multiplex technology of xMAP in systemic lupus erythematosus. Russian Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics 2017 Mar;62(3):173-7 (In Russian).
11. Shayakhmetova RU, Ananyeva LP. Positivity for antiribonucleoprotein antibodies in rheumatic diseases: focus on systemic scleroderma. Modern Rheumatology Journal 2017;11(4):48-55 (In Russian).
12. Kumar Y, Bhatia A, Minz RW. Antinuclear antibodies and their detection methods in diagnosis of connective tissue diseases: a journey revisited. Diagnostic Pathology 2009 Jan;4:1.
13. Migliorini P, Baldini C, Rocchi V, Bombardieri S. Anti-Sm and anti-RNP antibodies. Autoimmunity 2005 Feb;38(1):47-54.
14. Fuchs G, Stein AJ, Fu C, Reinisch KM, Wolin SL. Structural and biochemical basis for misfolded RNA recognition by the Ro autoantigen. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2006 Nov;13(11):1002-9.
15. Mahony R, Broadbent L, Maier-Moore JS, Power UF, Jefferies CA. The RNA binding protein La/SS-B promotes RIG-I-mediated type I and type III IFN responses following Sendai viral infection. Scientific Reports 2017 Nov;7(1):14537.
16. Zampieri S, Ghirardello A, Iaccarino L, Tarricone E, Gambari PF, Doria A. Anti-Jo-1 antibodies. Autoimmunity 2005 Feb;38(1):73-8.
17. Alsaed OS, Alamlih LI, Al-Radideh O, Chandra P, Alemadi S, Al-Allaf AW. Clinical utility of ANA-ELISA vs ANA-immunofluorescence in connective tissue diseases. Scientific Reports 2021 Apr;11(1):8229.
18. Infantino M, Meacci F, Grossi V, Manfredi M, Gobbi FL, Sarzi-Puttini P, Atzeni F, Benucci M. The clinical impact of anti-DFS70 antibodies in undifferentiated connective tissue disease: case reports and a review of the literature. Immunologic Research 2017 Feb;65(1):293-5.
19. Fitch-Rogalsky C, Steber W, Mahler M, Lupton T, Martin L, Barr SG, Mosher DP, Wick J, Fritzler MJ. Clinical and serological features of patients referred through a rheumatology triage system because of positive antinuclear antibodies. PLoS One 2014 Apr;9(4):e93812.
20. Gundín S, Irure-Ventura J, Asensio E, Ramos D, Mahler M, Martínez-Taboada V, López-Hoyos M. Measurement of anti-DFS70 antibodies in patients with ANA-associated autoimmune rheumatic diseases suspicion is cost-effective. Autoimmunity Highlights 2016 Dec;7(1):10.
21. Mariz HA, Sato EI, Barbosa SH, Rodrigues SH, Dellavance A, Andrade LE. Pattern on the antinuclear antibody-HEp-2 test is a critical parameter for discriminating antinuclear antibody-positive healthy individuals and patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Arthritis & Rheumatism 2011 Jan;63(1):191-200.
22. Muro Y. Antinuclear antibodies. Autoimmunity 2005 Feb;38(1):3-9.
23. Kridin K, Laufer-Britva R, Kridin M, Comaneshter D, Batat E, Cohen AD. The relationship between pemphigus and systemic lupus erythematosus: a cross-sectional study, systematic review, and meta-analysis. Immunology Research 2019 Feb;67(1):116-22.
24. Tebo AE. Recent approaches to optimize laboratory assessment of antinuclear antibodies. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 2017 Dec;24(12):e00270-17.
25. Agmon-Levin N, Damoiseaux J, Kallenberg C, Sack U, Witte T, Herold M, Bossuyt X, Musset L, Cervera R, Plaza-Lopez A, Dias C, Sousa MJ, Radice A, Eriksson C, Hultgren O, Viander M, Khamashta M, Regenass S, Andrade LE, Wiik A, Tincani A, Rönnelid J, Bloch DB, Fritzler MJ, Chan EK, Garcia-De La Torre I, Konstantinov KN, Lahita R, Wilson M, Vainio O, Fabien N, Sinico RA, Meroni P, Shoenfeld Y. International recommendations for the assessment of autoantibodies to cellular antigens referred to as anti-nuclear antibodies. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014 Jan;73(1):17-23.
26. Pisetsky DS. Antinuclear antibody testing – misunderstood or misbegotten? Nature Reviews. Rheumatology 2017 Aug;13(8):495-502.
27. Tozzoli R, Bonaguri C, Melegari A, Antico A, Bassetti D, Bizzaro N. Current state of diagnostic technologies in the autoimmunology laboratory. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2013 Jan;51(1):129-38.
28. Bizzaro N. Autoantibody profiles in autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Mediterranean Journal of Rheumatology 2019 Jun;30(2):86-9.
29. Grygiel-Górniak B, Rogacka N, Puszczewicz M. Antinuclear antibodies in healthy people and non-rheumatic diseases – diagnostic and clinical implications. Reumatologia 2018;56(4):243-8.
30. Copple SS, Martins TB, Masterson C, Joly E, Hill HR. Comparison of three multiplex immunoassays for detection of antibodies to extractable nuclear antibodies using clinically defined sera. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2007 Aug;1109:464-72.
31. Meroni PL, Schur PH. ANA screening: an old test with new recommendations. Annals of the Rheumatic Disease 2010 Aug;69(8):1420-2.
32. Solomon DH, Kavanaugh AJ, Schur PH; American College of Rheumatology Ad Hoc Committee on Immunologic Testing Guidelines. Evidence-based guidelines for the use of immunologic tests: antinuclear antibody testing. Arthritis & Rheumatism 2002 Aug;47(4):434-44.
33. Tešija Kuna A, Đerek L, Drvar V, Kozmar A, Gugo K. Assessment of antinuclear antibodies (ANA): national recommendations on behalf of the Croatian society of medical biochemistry and laboratory medicine. Biochemia Medica (Zagreb) 2021 Jun;31(2):020502.
34. Nosal RS, Superville SS, Varacallo M. Biochemistry, antinuclear antibodies (ANA). 2020 Sep 15. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; Last update: November 9, 2021.
35. Chan EK, Damoiseaux J, Carballo OG, Conrad K, de Melo Cruvinel W, Carvalho Francescantonio PL, Fritzler MJ, Garcia-De La Torre I, Herold M, Mimori T, Satoh M, von Mühlen CA, Andrade LEC. Report of the first International consensus on standardized nomenclature of antinuclear antibody HEp-2 cell patterns 2014-2015. Frontiers in Immunology 2015 Aug;6:412.
36. Conrad K, Andrade LE, Chan EK, Mahler M, Meroni PL, Pruijn GJ, Steiner G, Shoenfeld Y. From autoantibody research to standardized diagnostic assays in the management of human diseases – report of the 12th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies. Lupus 2016 Jul;25(8):787-96.
37. Damoiseaux J, Andrade LEC, Carballo OG, Conrad K, Francescantonio PLC, Fritzler MJ, Garcia de la Torre I, Herold M, Klotz W, de Melo Cruvinel W, Mimori T, von Muhlen C, Satoh M, Chan EK. Clinical relevance of HEp-2 indirect immunofluorescent patterns: the International consensus on ANA patterns (ICAP) perspective. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2019 Jul;78(7):879-89.
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