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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Лечебное дело
2021 / N 3

Информированность медицинских работников как фактор успешной диагностики лепры
Е.Ю. Янчевская, О.А. Меснянкина

Список литературы

1. Меснянкина О.А., Дуйко В.В. Качество жизни и особенности ведения больных лепрой. Российский журнал кожных и венерических болезней 2013;2:56-8.
2. World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia New Delhi. Global strategy for further reducing the leprosy burden and sustaining leprosy control activities 2006–2010. Operational guidelines. Leprosy Review 2006 Sep;77(3):1-50.
3. Scollard DM, Adams LB, Gillis TP, Krahenbuhl JL, Truman RW, Williams DL. The continuing challenges of leprosy. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 2006 Apr;19(2):338-81.
4. Bennett BH, Parker DL, Robson M. Leprosy: steps along the journey of eradication. Public Health Reports 2008 Mar-Apr;123(2):198-205.
5. Awere DM, Bratschi MW, Steinmann P, Fairley JK, Gillis TP. Symposium report: developing strategies to block the transmission of leprosy. Leprosy Review 2015;86:156-64.
6. World Health Organization. Global leprosy strategy. Accelerating towards a leprosy-free world 2016-2020. 34 p.
7. World Health Organization. Global leprosy situation. Weekly Epidemiological Record 2016;35:405-20.
8. Walker SL, Lockwood DN. The clinical and immunological features of leprosy. British Medical Bulletin 2006;77-78:103-21.
9. de Freitas MR, Said G. Leprous neuropathy. Handbook of Clinical Neurology 2013;115:499-514.
10. Белопасов В.В. Типология и патогенез нейропатической боли при лепре. Русский медицинский журнал 2018;26(9):41-5.
11. Ram J, Kakkar N, Gupta G, Gupta PC. Ocular surface leproma. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 2018 Jan-Mar;64(1):64-5.
12. Francis IL, Ali NA, Telisinghe PU. Joshi N. Limbal leproma in lepromatous leprosy. International Journal Ophthalmology 2011;4(6):678-81.
13. White C. Sociocultural considerations in the treatment of leprosy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Leprosy Review 2002 Dec;73(4):356-65.
14. Lockwood DN, Reid AJ. The diagnosis of leprosy is delayed in the United Kingdom. QJM 2001 Apr;94(4):207-12.
15. Меснянкина О.А., Дегтярев О.В., Наумов В.З., Дуйко В.В. Диагностическое и прогностическое значение белков острой фазы при инвалидизирующих осложнениях лепрозного процесса. Клиническая дерматология и венерология 2012;10(1):9-12.
16. Francis IL, Ali NA, Telisinghe PU, Joshi N. Limbal leproma in lepromatous leprosy. International Journal of Ophthalmology 2011;4(6):678-81.
17. Решетников А.В. Особенности подготовки и проведения медико-социологических исследований. Экономика здравоохранения 2001;1:38-41.
18. Bratschi MW, Steinmann P, Wickenden A, Gillis TP. Current knowledge on Mycobacterium leprae transmission: a systematic literature review. Leprosy Review 2015 Jun;86(2):142-55.
19. Янчевская Е.Ю., Меснянкина О.А. Лепра: современные представления о путях передачи. Кубанский научный медицинский вестник 2019;26(4):123-30.
20. Tió-Coma M, Wijnands T, Pierneef L, Schilling AK, Alam K, Roy JC, Faber WR, Menke H, Pieters T, Stevenson K, Richardus JH, Geluk A. Detection of Mycobacterium leprae DNA in soil: multiple needles in the haystack. Scientific Reports 2019 Feb;9(1):3165.
21. de Holanda MV, Marques LEC, Bezerro de Macedo ML, de Andrade Pontes MA, Beltrão Sabadia JA, Sansigolo Kerr LRF, Almeida RLF, Frota CC. Presence of Mycobacterium leprae genotype 4 in environmental waters in Northeast Brazil. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 2017;50(2):216-22.
22. Turankar RP, Lavania M, Darlong J, Siva Sai KSR, Sengupta U, Jadhav RS. Survival of Mycobacterium leprae and association with Acanthamoeba from environmental samples in the inhabitant areas of active leprosy cases: a cross sectional study from endemic pockets of Purulia, West Bengal. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 2019 Aug;72:199-204.
23. World Health Organization. Guide to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem. International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 2001 Mar;69(1):34-5.


1. Mesnyankina OA, Duyko VV. Quality of life and management of patients with leprosy. Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases 2013;2:56-8 (In Russian).
2. World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia New Delhi. Global strategy for further reducing the leprosy burden and sustaining leprosy control activities 2006–2010. Operational guidelines. Leprosy Review 2006 Sep;77(3):1-50.
3. Scollard DM, Adams LB, Gillis TP, Krahenbuhl JL, Truman RW, Williams DL. The continuing challenges of leprosy. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 2006 Apr;19(2):338-81.
4. Bennett BH, Parker DL, Robson M. Leprosy: steps along the journey of eradication. Public Health Reports 2008 Mar-Apr;123(2):198-205.
5. Awere DM, Bratschi MW, Steinmann P, Fairley JK, Gillis TP. Symposium report: developing strategies to block the transmission of leprosy. Leprosy Review 2015;86:156-64.
6. World Health Organization. Global leprosy strategy. Accelerating towards a leprosy-free world 2016-2020. 34 p.
7. World Health Organization. Global leprosy situation. Weekly Epidemiological Record 2016;35:405-20.
8. Walker SL, Lockwood DN. The clinical and immunological features of leprosy. British Medical Bulletin 2006;77-78:103-21.
9. de Freitas MR, Said G. Leprous neuropathy. Handbook of Clinical Neurology 2013;115:499-514.
10. Belopasov VV. Typology and pathogenesis of neuropathic pain in leprosy. Russian Medical Journal 2018;26(9):41-5.
11. Ram J, Kakkar N, Gupta G, Gupta PC. Ocular surface leproma. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 2018 Jan-Mar;64(1):64-5.
12. Francis IL, Ali NA, Telisinghe PU. Joshi N. Limbal leproma in lepromatous leprosy. International Journal Ophthalmology 2011;4(6):678-81.
13. White C. Sociocultural considerations in the treatment of leprosy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Leprosy Review 2002 Dec;73(4):356-65.
14. Lockwood DN, Reid AJ. The diagnosis of leprosy is delayed in the United Kingdom. QJM 2001 Apr;94(4):207-12.
15. Mesnyankina OA, Degtyarev OV, Naumov VZ, Duyko VV. Diagnostic and prognostic value of acute phase proteins in disabling complications of leprosy process. Russian Journal of Clinical Dermatology and Venereology 2012;10(1):9-12 (In Russian).
16. Francis IL, Ali NA, Telisinghe PU, Joshi N. Limbal leproma in lepromatous leprosy. International Journal of Ophthalmology 2011;4(6):678-81.
17. Reshetnikov AV. Preparation and conduct of medical and sociological research. Health Economics 2001;1:38-41 (In Russian).
18. Bratschi MW, Steinmann P, Wickenden A, Gillis TP. Current knowledge on Mycobacterium leprae transmission: a systematic literature review. Leprosy Review 2015 Jun;86(2):142-55.
19. Yanchevskaya EYu, Mesnyankina OA. Leprosy: current ideas about transmission routes. Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin 2019;26(4):123-30 (In Russian).
20. Tió-Coma M, Wijnands T, Pierneef L, Schilling AK, Alam K, Roy JC, Faber WR, Menke H, Pieters T, Stevenson K, Richardus JH, Geluk A. Detection of Mycobacterium leprae DNA in soil: multiple needles in the haystack. Scientific Reports 2019 Feb;9(1):3165.
21. de Holanda MV, Marques LEC, Bezerro de Macedo ML, de Andrade Pontes MA, Beltrão Sabadia JA, Sansigolo Kerr LRF, Almeida RLF, Frota CC. Presence of Mycobacterium leprae genotype 4 in environmental waters in Northeast Brazil. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 2017;50(2):216-22.
22. Turankar RP, Lavania M, Darlong J, Siva Sai KSR, Sengupta U, Jadhav RS. Survival of Mycobacterium leprae and association with Acanthamoeba from environmental samples in the inhabitant areas of active leprosy cases: a cross sectional study from endemic pockets of Purulia, West Bengal. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 2019 Aug;72:199-204.
23. World Health Organization. Guide to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem. International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 2001 Mar;69(1):34-5.

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