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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Лечебное дело
2021 / N 3

Лечение пациентов с кардиометаболическим фенотипом полиморбидности: фокус на механизм действия и органопротективные свойства моксонидина
О.А. Полякова, О.Д. Остроумова, А.И. Листратов, А.В. Филиппова

Список литературы

1. GBD 2017 Risk Factor Collaborators. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease study 2017. The Lancet 2018 Nov;392(10159):1923-94.
2. GBD 2017 Causes of Death Collaborators. Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality for 282 causes of death in 195 countries and territories, 1980–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet 2018 Nov;392(10159):1736-88.
3. Кобалава Ж.Д., Конради А.О., Недогода С.В., Шляхто Е.В., Арутюнов Г.П., Баранова Е.И., Барбараш О.Л., Бойцов С.А., Вавилова Т.В., Виллевальде С.В., Галявич А.С., Глезер М.Г., Гринева Е.Н., Гринштейн Ю.И., Драпкина О.М., Жернакова Ю.В., Звартау Н.Э., Кисляк О.А., Козиолова Н.А., Космачева Е.Д., Котовская Ю.В., Либис Р.А., Лопатин Ю.М., Небиеридзе Д.В., Недошивин А.О., Остроумова О.Д., Ощепкова Е.В., Ратова Л.Г., Скибицкий В.В., Ткачева О.Н., Чазова И.Е., Чесникова А.И., Чумакова Г.А., Шальнова С.А., Шестакова М.В., Якушин С.С., Янишевский С.Н. Артериальная гипертензия у взрослых. Клинические рекомендации 2020. Российский кардиологический журнал 2020;25(3):149-218.
4. Баланова Ю.А., Шальнова С.А., Имаева А.Э., Капустина А.В., Муромцева Г.А., Евстифеева С.Е., Тарасов В.И., Редько А.Н., Викторова И.А., Прищепа Н.Н., Якушин С.C., Бойцов С.А., Драпкина О.М. Распространенность артериальной гипертонии, охват лечением и его эффективность в Российской Федерации (данные наблюдательного исследования ЭССЕ-РФ-2). Рациональная фармакотерапия в кардиологии 2019;15(4):450-466.
5. Российское медицинское общество по артериальной гипертонии. Рекомендации по ведению больных артериальной гипертонией с метаболическими нарушениями и сахарным диабетом 2-го типа. Системные гипертензии 2020;17(1):7-45.
6. Violan C, Foguet-Boreu Q, Flores-Mateo G, Salisbury C, Blom J, Freitag M, Glynn L, Muth C, Valderas JM. Prevalence, determinants and patterns of multimorbidity in primary care: a systematic review of observational studies. PLoS One 2014 Jul;9(7):e102149.
7. Cobos-Puc L, Aguayo-Morales H. Cardiovascular effects mediated by imidazoline drugs: an update. Cardiovascular & Hematological Disorders. Drug Targets 2019;19(2):95-108.
8. Bousquet P, Hudson A, García-Sevilla JA, Li JX. Imidazoline receptor system: the past, the present, and the future. Pharmacological Reviews 2020 Jan;72(1):50-79.
9. Барышникова Г.А., Чорбинская С.А., Степанова И.И. Роль моксонидина в лечении артериальной гипертензии. Эффективная фармакотерапия 2016;28:42-7.
10. Swedberg K, Bergh CH, Dickstein K, McNay J, Steinberg M. The effects of moxonidine, a novel imidazoline, on plasma norepinephrine in patients with congestive heart failure. Moxonidine Investigators. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2000 Feb;35(2):398-404.
11. Wenzel RR, Mitchell A, Siffert W, Bührmann S, Philipp T, Schäfers RF. The I1-imidazoline agonist moxonidine decreases sympathetic tone under physical and mental stress. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2004 May;57(5):545-51.
12. Ольбинская Л.И., Боченков Ю.В. Агонисты имидазолиновых рецепторов. Экспериментальная и клиническая фармакология 1999;2:68-72.
13. Mukaddam-Daher S, Gutkowska J. Atrial natriuretic peptide is involved in renal actions of moxonidine. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 2000 Jun;35(6):1215-20.
14. Cao C, Kang CW, Kim SZ, Kim SH. Augmentation of moxonidine-induced increase in ANP release by atrial hypertrophy. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology 2004 Jul;287(1):H150-6.
15. Ernsberger P, Koletsky RJ, Friedman JE. Molecular pathology in the obese spontaneous hypertensive Koletsky rat: a model of syndrome X. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1999 Nov;892:272-88.
16. Небиеридзе Д.В. Возможности агонистов имидазолиновых рецепторов в терапии артериальной гипертонии. Русский медицинский журнал. Кардиология 2019;1(II):83-6.
17. Haenni A, Lithell H. Moxonidine improves insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant hypertensives. Journal of Hypertension. Supplement 1999 Aug;17(3):S29-35.
18. Чазова И.Е., Алмазов В.А., Шляхто Е.В. Моксонидин улучшает гликемический контроль у пациентов с артериальной гипертонией и избыточной массой тела в сравнении с метформином: исследование АЛМАЗ. Обзоры клинической кардиологии 2007;9:36-47.
19. Velliquette RA, Kossover R, Previs SF, Ernsberger P. Lipid-lowering actions of imidazoline antihypertensive agents in metabolic syndrome X. Naunyn Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 2006 Jan;372(4):300-12.
20. Chazova I, Schlaich MP. Improved hypertension control with the imidazoline agonist moxonidine in a multinational metabolic syndrome population: principal results of the MERSY study. International Journal of Hypertension 2013;2013:541689.
21. Lumb PJ, McMahon Z, Chik G, Wierzbicki AS. Effect of moxonidine on lipid subfractions in patients with hypertension. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2004 May;58(5):465-8.
22. Jacob S, Klimm HJ, Rett K, Helsberg K, Häring HU, Gödicke J. Effects of moxonidine vs. metoprolol on blood pressure and metabolic control in hypertensive subjects with type 2 diabetes. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 2004 Jun;112(6):315-22.
23. Edwards LP, Brown-Bryan TA, McLean L, Ernsberger P. Pharmacological properties of the central antihypertensive agent, moxonidine. Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2012 Aug;30(4):199-208.
24. Morgan NG, Chan SL. Imidazoline binding sites in the endocrine pancreas: can they fulfil their potential as targets for the development of new insulin secretagogues? Current Pharmaceutical Design 2001 Sep;7(14):1413-31.
25. Valensi P. Autonomic nervous system activity changes in patients with hypertension and overweight: role and therapeutic implications. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2021 Aug;20(1):170.
26. Karlafti EF, Hatzitolios AI, Karlaftis AF, Baltatzi MS, Koliakos GG, Savopoulos CG. Effects of moxonidine on sympathetic nervous system activity: an update on metabolism, cardio, and other target-organ protection. Journal of Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences 2013 Oct;5(4):253-6.
27. Mukaddam-Daher S. An «I» on cardiac hypertrophic remodelling: imidazoline receptors and heart disease. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2012 Sep-Oct;28(5):590-8.
28. Аметов А.С., Демидова Т.Ю., Смагина Л.В. Кардио- и нефропротективные эффекты агониста имидазолиновых рецепторов моксонидина в лечении артериальной гипертензии у больных сахарным диабетом 2 типа. Сахарный диабет 2004;7(4):8-13.
29. Haczynski J, Flasinski J, Przewlocka-Kosmala M, Spring A. Effect of moxonidine on left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients. Journal of Clinical and Basic Cardiology 2001;4(1):61-5.
30. Казакова И.А., Иевлев Е.Н. Особенности влияния моксонидина (физиотенза) на качество жизни и состояние сердечно-сосудистой системы у пациентов с хронической болезнью почек диализной стадии. Профилактическая медицина 2020;23(6-2):78-85.
31. Чубенко Е.А., Беляева О.Д., Баженова Т.Л., Каронова Т.Л., Козленок А.В., Нифонтов С.Е., Большакова О.О., Беркович О.А., Баранова Е.И. Плейотропные эффекты моксонидина. Артериальная гипертензия 2010;16(4):351-5.
32. Zhang Q, Chu M-F, Li Y-H, Li C-H, Lei R-J, Wang S-C, Xiao B-J, Yang J.-G. Quantitative analysis by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and retinal neuroprotection after topical administration of moxonidine. International Journal of Ophthalmology 2020;13(3):390-8.
33. Amann K, Rump LC, Simonaviciene A, Oberhauser V, Wessels S, Orth S, Gross ML, Koch A, Bielenberg GW, Van Kats JP, Ehmke H, Mall G, Ritz E. Effects of low dose sympathetic inhibition on glomerulosclerosis and albuminuria in subtotally nephrectomized rats. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2000 Aug;11(8):1469-78.
34. Strojek K, Grzeszczak W, Górska J, Leschinger MI, Ritz E. Lowering of microalbuminuria in diabetic patients by a sympathicoplegic agent: novel approach to prevent progression of diabetic nephropathy? Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2001 Mar;12(3):602-5.
35. Трусов В.В., Аксенов К.В. Влияние агониста имидазолиновых рецепторов моксонидина на состояние микроциркуляции и функцию почек у больных артериальной гипертонией с сахарным диабетом 2-го типа. Кардиология 2003;43(9):44-8.
36. Остроумова О.Д., Зыкова А.А. Нефропротекция при метаболическом синдроме: возможности агониста имидазолиновых рецепторов моксонидина. Кардиология 2016;56(10):72-9.
37. Littlewood KJ, Greiner W, Baum D, Zoellner Y. Adjunctive treatment with moxonidine versus nitrendipine for hypertensive patients with advanced renal failure: a cost-effectiveness analysis. BMC Nephrology 2007 Jul;8:9.
38. Topal E, Cikim AS, Cikim K, Temel I, Ozdemir R. The effect of moxonidine on endothelial dysfunction in metabolic syndrome. American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs 2006;6(5):343-8.
39. Krespi PG, Makris TK, Hatzizacharias AN, Triposkiadis P, Tsoukala C, Kyriaki D, Votteas V, Kyriakidis M. Moxonidine effect on microalbuminuria, thrombomodulin, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 levels in patients with essential hypertension. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 1998 Oct;12(5):463-7.
40. Скибицкий В.В., Гутова С.Р., Фендрикова А.В., Скибицкий А.В. Антигипертензивные и вазопротективные эффекты комбинированной фармакотерапии у пациентов с артериальной гипертензией и предиабетом. Кардиология 2020;60(4):10-7.
41. Dudinskaya E, Tkacheva O, Bazaeva E, Matchekhina L, Eruslanova K, Sharashkina N, Kotovskaya Yu, Larina V. Influence of moxonidine and bisoprolol on morphofunctional condition of arterial wall and telomerase activity in postmenopausal women with arterial hypertension and osteopenia. The results from a Moscow randomized study. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 2021 Sep; 15:1-9.
42. Остроумова О.Д., Мамаев В.И., Нестерова М.В., Баграмова Ю.А., Рыбкина Т.Е., Гедгафова С.Ю., Кузьмичев И.А. Применение физиотенза у пожилых больных с эссенциальной артериальной гипертензией. Российский кардиологический журнал 2001;(3):38-42.
43. Мартынов А.И., Остроумова О.Д., Мамаев В.И., Нестерова М.В., Баграмова Ю.А., Гедгафова С.Ю. Возможности моксонидина (физиотенза) в лечении артериальной гипертонии у пожилых больных. Клиническая геронтология 2005;11(11):77-83.
44. Molderings GJ, Göthert M, von Kügelgen I. Characterization of an antiproliferative effect of imidazoline receptor ligands on PC12 cells. Pharmacological Reports 2007 Nov-Dec;59(6):789-94.
45. Aceros H, Farah G, Noiseux N, Mukaddam-Daher S. Moxonidine modulates cytokine signalling and effects on cardiac cell viability. European Journal of Pharmacology 2014 Oct;740:168-82.
46. Mahmoudi J, Majdi A, Lattanzi S, Di Napoli M, Bershad EM, Rodrigues CMP, Divani AA. Imidazoline receptor agonists for managing hypertension may hold promise for treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage. Current Molecular Medicine 2018;18(4):241-51.
47. Чазова И.Е., Шестакова М.В., Жернакова Ю.В., Блинова Н.В., Маркова Т.Н., Мазурина Н.В., Ежов М.В., Терещенко С.Н., Жиров И.В., Комаров А.Л., Миронова О.Ю., Юричева Ю.А., Сухарева О.Ю., Кисляк О.А., Мкртумян А.М., Подзолков В.И., Азизов В.А., Зелвеян П.А., Григоренко Е.А., Рахимов З.Я., Сарыбаев А.Ш., Касымова С.Д., Нарзуллаева А.Р. Евразийские рекомендации по профилактике и лечению сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний у больных с диабетом и предиабетом (2021). Евразийский кардиологический журнал 2021;2(35):6-61.
48. Оганов Р.Г., Симаненков В.И., Бакулин И.Г., Бакулина Н.В., Барбараш О.Л., Бойцов С.А., Болдуева С.А., Гарганеева Н.П., Дощицин В.Л., Каратеев А.Е., Котовская Ю.В., Лила А.М., Лукьянов М.М., Морозова Т.Е., Переверзев А.П., Петрова М.М., Поздняков Ю.М., Сыров А.В., Тарасов А.В., Ткачева О.Н., Шальнова С.А. Коморбидная патология в клинической практике. Алгоритмы диагностики и лечения. Кардиоваскулярная терапия и профилактика 2019;18(1):5-66.


1. GBD 2017 Risk Factor Collaborators. Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease study 2017. The Lancet 2018 Nov;392(10159):1923-94.
2. GBD 2017 Causes of Death Collaborators. Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality for 282 causes of death in 195 countries and territories, 1980–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet 2018 Nov;392(10159):1736-88.
3. Kobalava ZhD, Konradi AO, Nedogoda SV, Shlyakhto EV, Arutyunov GP, Baranova EI, Barbarash OL, Boytsov SA, Vavilova TV, Villevalde SV, Galyavich AS, Glezer MG, Grineva EN, Grinstein YuI, Drapkina OM, Zhernakova YuV, Zvartau NE, Kislyak OA, Koziolova NA, Kosmacheva ED, Kotovskaya YuV, Libis RA, Lopatin YuM, Nebieridze DV, Nedoshivin AO, Ostroumova OD, Oshchepkova EV, Ratova LG, Skibitskiy VV, Tkacheva ON, Chazova IE, Chesnikova AI, Chumakova GA, Shalnova SA, Shestakova MV, Yakushin SS, Yanishevskiy SN. Arterial hypertension in adults. Clinical guidelines 2020. Russian Journal of Cardiology 2020;25(3):149-218 (In Russian).
4. Balanova YuA, Shalnova SA, Imayeva AE, Kapustina АV, Muromtseva GA, Yevstifeyeva SV, Tarasov VI, Redko AN, Viktorova IA, Prishchepa NN, Yakushin SS, Boytsov SA, Drapkina OM, Konstantinov VV, Pokrovskaya MS, Yefimova IA, Sivakova OV, Alekseyenko SN, Gubarev SV, Livzan MA, Zhuravleva IA, Rozhkova MYu, Vezikova NN, Skopets IS, Filippov EV, Dobrynina NV, Nikulina NN, Pereverzeva KG, Moseychuk KA. Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in Russian Federation (data of observational ESSE RF-2 study). Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology 2019;15(4):450-66.
5. Russian Medical Society on Arterial Hypertension. Guidelines on treatment of patients with arterial hypertension comorbid with metabolic disorders and diabetes mellitus type 2. Systemic Hypertension 2020;17(1):7-45 (In Russian).
6. Violan C, Foguet-Boreu Q, Flores-Mateo G, Salisbury C, Blom J, Freitag M, Glynn L, Muth C, Valderas JM. Prevalence, determinants and patterns of multimorbidity in primary care: a systematic review of observational studies. PLoS One 2014 Jul;9(7):e102149.
7. Cobos-Puc L, Aguayo-Morales H. Cardiovascular effects mediated by imidazoline drugs: an update. Cardiovascular & Hematological Disorders. Drug Targets 2019;19(2):95-108.
8. Bousquet P, Hudson A, García-Sevilla JA, Li JX. Imidazoline receptor system: the past, the present, and the future. Pharmacological Reviews 2020 Jan;72(1):50-79.
9. Baryshnikova GA, Chorbinskaya SA, Stepanova II. Moxonidine in treatment of arterial hypertension. Effective Pharmacotherapy 2016;28:42-7 (In Russian).
10. Swedberg K, Bergh CH, Dickstein K, McNay J, Steinberg M. The effects of moxonidine, a novel imidazoline, on plasma norepinephrine in patients with congestive heart failure. Moxonidine Investigators. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2000 Feb;35(2):398-404.
11. Wenzel RR, Mitchell A, Siffert W, Bührmann S, Philipp T, Schäfers RF. The I1-imidazoline agonist moxonidine decreases sympathetic tone under physical and mental stress. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2004 May;57(5):545-51.
12. Olbinskaya LI, Bochenkov JuV. Agonists imidazoline receptors. Russian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology 1999;2:68-72 (In Russian).
13. Mukaddam-Daher S, Gutkowska J. Atrial natriuretic peptide is involved in renal actions of moxonidine. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 2000 Jun;35(6):1215-20.
14. Cao C, Kang CW, Kim SZ, Kim SH. Augmentation of moxonidine-induced increase in ANP release by atrial hypertrophy. American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology 2004 Jul;287(1):H150-6.
15. Ernsberger P, Koletsky RJ, Friedman JE. Molecular pathology in the obese spontaneous hypertensive Koletsky rat: a model of syndrome X. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1999 Nov;892:272-88.
16. Nebieridze DV. Possibilities of imidazoline receptor agonists in treatment of arterial hypertension. Russian Medical Journal. Cardiology 2019;1(II):83-6 (In Russian).
17. Haenni A, Lithell H. Moxonidine improves insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant hypertensives. Journal of Hypertension. Supplement 1999 Aug;17(3):S29-35.
18. Chazova IE, Almazov VA, Shlyakhto EV. Moxonidine improves glycemic control in patients with arterial hypertension and overweight in comparison with metformin: ALMAZ study. Reviews of Clinical Cardiology 2007;9:36-47 (In Russian).
19. Velliquette RA, Kossover R, Previs SF, Ernsberger P. Lipid-lowering actions of imidazoline antihypertensive agents in metabolic syndrome X. Naunyn Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 2006 Jan;372(4):300-12.
20. Chazova I, Schlaich MP. Improved hypertension control with the imidazoline agonist moxonidine in a multinational metabolic syndrome population: principal results of the MERSY study. International Journal of Hypertension 2013;2013:541689.
21. Lumb PJ, McMahon Z, Chik G, Wierzbicki AS. Effect of moxonidine on lipid subfractions in patients with hypertension. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2004 May;58(5):465-8.
22. Jacob S, Klimm HJ, Rett K, Helsberg K, Häring HU, Gödicke J. Effects of moxonidine vs. metoprolol on blood pressure and metabolic control in hypertensive subjects with type 2 diabetes. Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 2004 Jun;112(6):315-22.
23. Edwards LP, Brown-Bryan TA, McLean L, Ernsberger P. Pharmacological properties of the central antihypertensive agent, moxonidine. Cardiovascular Therapeutics 2012 Aug;30(4):199-208.
24. Morgan NG, Chan SL. Imidazoline binding sites in the endocrine pancreas: can they fulfil their potential as targets for the development of new insulin secretagogues? Current Pharmaceutical Design 2001 Sep;7(14):1413-31.
25. Valensi P. Autonomic nervous system activity changes in patients with hypertension and overweight: role and therapeutic implications. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2021 Aug;20(1):170.
26. Karlafti EF, Hatzitolios AI, Karlaftis AF, Baltatzi MS, Koliakos GG, Savopoulos CG. Effects of moxonidine on sympathetic nervous system activity: an update on metabolism, cardio, and other target-organ protection. Journal of Pharmacy & Bioallied Sciences 2013 Oct;5(4):253-6.
27. Mukaddam-Daher S. An «I» on cardiac hypertrophic remodelling: imidazoline receptors and heart disease. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2012 Sep-Oct;28(5):590-8.
28. Ametov AS, Demidova TYu, Smagina LV. Cardio- and nephroprotective effects of moxonidine imidazoline receptor agonist in treatment of hypertension in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Mellitus 2004;7(4):8-13(In Russian).
29. Haczynski J, Flasinski J, Przewlocka-Kosmala M, Spring A. Effect of moxonidine on left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients. Journal of Clinical and Basic Cardiology 2001;4(1):61-5.
30. Kazakova IA, Iyevlev EN. Effect of moxonidine (physiotense) on life quality and cardiovascular system state in patients with chronic kidney disease of dialysis stage. The Russian Journal of Preventive Medicine 2020;23(6-2):78-85 (In Russian).
31. Chubenko ЕА, Belyaeva ОD, Bazhenova ЕА, Karonova ТL, Kozlenok АV, Nifontov SЕ, Bolshakova OO, Berkovich ОА, Baranova ЕI. Pleiotropic effects of moxonidine. Arterial Hypertension 2010;16(4):351-5 (In Russian).
32. Zhang Q, Chu M-F, Li Y-H, Li C-H, Lei R-J, Wang S-C, Xiao B-J, Yang J.-G. Quantitative analysis by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and retinal neuroprotection after topical administration of moxonidine. International Journal of Ophthalmology 2020;13(3):390-8.
33. Amann K, Rump LC, Simonaviciene A, Oberhauser V, Wessels S, Orth S, Gross ML, Koch A, Bielenberg GW, Van Kats JP, Ehmke H, Mall G, Ritz E. Effects of low dose sympathetic inhibition on glomerulosclerosis and albuminuria in subtotally nephrectomized rats. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2000 Aug;11(8):1469-78.
34. Strojek K, Grzeszczak W, Górska J, Leschinger MI, Ritz E. Lowering of microalbuminuria in diabetic patients by a sympathicoplegic agent: novel approach to prevent progression of diabetic nephropathy? Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2001 Mar;12(3):602-5.
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