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Издательство Атмосфера

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Лечебное дело
2021 / N 2

Онихомикозы стоп: оптимизация терапии пациентов с противопоказаниями к применению системных противогрибковых препаратов
М.М. Тлиш, М.Е. Шавилова

Список литературы
1. Nenoff P, Ginter-Hanselmayer G, Tietz HJ. Fungal nail infections – an update. Part 1 –prevalence, epidemiology, predisposing conditions, and differential diagnosis. Der Hautarzt 2012 Jan;63(1):30-8.
2. Jacobsen AA, Tosti A. Predisposing factors for onychomycosis. In: Onychomycosis. An illustrated guide to diagnosis and treatment. Tosti A, Vlahovic TC, Arenas R, editors. Miami, Fl: Springer; 2017: 11-21.
3. Российское общество дерматовенерологов и косметологов. Федеральные клинические рекомендации. Микозы стоп, кистей и туловища. МКБ 10: B35.1/B35.2/B35.3/B35.4/B35.6/B37. Москва, 2017. 26 c. Доступно по: https://www.cnikvi.ru/docs/clinic_recs/klinicheskie-rekomendatsii-2017/ Ссылка активна на 16.08.2021.
4. Соколова Т.В., Малярчук А.П., Газарян О.Л. Микозы стоп – эпидемиологическая проблема дерматологии. Русский медицинский журнал 2014;22(8):571-7.
5. Chang P, Quijada Ucelo ZM, del Pilar Garzaro Chávez. HM. Onychomycosis and immunodepression. Current Fungal Infection Reports 2017 Dec;11(1):252-7.
6. Lipner SR, Scher RK. Onychomycosis: clinical overview and diagnosis. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2019 Apr;80(4):835-51.
7. Rigopoulos D, Papanagiotou V, Daniel R 3rd, Piraccini BM. Onychomycosis in patients with nail psoriasis: a point to point discussion. Mycoses 2017 Jan;60(1):6-10.
8. Gupta AK, Daigle D, Foley KA. The prevalence of culture-confirmed toenail onychomycosis in at-risk patient populations. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2015 Jun;29(6):1039-44.
9. Papini M, Cicoletti M, Fabrizi V, Landucci P. Skin and nail mycoses in patients with diabetic foot. Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia 2013 Dec;148(6):603-8.
10. Ляшко А.К. Вегетативные и сосудистые нарушения при онихомикозах и методы их комплексной терапии: Дис…. канд. мед. наук. СПб, 2006. 146 с.
11. Tosti A, Hay R, Arenas-Guzmán R. Patients at risk of onychomycosis – risk factor identification and active prevention. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2005 Sep;19(Suppl 1):13-6.
12. Moreno-Coutiño G. Onychomycosis in patients living with HIV/AIDS. Current Fungal Infection Reports 2019 Aug;13:169-74.
13. Тлиш М.М., Шавилова М.Е. Современные возможности терапии онихомикозов стоп (обзор литературы). Кубанский научный медицинский вестник 2019;26(2):202-13.
14. Сергеев А.Ю., Сергеев Ю.В., Сергеев В.Ю. Новые концепции патогенеза, диагностики и терапии онихомикозов. Иммунопатология, аллергология, инфектология 2007;3:9-16.
15. Geyer AS, Onumah N, Uyttendaele H, Scher RK. Modulation of linear nail growth to treat diseases of the nail. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2004 Feb;50(2):229-34.
16. Тлиш М.М. Шавилова М.Е., Матишев А.А. Механизмы действия и клиническая эффективность ультратонотерапии в комплексном лечении онихомикозов стоп. Вопросы курортологии, физиотерапии и лечебной физической культуры 2020;97(3):76-82.


1. Nenoff P, Ginter-Hanselmayer G, Tietz HJ. Fungal nail infections – an update. Part 1 – prevalence, epidemiology, predisposing conditions, and differential diagnosis. Der Hautarzt 2012 Jan;63(1):30-8.
2. Jacobsen AA, Tosti A. Predisposing factors for onychomycosis. In: Onychomycosis. An illustrated guide to diagnosis and treatment. Tosti A, Vlahovic TC, Arenas R, editors. Miami, Fl: Springer; 2017: 11-21.
3. Russian Society of Dermatovenerologists and Cosmetologists. Federal clinical guidelines. Mycoses of the feet, hands and trunk. ICD 10: B35.1/B35.2/B35.3/B35.4/B35.6/B37. Moscow, 2017. 26 p. Available from: https://www.cnikvi.ru/docs/clinic_recs/klinicheskie-rekomendatsii-2017/ Accessed 2021 Aug 16. (In Russian).
4. Sokolova TV, Malyarchuk TA, Gazaryan OL. Foot mycosis: epidemiological problem of dermatology. Russian Medical Journal 2014;22(8):571-7 (In Russian).
5. Chang P, Quijada Ucelo ZM, del Pilar Garzaro Chávez. HM. Onychomycosis and immunodepression. Current Fungal Infection Reports 2017 Dec;11(1):252-7.
6. Lipner SR, Scher RK. Onychomycosis: clinical overview and diagnosis. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2019 Apr;80(4):835-51.
7. Rigopoulos D, Papanagiotou V, Daniel R 3rd, Piraccini BM. Onychomycosis in patients with nail psoriasis: a point to point discussion. Mycoses 2017 Jan;60(1):6-10.
8. Gupta AK, Daigle D, Foley KA. The prevalence of culture-confirmed toenail onychomycosis in at-risk patient populations. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2015 Jun;29(6):1039-44.
9. Papini M, Cicoletti M, Fabrizi V, Landucci P. Skin and nail mycoses in patients with diabetic foot. Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia 2013 Dec;148(6):603-8.
10. Lyashko AK. Vegetative and vascular disorders in onychomycosis and methods of their complex therapy [Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences]. St. Petersburg, 2006. 146 p. (In Russian).
11. Tosti A, Hay R, Arenas-Guzmán R. Patients at risk of onychomycosis – risk factor identification and active prevention. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2005 Sep;19(Suppl 1):13-6.
12. Moreno-Coutiño G. Onychomycosis in patients living with HIV/AIDS. Current Fungal Infection Reports 2019 Aug;13:169-74.
13. Tlish MM, Shavilova ME. Current treatment options of toenail fungus: a literature review. Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin 2019;26(2):202-13 (In Russian).
14. Sergeyev AY, Sergeyev YV, Sergeyev VY. Onychomycosis: new Russian concepts of pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy. Immunopathology, Allergology, Infectology 2007;3:9-16 (In Russian).
15. Geyer AS, Onumah N, Uyttendaele H, Scher RK. Modulation of linear nail growth to treat diseases of the nail. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2004 Feb;50(2):229-34.
16. Tlish MM, Shavilova ME, Matishev AA. Mechanism of action and clinical efficacy of ultratonotherapy in complex treatment of toenail fungus. Problems of Balneology, Physiotherapy, and Exercise Therapy 2020;97(3):76-82 (In Russian).

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