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Издательство Атмосфера

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Лечебное дело
2021 / N 2

Фенотипирование ангиотензин-I-превращающего фермента у пациентов с системными проявлениями саркоидоза
Л.Я. Французевич, А.П. Бобков, М. Джайн, О.В. Курилова, В.И. Шоломова, М.Ю. Бровко, А.С. Белевский, Е.П. Павликова, Л.М. Самоходская, Т.Н. Краснова

Список литературы

1. Хоменко А.Г., Ерохин В.В., Филиппов В.П., Озерова Л.В., Гергерт В.В., Гедымин Л.Е., Евгущенко ГВ. Саркоидоз как системный гранулематоз. М.: Медицина; 1999. 40 c.
2. Мухин Н., Корнев Б., Попова Е.Н., Краева В., Осипенко В., Титкова А. Саркоидоз прогрессирующего течения. Врач 2003;8:20-7.
3. Baughman RP, Lower EE, du Bois RM. Sarcoidosis. The Lancet 2003 Mar;361(9363):1111-8.
4. Thomas KW, Hunninghake GW. Sarcoidosis. JAMA 2003 Jun;289(3):3300-3.
5. Judson MA. The clinical features of sarcoidosis: a comprehensive review. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology 2015 Aug;49(1):63-78.
6. Llanos O, Hamzeh N. Sarcoidosis. The Medical Clinics of North America 2019 May;103(3):527-34.
7. Terwiel M, van Moorsel CHM. Clinical epidemiology of familial sarcoidosis: a systematic literature review. Respiratory Medicine 2019 Mar;149:36-41.
8. Chopra A, Kalkanis A, Judson MA. Biomarkers in sarcoidosis. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology 2016 Nov;12(11):1191-208.
9. Lieberman J. Elevation of serum angiotensin-converting enzyme level in sarcoidosis. The American Journal of Medicine 1975 Sep;59(3):365-72.
10. Rømer FK. Clinical and biochemical aspects of sarcoidosis. With special reference to angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Acta Medica Scandinavica. Supplementum 1984;690:3-96.
11. Anslie GM, Benatar SR. Serum angiotensin converting enzyme in sarcoidosis: sensitivity and specificity in diagnosis: correlations with disease activity, duration, extra-thoracic involvement, radiographic type and therapy. The Quarterly Journal of Medicine 1985 Jun;55(218):253-70.
12. Lieberman J. Enzymes in sarcoidosis. Angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE). Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 1989 Dec;9(4):745-55.
13. Baughman RP, Fernandez M, Bosken CH, Mantil J, Hurtubise P. Comparison of gallium-67 scanning, bronchoalveolar lavage, and serum angiotensin-converting enzyme levels in pulmonary sarcoidosis. Predicting response to therapy. The American Review of Respiratory Disease 1984 May;129(5):676-81.
14. Sugimoto M, Nishi R, Ando M, Nakashima H, Araki S. Activation of alveolar macrophages in pulmonary sarcoidosis: lack of correlation with serum angiotensin-converting enzyme activity. Japanese Journal of Medicine 1986 May;25(2):135-43.
15. Vivet F, Callard P. [Immunohistochemical localization of angiotensin converting enzyme in epithelioid sarcoidosis granulomas]. Annales de Pathologie 1986;6(1):60-4.
16. Sturrock ED, Anthony CS, Danilov SM. Peptidyl-dipeptidase A/angiotensin I-converting enzyme. In: Handbook of proteolytic enzymes. 3-vol. set. Rawlings ND, Salvesen G, editors. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. London: Academic Press; 2012: 480-94.
17. Bernstein KE, Ong FS, Blackwell WL, Shah KH, Giani JF, Gonzalez-Villalobos RA, Shen XZ, Fuchs S, Touyz RM. A modern understanding of the traditional and nontraditional biological functions of angiotensin-converting enzyme. Pharmacological Reviews 2012 Dec;65(1):1-46.
18. Danilov SM, Balyasnikova IB, Danilova AS, Naperova IA, Arablinskaya E, Borisov SE, Metzger R, Franke FE, Schwartz DE, Gachok IV, Trakht IN, Kost OA, Garcia JGN. Conformational fingerprinting of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). 1. Application in sarcoidosis. Journal of Proteome Research 2010;9:5782-93.
19. Danilov SM. Conformational fingerprinting using monoclonal antibodies (on the example of angiotensin I-converting enzyme-ACE). Molekuliarnaia Biologiia 2017 Nov-Dec;51(6):1046-61.
20. Kryukova OV, Tikhomirova VE, Golukhova EZ, Evdokimov VV, Kalantarov GF, Trakht IN, Schwartz DE, Dull RO, Gusakov AV, Uporov IV, Kost OA, Danilov SM. Tissue specificity of human angiotensin I-converting enzyme. PLoS One 2015 Nov;10(11):e0143455.
21. Tikhomirova VE, Kost OA, Kryukova OV, Golukhova EZ, Bulaeva NI, Zholbaeva AZ, Bokeria LA, Garcia JGN, Danilov SM. ACE phenotyping in human heart. PLoS One 2017 Aug;12(8):e0181976.
22. Danilov SM, Tikhomirova VE, Metzger R, Naperova IA, Bukina TM, Goker-Alpan O, Tayebi N, Gayfullin NM, Schwartz DE, Samokhodskaya LM, Kost OA, Sidransky E. ACE phenotyping in Gaucher disease. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 2018 Apr;123(10):501-10.
23. Petrov MN, Shilo VY, Tarasov AV, Schwartz DE, Garcia JGN, Kost OA, Danilov SM. Conformational changes of blood ACE in uremia. PLoS One 2012;7(11):e49290.
24. Danilov SM, Tovsky SI, Schwartz DE, Dull RO. ACE phenotyping as a guide toward personalized therapy with ACE inhibitors. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2017 Jul;22(4):374-86.
25. Danilov S, Savoie F, Lenoir B, Jeunemaitre X, Azizi M, Tarnow L, Alhenc-Gelas F. Development of enzyme-linked immunoassays for human angiotensin I converting enzyme suitable for large-scale studies. Journal of Hypertension 1996 Jun;14(6):719-27.
26. Rahaghi FF, Baughman RP, Saketkoo LA, Sweiss NJ, Barney JB, Birring SS, Costabel U, Crouser ED, Drent M, Gerke AK, Grutters JC, Hamzeh NY, Huizar I, James WE 4th, Kalra S, Kullberg S, Li H, Lower EE, Maier LA, Mirsaeidi M, Müller-Quernheim J, Carmona Porquera EM, Samavati L, Valeyre D, Scholand MB. Delphi consensus recommendations for a treatment algorithm in pulmonary sarcoidosis. European Respiratory Review 2020 Mar;29(155):190146.
27. The area under an ROC curve. Available from: http://gim.unmc.edu/dxtests/roc3.htm Accessed 2021Aug 25.
28. Goette A, Staack T, Röcken C, Arndt M, Geller JC, Huth C, Ansorge S, Klein HU, Lendeckel U. Increased expression of extracellular signal-regulated kinase and angiotensin-converting enzyme in human atria during atrial fibrillation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2000 May;35(6):1669-77.
29. Gerke AK, Judson MA, Cozier YC, Culver DA, Koth LL. Disease burden and variability in sarcoidosis. Annals of American Thoracic Society 2017 Dec;14(Suppl 6):S421-8.
30. Французевич Л.Я., Бобков А.П., Марк Д., Курилова О.В., Синицын В.Е., Шоломова В.И., Бровко М.Ю., Белевский А.С., Павликова Е.П., Самоходская Л.М., Краснова Т.Н. Фенотипирование ангиотензинпревращающего фермента у пациентов с саркоидозом. Практическая пульмонология 2020;3:91-7.
31. Kruit A, Grutters JC, Gerritsen WB, Kos S, Wodzig WKWH, van den Bosch JMM, Ruven HJT. ACE I/D-corrected Z-scores to identify normal and elevated ACE activity in sarcoidosis. Respiratory Medicine 2007 Mar;101(3):510-5.
32. Fløe A, Hoffmann HJ, Nissen PH, Møller HJ, Hilberg O. Genotyping increases the yield of angiotensin-converting enzyme in sarcoidosis – a systematic review. Danish Medical Journal 2014 May;61(5):A4815.
33. Csongrádi A, Enyedi A, Takács I, Végh T, Mányiné IS, Pólik Z, Altorjay IT, Balla J, Balla G, Édes I, Kappelmayer J, Tóth A, Papp Z, Fagyas M. Optimized angiotensin-converting enzyme activity assay for the accurate diagnosis of sarcoidosis. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2018 Jun;56(7):1117-25.


1. Khomenko AG, Yerokhin VV, Filippov VP, Ozerova LV, Gergert VV, Gedymin LE, Yevgushchenko GV. Sarcoidosis as systemic granulomatosis. Moscow: Meditsina. 1999. 40 p. (In Russian).
2. Mukhin N, Kornev B, Popova EN, Krayeva V, Osipenko V, Titkova A. Progressive sarcoidosis. Vrach 2003;8:20-7 (In Russian).
3. Baughman RP, Lower EE, du Bois RM. Sarcoidosis. The Lancet 2003 Mar;361(9363):1111-8.
4. Thomas KW, Hunninghake GW. Sarcoidosis. JAMA 2003 Jun;289(3):3300-3.
5. Judson MA. The clinical features of sarcoidosis: a comprehensive review. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology 2015 Aug;49(1):63-78.
6. Llanos O, Hamzeh N. Sarcoidosis. The Medical Clinics of North America 2019 May;103(3):527-34.
7. Terwiel M, van Moorsel CHM. Clinical epidemiology of familial sarcoidosis: a systematic literature review. Respiratory Medicine 2019 Mar;149:36-41.
8. Chopra A, Kalkanis A, Judson MA. Biomarkers in sarcoidosis. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology 2016 Nov;12(11):1191-208.
9. Lieberman J. Elevation of serum angiotensin-converting enzyme level in sarcoidosis. The American Journal of Medicine 1975 Sep;59(3):365-72.
10. Rømer FK. Clinical and biochemical aspects of sarcoidosis. With special reference to angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Acta Medica Scandinavica. Supplementum 1984;690:3-96.
11. Anslie GM, Benatar SR. Serum angiotensin converting enzyme in sarcoidosis: sensitivity and specificity in diagnosis: correlations with disease activity, duration, extra-thoracic involvement, radiographic type and therapy. The Quarterly Journal of Medicine 1985 Jun;55(218):253-70.
12. Lieberman J. Enzymes in sarcoidosis. Angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE). Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 1989 Dec;9(4):745-55.
13. Baughman RP, Fernandez M, Bosken CH, Mantil J, Hurtubise P. Comparison of gallium-67 scanning, bronchoalveolar lavage, and serum angiotensin-converting enzyme levels in pulmonary sarcoidosis. Predicting response to therapy. The American Review of Respiratory Disease 1984 May;129(5):676-81.
14. Sugimoto M, Nishi R, Ando M, Nakashima H, Araki S. Activation of alveolar macrophages in pulmonary sarcoidosis: lack of correlation with serum angiotensin-converting enzyme activity. Japanese Journal of Medicine 1986 May;25(2):135-43.
15. Vivet F, Callard P. [Immunohistochemical localization of angiotensin converting enzyme in epithelioid sarcoidosis granulomas]. Annales de Pathologie 1986;6(1):60-4.
16. Sturrock ED, Anthony CS, Danilov SM. Peptidyl-dipeptidase A/angiotensin I-converting enzyme. In: Handbook of proteolytic enzymes. 3-vol. set. Rawlings ND, Salvesen G, editors. 3rd ed. Vol. 1. London: Academic Press; 2012: 480-94.
17. Bernstein KE, Ong FS, Blackwell WL, Shah KH, Giani JF, Gonzalez-Villalobos RA, Shen XZ, Fuchs S, Touyz RM. A modern understanding of the traditional and nontraditional biological functions of angiotensin-converting enzyme. Pharmacological Reviews 2012 Dec;65(1):1-46.
18. Danilov SM, Balyasnikova IB, Danilova AS, Naperova IA, Arablinskaya E, Borisov SE, Metzger R, Franke FE, Schwartz DE, Gachok IV, Trakht IN, Kost OA, Garcia JGN. Conformational fingerprinting of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). 1. Application in sarcoidosis. Journal of Proteome Research 2010;9:5782-93.
19. Danilov SM. Conformational fingerprinting using monoclonal antibodies (on the example of angiotensin I-converting enzyme-ACE). Molekuliarnaia Biologiia 2017 Nov-Dec;51(6):1046-61.
20. Kryukova OV, Tikhomirova VE, Golukhova EZ, Evdokimov VV, Kalantarov GF, Trakht IN, Schwartz DE, Dull RO, Gusakov AV, Uporov IV, Kost OA, Danilov SM. Tissue specificity of human angiotensin I-converting enzyme. PLoS One 2015 Nov;10(11):e0143455.
21. Tikhomirova VE, Kost OA, Kryukova OV, Golukhova EZ, Bulaeva NI, Zholbaeva AZ, Bokeria LA, Garcia JGN, Danilov SM. ACE phenotyping in human heart. PLoS One 2017 Aug;12(8):e0181976.
22. Danilov SM, Tikhomirova VE, Metzger R, Naperova IA, Bukina TM, Goker-Alpan O, Tayebi N, Gayfullin NM, Schwartz DE, Samokhodskaya LM, Kost OA, Sidransky E. ACE phenotyping in Gaucher disease. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 2018 Apr;123(10):501-10.
23. Petrov MN, Shilo VY, Tarasov AV, Schwartz DE, Garcia JGN, Kost OA, Danilov SM. Conformational changes of blood ACE in uremia. PLoS One 2012;7(11):e49290.
24. Danilov SM, Tovsky SI, Schwartz DE, Dull RO. ACE phenotyping as a guide toward personalized therapy with ACE inhibitors. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2017 Jul;22(4):374-86.
25. Danilov S, Savoie F, Lenoir B, Jeunemaitre X, Azizi M, Tarnow L, Alhenc-Gelas F. Development of enzyme-linked immunoassays for human angiotensin I converting enzyme suitable for large-scale studies. Journal of Hypertension 1996 Jun;14(6):719-27.
26. Rahaghi FF, Baughman RP, Saketkoo LA, Sweiss NJ, Barney JB, Birring SS, Costabel U, Crouser ED, Drent M, Gerke AK, Grutters JC, Hamzeh NY, Huizar I, James WE 4th, Kalra S, Kullberg S, Li H, Lower EE, Maier LA, Mirsaeidi M, Müller-Quernheim J, Carmona Porquera EM, Samavati L, Valeyre D, Scholand MB. Delphi consensus recommendations for a treatment algorithm in pulmonary sarcoidosis. European Respiratory Review 2020 Mar;29(155):190146.
27. The area under an ROC curve. Available from: http://gim.unmc.edu/dxtests/roc3.htm Accessed 2021Aug 25.
28. Goette A, Staack T, Röcken C, Arndt M, Geller JC, Huth C, Ansorge S, Klein HU, Lendeckel U. Increased expression of extracellular signal-regulated kinase and angiotensin-converting enzyme in human atria during atrial fibrillation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2000 May;35(6):1669-77.
29. Gerke AK, Judson MA, Cozier YC, Culver DA, Koth LL. Disease burden and variability in sarcoidosis. Annals of American Thoracic Society 2017 Dec;14(Suppl 6):S421-8.
30. Frantsuzevich LYa, Bobkov AP, Mark D, Kurilova OV, Sinitsyn VE, Sholomova VI, Brovko MYu, Belevskiy AS, Pavlikova EP, Samokhodskaya LM, Krasnova TN. Phenotyping of angiotensin-converting enzyme in patients with sarcoidosis. Practical Pulmonology 2020;3:91-7 (In Russian).
31. Kruit A, Grutters JC, Gerritsen WB, Kos S, Wodzig WKWH, van den Bosch JMM, Ruven HJT. ACE I/D-corrected Z-scores to identify normal and elevated ACE activity in sarcoidosis. Respiratory Medicine 2007 Mar;101(3):510-5.
32. Fløe A, Hoffmann HJ, Nissen PH, Møller HJ, Hilberg O. Genotyping increases the yield of angiotensin-converting enzyme in sarcoidosis – a systematic review. Danish Medical Journal 2014 May;61(5):A4815.
33. Csongrádi A, Enyedi A, Takács I, Végh T, Mányiné IS, Pólik Z, Altorjay IT, Balla J, Balla G, Édes I, Kappelmayer J, Tóth A, Papp Z, Fagyas M. Optimized angiotensin-converting enzyme activity assay for the accurate diagnosis of sarcoidosis. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2018 Jun;56(7):1117-25.

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