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Лечебное дело 2020 / N 2
Особенности копинг-стратегий у студентов различных медицинских факультетов М.Г. Ивашкина, Д.Н. Чернов, Н.П. Радчикова, В.В. Фурсов, С.В. Есина, В.Г. Утробина, Т.Р. Саноян, А.Е. Тарасова, Р.А. Субботина
Список литературы
1. Fares J, Tabosh H, Saadeddin Z, Mouhayyar C, Aridi H. Stress, burnout and coping strategies in preclinical medical students. North American Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 Feb;8(2):75-81.
2. Banerjee Y, Akhras A, Khamis AH, Alsheikh-Ali A, Davis D. Investigating the relationship between resilience, stress-coping strategies, and learning approaches to predict academic performance in undergraduate medical students: Protocol for a Proof-of-concept study. JMIR Research Protocols 2019 Sep;8(9):e14677.
3. Dyrbye LN, Thomas MR, Shanafelt TD. Medical student distress: causes, consequences, and proposed solutions. Mayo Clinics Proceedings 2005 Dec;80(12):1613-22.
4. Folkman S, Lazarus R. An analysis of coping in a middle-aged community sample. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 1980 Sep;21(3):219-39.
5. Amirkhan JH. A factor analytically derived measure of coping: the coping strategy indicator. Journal of Personal and Social Psychology 1990;59(5):1066-74.
6. Dunn SH, Conley YP. A systematic review of genetic influences on coping. Biological Research for Nursing 2015 Jan;17(1):87-93.
7. Schiller JH, Stansfield RB, Belmonte DC, Purkiss JA, Reddy RM, House JB, Santen SA. Medical students’ use of different coping strategies and relationship with academic performance in preclinical and clinical years. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2018 Jan-Mar;30(1):15-21.
8. Субботина Р.А., Акопян А.Н., Баксанский О.Е. Особенности копинг-поведения в юношеском возрасте на примере студентов медицинского вуза. Коллекция гуманитарных исследований 2018;4(13):75-86.
9. Prinz P, Hertrich K, Hirschfelder U, de Zwaan M. Burnout, depression and depersonalisation – psychological factors and coping strategies in dental and medical students. GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung 2012;29(1):Doc10.
10. Ялтонский В.М. Копинг-поведение здоровых и больных наркоманией: Дис. … докт. мед. наук. СПб; 1995. 396 c.
11. Крюкова Т.Л., Куфтяк Е.В. Опросник способов совладания (адаптация методики WCQ). Журнал практического психолога 2007;3:93-112.
12. Vitaliano P, Maiuro R, Russo J, Mitchell E. Medical student distress. A longitudinal study. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 1989 Feb;177(2):70-6.
13. Amirkhan JH. Criterion validity of a coping measure. Journal of Personality Assessment 1994 Apr;62(2):242-61.
14. Supe AN. A study of stress in medical students at Seth G.S. Medical College. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 1998 Jan-Mar;44(1):1-6.
1. Fares J, Tabosh H, Saadeddin Z, Mouhayyar C, Aridi H. Stress, burnout and coping strategies in preclinical medical students. North American Journal of Medical Sciences 2016 Feb;8(2):75-81.
2. Banerjee Y, Akhras A, Khamis AH, Alsheikh-Ali A, Davis D. Investigating the relationship between resilience, stress-coping strategies, and learning approaches to predict academic performance in undergraduate medical students: Protocol for a Proof-of-concept study. JMIR Research Protocols 2019 Sep;8(9):e14677.
3. Dyrbye LN, Thomas MR, Shanafelt TD. Medical student distress: causes, consequences, and proposed solutions. Mayo Clinics Proceedings 2005 Dec;80(12):1613-22.
4. Folkman S, Lazarus R. An analysis of coping in a middle-aged community sample. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 1980 Sep;21(3):219-39.
5. Amirkhan JH. A factor analytically derived measure of coping: the coping strategy indicator. Journal of Personal and Social Psychology 1990;59(5):1066-74.
6. Dunn SH, Conley YP. A systematic review of genetic influences on coping. Biological Research for Nursing 2015 Jan;17(1):87-93.
7. Schiller JH, Stansfield RB, Belmonte DC, Purkiss JA, Reddy RM, House JB, Santen SA. Medical students’ use of different coping strategies and relationship with academic performance in preclinical and clinical years. Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2018 Jan-Mar;30(1):15-21.
8. Subbotina RA, Akopyan AN, Baksanskiy OE. Features of coping behavior in youth: example of Medical University students. The Collection of Humanitarian Studies 2018;4(13):75-86 (In Russian).
9. Prinz P, Hertrich K, Hirschfelder U, de Zwaan M. Burnout, depression and depersonalisation – psychological factors and coping strategies in dental and medical students. GMS Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung 2012;29(1):Doc10.
10. Yaltonskiy VM. Coping behavior of healthy and drug addicts [Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences]. Saint Petersburg; 1995. 396 p. (In Russian).
11. Kryukova TL, Kuftyak EV. Ways of Coping Questionnaire (adaptation of the WCQ). Journal of Practical Psychology 2007;3:93-112 (In Russian).
12. Vitaliano P, Maiuro R, Russo J, Mitchell E. Medical student distress. A longitudinal study. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 1989 Feb;177(2):70-6.
13. Amirkhan JH. Criterion validity of a coping measure. Journal of Personality Assessment 1994 Apr;62(2):242-61.
14. Supe AN. A study of stress in medical students at Seth G.S. Medical College. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 1998 Jan-Mar;44(1):1-6.
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