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Издательство Атмосфера

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Лечебное дело
2020 / N 2

Отдаленные результаты применения сердечной ресинхронизирующей терапии у пациентов с хронической сердечной недостаточностью
Е.В. Резник, С.Ю. Солтис, И.А. Хамнагадаев, И.Г. Никитин

Список литературы

1. Zipes DP, Libby P. Braunwald’s heart disease: a textbook of cardiovascular medicine. Bonow R, Mann D, Tomaselli G, editors. 2-vol. set. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019. 2128 p.
2. Seferovic PM, Ponikowski P, Anker SD, Bauersachs J, Chioncel O, Cleland JGF, de Boer RA, Drexel H, Ben Gal TB, Hill L, Jaarsma T, Jankowska EA, Anker MS, Lainscak M, Lewis BS, McDonagh T, Metra M, Milicic D, Mullens W, Piepoli MF, Rosano G, Ruschitzka F, Volterrani M, Voors AA, Filippatos G, Coats AJS. Clinical practice update on heart failure 2019: pharmacotherapy, procedures, devices and patient management. An expert consensus meeting report of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology. European Journal of Heart Failure 2019 Oct;21(10):1169-86.
3. Клинические рекомендации ОССН–РКО–РНМОТ. Сердечная недостаточность: хроническая (ХСН) и острая декомпенсированная (ОДСН). Диагностика, профилактика и лечение. Кардиология 2018;58(S6):8-164.
4. Фомин И.В. Хроническая сердечная недостаточность в Российской Федерации: что сегодня мы знаем и что должны делать. Российский кардиологический журнал 2016;21(8):7-13.
5. Фомин И.В., Беленков Ю.Н., Мареев В.Ю., Агеев Ф.Т., Бадин Ю.В., Галявич А.С., Даниелян М.О., Камалов Г.М., Колбин А.А., Кечеджиева С.Г., Макарова В.Г., Макарова Н.В., Маленкова В.Ю., Сайфутдинов Р.И., Тарловская Е.И., Хохлов Р.А., Щербинина Е.В., Якушин С.С. Распространенность ХСН в Европейской части Российской Федерации – данные ЭПОХА-ХСН. Журнал Сердечная недостаточность 2006;3(37):112-5.
6. O’Brien T, Park MS, Yuon JC, Chung ES. The past, present and future of cardiac resynchronization therapy. Korean Circulaion Journal 2019 May;49(5):384-99.
7. Ponikowski P, Voors AA, Anker SD, Bueno H, Cleland JGF, Coats AJS, Falk V, González-Juanatey JR, Harjola VP, Jankowska EA, Jessup M, Linde C, Nihoyannopoulos P, Parissis JT, Pieske B, Riley JP, Rosano GMC, Ruilope LM, Ruschitzka F, Rutten FH, van der Meer P; ESC Scientific Document Group. 2016 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure: the Task Force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) developed with the special contribution of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. European Heart Journal 2016 Jul;37(27):2129-200.
8. Резник Е.В., Никитин И.Г. Алгоритм лечения больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью с низкой фракцией выброса левого желудочка. Архивъ внутренней медицины 2018;8(2):85-99.
9. Жданов А.М., Ганеева О.Н. Руководство по электростимуляции сердца. М.: Медицина, Шико; 2008. 198 c.
10. Мареев Ю.В., Шитов В.Н., Саидова М.А. Сердечная ресинхронизирующая терапия. Отбор пациентов и их ведение после имплантации бивентрикулярного стимудятора. Кардиология 2013;3:81-7.
11. Общество специалистов по сердечной недостаточности; Российское кардиологическое общество. Клинические рекомендации. Хроническая сердечная недостаточность (ХСН). Код МКБ: 150.0/150.1/150.9. Год утверждения: 2016 (пересмотр каждые 3 года). М., 2016. 92 c.
12. Ponikowski P, Voors AA, Anker SD, Bueno H, Cleland JGF, Coats AJS, Falk V, González-Juanatey JR, Harjola VP, Jankowska EA, Jessup M, Linde C, Nihoyannopoulos P, Parissis JT, Pieske B, Riley JP, Rosano GMC, Ruilope LM, Ruschitzka F, Rutten FH, van der Meer P. 2016 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure: the Task Force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Developed with the special contribution of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. European Journal of Heart Failure 2016 Aug;18(8):891-975.
13. Резник Е.В., Солтис С.Ю., Устюжанин Д.В., Никитин И.Г. Сердечная ресинхронизирующая терапия у больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью: взгляд терапевта, кардиолога. CardioСоматика 2019;10(3):13-29.
14. Голухова Е.З., Машина Т.В., Какучая Т.Т., Мрикаев Д.В., Морелли О.Д. Оценка эффективности сердечной ресинхронизирующей терапии у больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью. Креативная кардиология 2011;2:5-18.
15. Боровиков В. STATISTICA: искусство анализа данных на компьютере. Для профессионалов. СПб.: Питер; 2001. 656 с.
16. Гланц С.А. Медико-биологическая статистика. М.: Практика; 1999. 459 с.
17. Реброва О.Ю. Статистический анализ медицинских данных. Применение пакета прикладных программ STATISTICA. М.: МедиаCфера; 2002. 312 с.
18. Резник Е.В. Состояние почечной гемодинамики и функции почек у больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью: Дис. … канд. мед. наук. М., 2007. 176 с.
19. Резник Е.В. Особенности поражения органов-мишеней у больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью: Дис. … докт. мед. наук. М., 2016. 500 с.
20. Резник Е.В., Лазарев В.А., Калова М.Р., Никитин И.Г. Ведение больных с хронической сердечной недостаточностью и сахарным диабетом с позиций современных рекомендаций и в реальной клинической практике. Consilium Medicum 2020;22(5):50-6.
21. Gazzoni GF, Fraga MB, Di Leoni Ferrari A, da Costa Soliz P, Borges AP, Bartholomay E, Abunader Kalil CA, Giaretta V, Paim Rohde LE. Predictors of total mortality and echocardiographic response for cardiac resynchronization therapy: a cohort study. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 2017 Dec;109(6):569-78.
22. Barra S, Providência R, Tang A, Heck P, Virdee M, Agarwal S. Importance of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator back-up in cardiac resynchronization therapy recipients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Heart Association 2015 Nov;4(11):e002539.
23. McMurray JJV, Packer M, Desai AS, Gong J, Lefkowitz MP, Rizkala AR, Rouleau JL, Shi VC, Solomon SD, Swedberg K, Zile MR; PARADIGM-HF Investigators and Committees. Angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition versus enalapril in heart failure. The New England Journal of Medicine 2014 Sep;371(11):993-1004.
24. Herz ND, Engeda J, Zusterzeel R, Sanders WE, O’Callaghan KM, Strauss DG, Jacobs SB, Selzman KA, Piña IL, Caños DA. Sex differences in device therapy for heart failure: utilization, outcomes, and adverse events. Journal of Womens Health (Larchmont, NY) 2015 Apr;24(4):261-71.
25. Schuchert A, Muto C, Maounis T, Frank R, Ella RO, Polauck A, Padeletti L; MASCOT Study Group. Gender-related safety and efficacy of cardiac resynchronization therapy. Clinical Cardiology 2013 Nov;36(11):683-90.
26. Leyva F, Zegard A, Umar F, Taylor RJ, Acquaye E, Gubran C, Chalil S, Patel K, Panting J, Marshall H, Qiu T. Long-term clinical outcomes of cardiac resynchronization therapy with or without defibrillation: impact of the aetiology of cardiomyopathy. Europace 2018 Nov;20(11):1804-12.


1. Zipes DP, Libby P. Braunwald’s heart disease: a textbook of cardiovascular medicine. Bonow R, Mann D, Tomaselli G, editors. 2-vol. set. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2019. 2128 p.
2. Seferovic PM, Ponikowski P, Anker SD, Bauersachs J, Chioncel O, Cleland JGF, de Boer RA, Drexel H, Ben Gal TB, Hill L, Jaarsma T, Jankowska EA, Anker MS, Lainscak M, Lewis BS, McDonagh T, Metra M, Milicic D, Mullens W, Piepoli MF, Rosano G, Ruschitzka F, Volterrani M, Voors AA, Filippatos G, Coats AJS. Clinical practice update on heart failure 2019: pharmacotherapy, procedures, devices and patient management. An expert consensus meeting report of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology. European Journal of Heart Failure 2019 Oct;21(10):1169-86.
3. Russian Heart Failure Society; Russian Society of Cardiology; Russian Scientific Medical Society of Internal Medicine. Guidelines for heart failure: chronic (CHF) and acute decompensated (ADHF). Diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Kardiologiia 2018;58(S6):8-164 (In Russian).
4. Fomin IV. Chronic heart failure in the Russian Federation: what we know today and what we should do. Russian Journal of Cardiology 2016;21(8):7-13 (In Russian).
5. Fomin IV, Belenkov YuN, Mareyev VYu, Ageyev FT, Badin YuV, Galyavich AS, Danielyan MO, Kamalov GM, Kolbin AA, Kechegiyeva SG, Makarova VG, Makarova NV, Malenkova VYu, Sayfutdinov RI, Tarlovskaya EI, Khokhlov RA, Shcherbinina EV, Yakushin SS. Prevalence of chronic heart failure in the European part of the Russian Federation: data from EPOCH-CHF. Journal of Heart Failure 2006;3(37):112-5 (In Russian).
6. O’Brien T, Park MS, Yuon JC, Chung ES. The past, present and future of cardiac resynchronization therapy. Korean Circulaion Journal 2019 May;49(5):384-99.
7. Ponikowski P, Voors AA, Anker SD, Bueno H, Cleland JGF, Coats AJS, Falk V, González-Juanatey JR, Harjola VP, Jankowska EA, Jessup M, Linde C, Nihoyannopoulos P, Parissis JT, Pieske B, Riley JP, Rosano GMC, Ruilope LM, Ruschitzka F, Rutten FH, van der Meer P; ESC Scientific Document Group. 2016 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure: the Task Force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) developed with the special contribution of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. European Heart Journal 2016 Jul;37(27):2129-200.
8. Reznik EV, Nikitin IG. Treatment of patients with chronic heart failure and low left ventricular ejection fraction. The Russian Archives of Internal Medicine 2018;8(2):85-99 (In Russian).
9. Zhdanov AM, Ganeyeva ON. Guidelines to electrical stimulation of heart. Moscow: Meditsina, Shiko; 2008. 198 p. (In Russian).
10. Mareyev YuV, Shitov VN, Saidova MA. Cardiac resynchronization therapy. Selection of patients and their management after implantation of a biventricular stimulator. Kardiologiia 2013;3:81-7 (In Russian).
11. Society of Heart Failure Specialists; Russian Society of Cardiology. Clinical recommendations. Chronic heart failure (CHF). ICD code: 150.0/150.1/150.9; year of approval 2016 (revised every 3 years). Moscow, 2016. 92 p. (In Russian).
12. Ponikowski P, Voors AA, Anker SD, Bueno H, Cleland JGF, Coats AJS, Falk V, González-Juanatey JR, Harjola VP, Jankowska EA, Jessup M, Linde C, Nihoyannopoulos P, Parissis JT, Pieske B, Riley JP, Rosano GMC, Ruilope LM, Ruschitzka F, Rutten FH, van der Meer P. 2016 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure: the Task Force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Developed with the special contribution of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. European Journal of Heart Failure 2016 Aug;18(8):891-975.
13. Reznik EV, Soltis SYu, Ustyuzhanin DV, Nikitin IG. Cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with chronic heart failure: the view of a therapist, cardiologist. CardioSomatics 2019;10(3):13-29 (In Russian).
14. Golukhova EZ, Mashina TV, Kakuchaya TT, Mrikayev DV, Morelli OD. Efficacy of cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with chronic heart failure. Creative Cardiology 2011;2:5-18.
15. Borovikov V. STATISTICA: the art of data analysis on computer: for professionals. Saint Petersburg: Piter; 2001. 656 p. (In Russian).
16. Glants SA. Medical and biological statistics. Moscow: Praktika; 1999. 459 p. (In Russian).
17. Rebrova OYu. Statistical analysis of medical data. Application of STATISTICA software. Moscow: MediaSfera; 2002. 312 p. (In Russian).
18. Reznik EV. Renal hemodynamics and kidney function in patients with chronic heart failure [Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences]. Moscow, 2007. 176 p. (In Russian).
19. Reznik EV. Target organ damage in patients with chronic heart failure [Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences]. Moscow, 2016. 500 p. (In Russian).
20. Reznik EV, Lazarev VA, Kalova MR, Nikitin IG. Management of patients with chronic heart failure and diabetes mellitus from standpoint of modern recommendations and in real clinical practice. Consilium Medicum 2020;22(5):50-6 (In Russian).
21. Gazzoni GF, Fraga MB, Di Leoni Ferrari A, da Costa Soliz P, Borges AP, Bartholomay E, Abunader Kalil CA, Giaretta V, Paim Rohde LE. Predictors of total mortality and echocardiographic response for cardiac resynchronization therapy: a cohort study. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 2017 Dec;109(6):569-78.
22. Barra S, Providência R, Tang A, Heck P, Virdee M, Agarwal S. Importance of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator back-up in cardiac resynchronization therapy recipients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Heart Association 2015 Nov;4(11):e002539.
23. McMurray JJV, Packer M, Desai AS, Gong J, Lefkowitz MP, Rizkala AR, Rouleau JL, Shi VC, Solomon SD, Swedberg K, Zile MR; PARADIGM-HF Investigators and Committees. Angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition versus enalapril in heart failure. The New England Journal of Medicine 2014 Sep;371(11):993-1004.
24. Herz ND, Engeda J, Zusterzeel R, Sanders WE, O’Callaghan KM, Strauss DG, Jacobs SB, Selzman KA, Piña IL, Caños DA. Sex differences in device therapy for heart failure: utilization, outcomes, and adverse events. Journal of Womens Health (Larchmont, NY) 2015 Apr;24(4):261-71.
25. Schuchert A, Muto C, Maounis T, Frank R, Ella RO, Polauck A, Padeletti L; MASCOT Study Group. Gender-related safety and efficacy of cardiac resynchronization therapy. Clinical Cardiology 2013 Nov;36(11):683-90.
26. Leyva F, Zegard A, Umar F, Taylor RJ, Acquaye E, Gubran C, Chalil S, Patel K, Panting J, Marshall H, Qiu T. Long-term clinical outcomes of cardiac resynchronization therapy with or without defibrillation: impact of the aetiology of cardiomyopathy. Europace 2018 Nov;20(11):1804-12.

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