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Лечебное дело 2020 / N 2
Коррекция инсулинорезистентности – эффективный путь управления сахарным диабетом 2-го типа и другими компонентами метаболического синдрома Т.Ю. Демидова, С.Г. Зенина
Список литературы
1. IDF diabetes atlas. 9th ed. Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation; 2019. 170 p.
2. Демидова Т. Ю. Этиопатогенетическая роль инсулинорезистентности в развитии метаболических и сосудистых нарушений при сахарном диабете 2 типа. Фарматека 2010;16(210):18-24.
3. Аметов А.С. Сахарный диабет 2 типа. Проблемы и решения. М: Гэотар-Медиа; 2014. 1032 c.
4. Haeusler RA, McGraw TE, Accili D. Biochemical and cellular properties of insulin receptor signalling. Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology 2018 Jan;19(1):31-44.
5. Petersen MC, Shulman GI. Mechanisms of insulin action and insulin resistance. Physiological Reviews 2018 Oct;98(4):2133-223.
6. Samuel VT, Shulman GI. Mechanisms for insulin resistance: common threads and missing links. Cell 2012 Mar;148(5):852-71.
7. Samuel VT, Shulman GI. The pathogenesis of insulin resistance: integrating signaling pathways and substrate flux. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 2016 Jan;126(1):12-22.
8. Petersen KF, Dufour S, Befroy D, Garcia R, Shulman GI. Impaired mitochondrial activity in the insulin-resistant offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes. The New England Journal of Medicine 2004 Feb;350(7):664-71.
9. Sell H, Habich C, Eckel J. Adaptive immunity in obesity and insulin resistance. Nature Reviews. Endocrinology 2012 Dec;8(12):709-16.
10. Gregor MF, Hotamisligil GS. Inflammatory mechanisms in obesity. Annual Review of Immunology 2011;29:415-45.
11. Nakae J, Oki M, Cao Y. The FoxO transcription factors and metabolic regulation. FEBS Letters 2008 Jan;582(1):54-67.
12. Achari AE, Jain SK. Adiponectin, a therapeutic target for obesity, diabetes, and endothelial dysfunction. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2017 Jun;18(6):1321.
13. D’souza AM, Neumann UH, Glavas MM, Kieffer TJ. The glucoregulatory actions of leptin. Molecular Metabolism 2017 May;6(9):1052-65.
14. Akash MSH, Rehman K, Liaqat A. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha: role in development of insulin resistance and pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2018 Jan;119(1):105-10.
15. Alzamil H. Elevated serum TNF-α is related to obesity in type 2 diabetes mellitus and is associated with glycemic control and insulin resistance. Journal of Obesity 2020 Jan 30;2020:5076858. doi: 10.1155/2020/5076858. eCollection 2020.
16. Chavey C, Lazennec G, Lagarrigue S, Clapé C, Iankova I, Teyssier J, Annicotte JS, Schmidt J, Mataki C, Yamamoto H, Sanches R, Guma A, Stich V, Vitkova M, Jardin-Watelet B, Renard E, Strieter R, Tuthill A, Hotamisligil GS, Vidal-Puig A, Zorzano A, Langin D, Fajas L. CXC ligand 5 is an adipose tissue-derived factor that links obesity with insulin resistance. Cell Metabolism 2009 Apr;9(4):339-49.
17. Kanaya AM, Wassel Fyr S, Vittinghoff E, Harris TB, Park SW, Goodpaster BH, Tylavsky F, Cummings SR. Adipocytokines and incident diabetes mellitus in older adults: the independent effect of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1. Archives of Internal Medicine 2006 Feb;166(3):350-6.
18. Yang Q, Graham TE, Mody N, Preitner F, Peroni OD, Zabolotny JM, Kotani K, Quadro L, Kahn BB. Serum retinol binding protein 4 contributes to insulin resistance in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Nature 2005 Jul;436(7049):356-62.
19. Osborn O, Olefsky JM. The cellular and signaling networks linking the immune system and metabolism in disease. Nature Medicine 2012 Mar;18(3):363-74.
20. Randle PJ, Garland PB, Hales CN, Newsholme EA. The glucose fatty-acid cycle. Its role in insulin sensitivity and the metabolic disturbances of diabetes mellitus. The Lancet 1963 Apr;1(7285):785-9.
21. Straub RH. Insulin resistance, selfish brain, and selfish immune system: an evolutionarily positively selected program used in chronic inflammatory diseases. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2014;16(Suppl 2):S4.
22. Myers MG, Olson DP. Central nervous system control of metabolism. Nature 2012 Nov;491(7424):357-63.
23. Taubes G. Treat obesity as physiology, not physics. Nature 2012 Dec;492(7428):155.
24. Gołąbek KD, Regulska-Ilow B. Dietary support in insulin resistance: an overview of current scientific reports. Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2019 Nov;28(11):1577-85.
25. Garneau L, Aguer C. Role of myokines in the development of skeletal muscle insulin resistance and related metabolic defects in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes & Metabolism 2019 Dec;45(6):505-16.
26. Eckardt K, Görgens SW, Raschke S, Eckel J. Myokines in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia 2014 Jun;57(6):1087-99.
27. Aminde LN, Tindong M, Ngwasiri CA, Aminde JA, Njim T, Fondong AA, Takah NF. Adherence to antidiabetic medication and factors associated with non-adherence among patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus in two regional hospitals in Cameroon. BMC Endocrine Disorders 2019 Apr;19(1):35.
28. Gorbunov EА, Nicoll J, Kachaeva EV, Tarasov SA, Epstein OI. Subetta increases phosphorylation of insulin receptor β-subunit alone and in the presence of insulin. Nutrition & Diabetes 2015 Jul;5(7):e169.
29. Инструкция по медицинскому применению лекарственного препарата Субетта ЛП-N (000028) – (РГ-RU)-181219. Доступно по: http://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/Grls_View_v2.aspx?routingGuid=44906434-87aa-4e91-992b-5311b60caded&t= Ссылка активна на 31.08.2020.
30. Nicoll J, Gorbunov EA, Tarasov SA, Epstein OI. Subetta treatment increases adiponectin secretion by mature human adipocytes in vitro. International Journal of Endocrinology 2013;2013:925874.
31. Mkrtumyan A, Romantsova T, Vorobiev S, Volkova A, Vorokhobina N, Tarasov S, Putilovskiy M, Epstein O. Efficacy and safety of subetta add-on therapy in type1 diabetes mellitus: the results of a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2018 Aug;142:1-9.
32. Многоцентровое двойное слепое плацебо-контролируемое рандомизированное клиническое исследование в параллельных группах эффективности и безопасности препарата субетта в комплексной терапии больных сахарным диабетом 2 типа. Доступно по https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01868646?cond=Subetta&rank=1 Ссылка активна на 31.08.2020.
33. Мкртумян А.М. Наблюдательная программа ВИТА: оценка эффективности и безопасности препарата Субетта в комплексной терапии сахарного диабета 2 типа у амбулаторных пациентов. Эффективная фармакотерапия 2020;16(2):12-7.
34. Рогова Н.В., Рязанова А.Ю. Коррекция метаболического профиля больных сахарным диабетом 2 типа, страдающих ожирением, антидиабетическим препаратом с активным компонентом на основе антител к С-концевому фрагменту β-субъединицы рецептора инсулина. Лечащий врач 2019;8:72-8.
1. IDF diabetes atlas. 9th ed. Brussels, Belgium: International Diabetes Federation; 2019. 170 p.
2. Demidova TYu. Etiopathogenetic role of insulin resistance in development of metabolic and vascular disorders in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Farmateka 2010;16(210):18-24 (In Russian).
3. Ametov AS. Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Problems and solutions. Moscow: Geotar-Media; 2014. 1032 p. (In Russian).
4. Haeusler RA, McGraw TE, Accili D. Biochemical and cellular properties of insulin receptor signalling. Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology 2018 Jan;19(1):31-44.
5. Petersen MC, Shulman GI. Mechanisms of insulin action and insulin resistance. Physiological Reviews 2018 Oct;98(4):2133-223.
6. Samuel VT, Shulman GI. Mechanisms for insulin resistance: common threads and missing links. Cell 2012 Mar;148(5):852-71.
7. Samuel VT, Shulman GI. The pathogenesis of insulin resistance: integrating signaling pathways and substrate flux. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 2016 Jan;126(1):12-22.
8. Petersen KF, Dufour S, Befroy D, Garcia R, Shulman GI. Impaired mitochondrial activity in the insulin-resistant offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes. The New England Journal of Medicine 2004 Feb;350(7):664-71.
9. Sell H, Habich C, Eckel J. Adaptive immunity in obesity and insulin resistance. Nature Reviews. Endocrinology 2012 Dec;8(12):709-16.
10. Gregor MF, Hotamisligil GS. Inflammatory mechanisms in obesity. Annual Review of Immunology 2011;29:415-45.
11. Nakae J, Oki M, Cao Y. The FoxO transcription factors and metabolic regulation. FEBS Letters 2008 Jan;582(1):54-67.
12. Achari AE, Jain SK. Adiponectin, a therapeutic target for obesity, diabetes, and endothelial dysfunction. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2017 Jun;18(6):1321.
13. D’souza AM, Neumann UH, Glavas MM, Kieffer TJ. The glucoregulatory actions of leptin. Molecular Metabolism 2017 May;6(9):1052-65.
14. Akash MSH, Rehman K, Liaqat A. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha: role in development of insulin resistance and pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 2018 Jan;119(1):105-10.
15. Alzamil H. Elevated serum TNF-α is related to obesity in type 2 diabetes mellitus and is associated with glycemic control and insulin resistance. Journal of Obesity 2020 Jan 30;2020:5076858. doi: 10.1155/2020/5076858. eCollection 2020.
16. Chavey C, Lazennec G, Lagarrigue S, Clapé C, Iankova I, Teyssier J, Annicotte JS, Schmidt J, Mataki C, Yamamoto H, Sanches R, Guma A, Stich V, Vitkova M, Jardin-Watelet B, Renard E, Strieter R, Tuthill A, Hotamisligil GS, Vidal-Puig A, Zorzano A, Langin D, Fajas L. CXC ligand 5 is an adipose tissue-derived factor that links obesity with insulin resistance. Cell Metabolism 2009 Apr;9(4):339-49.
17. Kanaya AM, Wassel Fyr S, Vittinghoff E, Harris TB, Park SW, Goodpaster BH, Tylavsky F, Cummings SR. Adipocytokines and incident diabetes mellitus in older adults: the independent effect of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1. Archives of Internal Medicine 2006 Feb;166(3):350-6.
18. Yang Q, Graham TE, Mody N, Preitner F, Peroni OD, Zabolotny JM, Kotani K, Quadro L, Kahn BB. Serum retinol binding protein 4 contributes to insulin resistance in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Nature 2005 Jul;436(7049):356-62.
19. Osborn O, Olefsky JM. The cellular and signaling networks linking the immune system and metabolism in disease. Nature Medicine 2012 Mar;18(3):363-74.
20. Randle PJ, Garland PB, Hales CN, Newsholme EA. The glucose fatty-acid cycle. Its role in insulin sensitivity and the metabolic disturbances of diabetes mellitus. The Lancet 1963 Apr;1(7285):785-9.
21. Straub RH. Insulin resistance, selfish brain, and selfish immune system: an evolutionarily positively selected program used in chronic inflammatory diseases. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2014;16(Suppl 2):S4.
22. Myers MG, Olson DP. Central nervous system control of metabolism. Nature 2012 Nov;491(7424):357-63.
23. Taubes G. Treat obesity as physiology, not physics. Nature 2012 Dec;492(7428):155.
24. Gołąbek KD, Regulska-Ilow B. Dietary support in insulin resistance: an overview of current scientific reports. Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2019 Nov;28(11):1577-85.
25. Garneau L, Aguer C. Role of myokines in the development of skeletal muscle insulin resistance and related metabolic defects in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes & Metabolism 2019 Dec;45(6):505-16.
26. Eckardt K, Görgens SW, Raschke S, Eckel J. Myokines in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia 2014 Jun;57(6):1087-99.
27. Aminde LN, Tindong M, Ngwasiri CA, Aminde JA, Njim T, Fondong AA, Takah NF. Adherence to antidiabetic medication and factors associated with non-adherence among patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus in two regional hospitals in Cameroon. BMC Endocrine Disorders 2019 Apr;19(1):35.
28. Gorbunov EА, Nicoll J, Kachaeva EV, Tarasov SA, Epstein OI. Subetta increases phosphorylation of insulin receptor β-subunit alone and in the presence of insulin. Nutrition & Diabetes 2015 Jul;5(7):e169.
29. Instructions for medical use of drug Subetta LP-N (000028) – (RG-RU)-181219. Available from: http://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/Grls_View_v2.aspx?routingGuid=44906434-87aa-4e91-992b-5311b60caded&t= Accessed 2020 Aug 31. (In Russian).
30. Nicoll J, Gorbunov EA, Tarasov SA, Epstein OI. Subetta treatment increases adiponectin secretion by mature human adipocytes in vitro. International Journal of Endocrinology 2013;2013:925874.
31. Mkrtumyan A, Romantsova T, Vorobiev S, Volkova A, Vorokhobina N, Tarasov S, Putilovskiy M, Epstein O. Efficacy and safety of subetta add-on therapy in type 1 diabetes mellitus: the results of a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2018 Aug;142:1-9.
32. HIV. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Clinical trial of efficacy and safety of subetta in the combined treatment of patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Available from: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01868646?cond=Subetta&rank=1 Accessed 2020 Aug 31.
33. Mkrtumyan AM. VITA observation program: efficacy and safety of subetta in complex therapy in ambulatory patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Effective Pharmacotherapy 2020;16(2):12-7 (In Russian).
34. Rogova NV, Ryazanova AYu. Metabolic profile correction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity by antidiabetic drug with active component based on antibodies to C-terminal fragment of beta-subunit of insulin receptor. Lechashchiy Vrach 2019;8:72-8 (In Russian).
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