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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Лечебное дело
2019 / N 3

Применение препарата Мирамистин в комплексной терапии бактериальных риносинуситов у детей
А.И. Крюков, Н.Л. Кунельская, А.Ю. Ивойлов, А.И. Мачулин, В.В. Яновский

Список литературы

1. Богомильский М.Р., Маркова Е.П., Гаращенко Т.И., Чувиров Д.Г., Ягольникова О.В., Радциг Е.Ю., Стребкова О.А., Сквира И.Е. Клинико-иммунологическое обоснование применения топического бактериального иммунокорректора со свойствами вакцин ИРС-19 в профилактике заболеваний верхних дыхательных путей у детей. Детский доктор 2000;5:4-7.
2. Российское общество ринологов. Острый риносинусит. Клинические рекомендации. Под ред. Лопатина А.С. М., 2017. 36 c.
3. Fokkens WJ, Lund VJ, Mullol J, Bachert C, Alobid I, Baroody F, Cohen N, Cervin A, Douglas R, Gevaert P, Georgalas C, Goossens H, Harvey R, Hellings P, Hopkins C, Jones N, Joos G, Kalogjera L, Kern B, Kowalski M, Price D, Riechelmann H, Schlosser R, Senior B, Thomas M, Toskala E, Voegels R, Wang de Y, Wormald PJ. European position paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps 2012. Rhinology. Supplement 2012 Mar;50(23):1-298.
4. Shapiro GG. Role of allergy in sinusitis. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1985;4(6):S55-9.
5. Osguthorpe JD, Hadley JA. Rhinosinusitis: current concepts in evaluation and management. The Medical Clinics of North America 1999 Jan;83(1):27-41, vii-viii.
6. Brooks I, Gooch WM 3rd, Jenkins SG, Pichichero ME, Reiner SA, Sher L, Yamauchi T. Medical management of acute bacterial sinusitis. Recommendations of a clinical advisory committee on pediatric and adult sinusitis. The Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology. Supplement 2000 May;109:2-20.
7. Fokkens W, Lund V, Mullol J; European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps group. European position paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps 2007. Rhinology. Supplement 2007 Oct;45(20):1-136.
8. Shahid SK. Rhinosinusitis in children. ISRN Otolaryngology 2012;2012:851831.
9. Rhinosinusitis. A guide for diagnosis and management. Thaler ER, Kennedy DW, editors. Philadelphia, PA: Springer Science+Business Media; 2008. 296 p.
10. Козлов В.С., Шиленкова В.В., Карпов В.А. Аденоиды: консервативное и хирургическое лечение. М.: Полиграфист и издатель; 2009. 172 c.
11. Alonso JM. Immunity and pathophysiology of respiratory tract infections. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 2008Aug;38(8):433-7.
12. Aust R, Falck B, Svanholm H. Studies of the gas exchange and pressure in the maxillary sinuses in normal and infected humans. Rhinology 1979 Dec;17(4):245-51.
13. Bernstein JM, Sagahtaheri-Altaie S, Dryjd DM, Vactawski-Wende J. Bacterial interference in nasopharyngeal bacterial flora of otitis-prone and non-otitis-prone children. Acta OtoRhinoLaryngologica Belgica 1994;48:1-9.
14. Murray PR, Rosenblatt JE. Bacterial interference by oropharyngeal and clinical isolates of anaerobic bacteria. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 1976 Sep;134(3):281-5.
15. Brook I, Gober A. In vitro bacterial interference in the nasopharynx of otitis media-prone and not-otitis media-prone children. Archives of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery 2000 Aug;126(8):1011-3.
16. Del Beccaro MA, Mendelman PM, Inglis AF, Richardson MA, Duncan NO, Clausen CR, Stull TL. Bacteriology of acute otitis media: a new perspective. The Journal of Pediatrics 1992 Jan;12(1):81-4.
17. Savolainen S, Jousimies-Somer H, Kleemola M, Ylikoski J. Serological evidence of viral or Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in acute maxillary sinusitis. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 1989 Feb;8(2):131-5.
18. Cultrara А, Goldstein NA, Ovchinsky A, Reznik T, Roblin PM, Hammerschlag MR. The role of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in children with chronic sinusitis. Archives of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery 2003;129(10):1094-7.
19. Conrad DA, Jenson HB. Management of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2002 Feb;14(1):86-90.
20. Brook I, Foote PA, Hausfeld JN. Frequency of recovery of pathogens causing acute maxillary sinusitis in adults before and after introduction of vaccination of children with the 7-valent pneumococcal vaccine. Journal of Medical Microbiology 2006 Jul;55:943-6.
21. Абдулкеримов Х.Т., Гаращенко Т.И., Кошель В.И., Рязанцев С.В., Свистушкин В.М. Принципы этиопатогенетической терапии острых синуситов. Методические рекомендации. Под ред. Рязанцева С.В. СПб.: Полифорум Групп; 2014. 40 с.


1. Bogomilskiy MR, Markova TP, Garashchenko TI, Chuvirov DG, Yagolnikova OV, Radzig EYu, Strebkova OA, Skvira IE. Clinical and immunological substantiation of topical bacterial immunocorrector application with the properties of vaccines IRS-19 for prevention of upper respiratory tract infections in children. Detskiy Doktor 2000;5:4-7 (In Russian).
2. Russian Society of Rhinologists. Acute rhinosinusitis. Clinical recommendations. Lopatin AS, editor. Moscow, 2017. 36 p. (In Russian).
3. Fokkens WJ, Lund VJ, Mullol J, Bachert C, Alobid I, Baroody F, Cohen N, Cervin A, Douglas R, Gevaert P, Georgalas C, Goossens H, Harvey R, Hellings P, Hopkins C, Jones N, Joos G, Kalogjera L, Kern B, Kowalski M, Price D, Riechelmann H, Schlosser R, Senior B, Thomas M, Toskala E, Voegels R, Wang de Y, Wormald PJ. European position paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps 2012. Rhinology. Supplement 2012 Mar;50(23):1-298.
4. Shapiro GG. Role of allergy in sinusitis. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1985;4(6):S55-9.
5. Osguthorpe JD, Hadley JA. Rhinosinusitis: current concepts in evaluation and management. The Medical Clinics of North America 1999 Jan;83(1):27-41, vii-viii.
6. Brooks I, Gooch WM 3rd, Jenkins SG, Pichichero ME, Reiner SA, Sher L, Yamauchi T. Medical management of acute bacterial sinusitis. Recommendations of a clinical advisory committee on pediatric and adult sinusitis. The Annals of Otology, Rhinology, & Laryngology. Supplement 2000 May;109:2-20.
7. Fokkens W, Lund V, Mullol J; European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps group. European position paper on rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps 2007. Rhinology. Supplement 2007 Oct;45(20):1-136.
8. Shahid SK. Rhinosinusitis in chidren. ISRN Otolaryngology 2012;2012:851831.
9. Rhinosinusitis. A guide for diagnosis and management. Thaler ER, Kennedy DW, editors. Philadelphia, PA: Springer Science+Business Media; 2008. 296 p.
10. Kozlov VS, Shilenkova VV, Karpov VA. Adenoids: surgical and conservative treatment. Moscow: Poligraphist i Izdatel; 2009. 172 p. (In Russian).
11. Alonso JM. Immunity and pathophysiology of respiratory tract infections. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 2008Aug;38(8):433-7.
12. Aust R, Falck B, Svanholm H. Studies of the gas exchange and pressure in the maxillary sinuses in normal and infected humans. Rhinology 1979 Dec;17(4):245-51.
13. Bernstein JM, Sagahtaheri-Altaie S, Dryjd DM, Vactawski-Wende J. Bacterial interference in nasopharyngeal bacterial flora of otitis-prone and non-otitis-prone children. Acta OtoRhinoLaryngologica Belgica 1994;48:1-9.
14. Murray PR, Rosenblatt JE. Bacterial interference by oropharyngeal and clinical isolates of anaerobic bacteria. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 1976 Sep;134(3):281-5.
15. Brook I, Gober A. In vitro bacterial interference in the nasopharynx of otitis media-prone and not-otitis media-prone children. Archives of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery 2000 Aug;126(8):1011-3.
16. Del Beccaro MA, Mendelman PM, Inglis AF, Richardson MA, Duncan NO, Clausen CR, Stull TL. Bacteriology of acute otitis media: a new perspective. The Journal of Pediatrics 1992 Jan;12(1):81-4.
17. Savolainen S, Jousimies-Somer H, Kleemola M, Ylikoski J. Serological evidence of viral or Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in acute maxillary sinusitis. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 1989 Feb;8(2):131-5.
18. Cultrara А, Goldstein NA, Ovchinsky A, Reznik T, Roblin PM, Hammerschlag MR. The role of Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in children with chronic sinusitis. Archives of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery 2003;129(10):1094-7.
19. Conrad DA, Jenson HB. Management of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2002 Feb;14(1):86-90.
20. Brook I, Foote PA, Hausfeld JN. Frequency of recovery of pathogens causing acute maxillary sinusitis in adults before and after introduction of vaccination of children with the 7-valent pneumococcal vaccine. Journal of Medical Microbiology 2006 Jul;55:943-6.
21. Abdulkerimov KhT, Garashchenko TI, Koshel VI, Ryazantsev SV, Svistushkin VM. Principles of etiopathogenetic therapy of acute sinusitis. Methodical recommendation. Ryazantsev SV, editor. St. Petersburg.: Poliforum Grupp; 2014. 40 p. (In Russian).

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