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Издательство Атмосфера

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Лечебное дело
2018 / N 4

Возможные нежелательные побочные реакции ингибиторов протонной помпы у больных пожилого и старческого возраста
О.Д. Остроумова, А.П. Переверзев, Г.С. Краснов

Список литературы

1. Сычев Д.А. Полипрагмазия в клинической практике: проблема и решения. СПб.: ЦОП Профессия; 2016. 224 с.
2. Ушкалова Е.А., Ткачева О.Н., Рунихина Н.К. Чухарева Н.А., Бевз А.Ю. Особенности фармакотерапии у пожилых пациентов. Введение в проблему. Рациональная фармакотерапия в кардиологии 2016;12(1):94-100.
3. Население России: численность, динамика, статистика. 11.03.2018. Доступно по: http://www.statdata.ru/russia Ссылка активна на 07.02.2019.
4. Campins L, Serra-Prat M, Gózalo I, López D, Palomera E, Agustí C, Cabré M; REMEI Group. Randomized controlled trial of an intervention to improve drug appropriateness in community-dwelling polymedicated elderly people. Family Practice 2016 Feb;34(1):36-42.
5. Johnell O, Kanis JA. An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporosis International 2006 Dec;17(12):1726.
6. Maes ML, Fixen DR, Linnebur SA. Adverse effects of proton-pump inhibitor use in older adults: a review of the evidence. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety 2017;8(9):273-7.
7. Yu LY, Sun LN, Zhang XH, Li YQ, Yu L, Yuan ZQ, Meng L, Zhang HW, Wang YQ. A review of the novel application and potential adverse effects of proton pump inhibitors. Advances in Therapy 2017 May;34(5):1070-86.
8. Chiu HF, Huang YW, Chang CC, Yang CY. Use of proton pump inhibitors increased the risk of hip fracture: a population-based case-control study. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2010 Nov;19(11):1131-6.
9. Pouwels S, Lalmohamed A, Souverein P, Cooper C, Veldt BJ, Leufkens HG, de Boer A, van Staa T, de Vries F. Use of proton pump inhibitors and risk of hip/femur fracture: a population-based case-control study. Osteoporosis International 2011 Mar;22(3):903-10.
10. Yang YX, Lewis JD, Epstein S, Metz DC. Long-term proton pump inhibitor therapy and risk of hip fracture. JAMA 2006 Dec;296(24):2947-53.
11. Harding BN, Weiss NS, Walker RL, Larson EB, Dublin S. Proton pump inhibitor use and the risk of fractures among an older adult cohort. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2018 Jun;27(6):596-603.
12. Seppala LJ, van de Glind EMM, Daams JG, Ploegmakers KJ, de Vries M, Wermelink AMAT, van der Velde N; EUGMS Task and Finish Group on Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs. Fall-risk-increasing drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis: III. Others. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2018 Apr;19(4):372.e1-372.e8.
13. Eusebi LH, Rabitti S, Artesiani ML, Gelli D, Montagnani M, Zagari RM, Bazzoli F. Proton pump inhibitors: risks of long-term use. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2017 Jul;32(7):1295-302.
14. Mitchell S, Rockwood K. The association between antiulcer medication and initiation of cobalamin initiation in older persons. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2001;54:531-4.
15. Sarzynski E, Puttarajappa C, Xie Y, Grover M, Laird-Fick H. Association between proton pump inhibitor use and anemia: a retrospective cohort study. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2011 Aug;56(8):2349-53.
16. Lam JR, Schneider JL, Zhao W, Corley DA. Proton pump inhibitor and histamine 2 receptor antagonist use and vitamin B12 deficiency. JAMA 2013 Dec;310:2435-42.
17. Yuan M, Xie X, Cao WF, Xiong YQ, Wu L, Zhou H, Wu XM. Proton pump inhibitors and the risk of dementia: is there a link? Medical Principles and Practice 2018 Oct 14. doi: 10.1159/000494461. [Epub ahead of print].
18. Imfeld P, Bodmer M, Jick SS, Meier CR. Proton pump inhibitor use and risk of developing alzheimer's disease or vascular dementia: a case-control analysis. Drug Safety 2018 Dec;41(12):1387-96.
19. Gomm W, von Holt K, Thomé F, Broich K, Maier W, Fink A, Doblhammer G, Haenisch B. Association of proton pump inhibitors with risk of dementia: a phamacoepidemiological claims data analysis. JAMA Neurology 2016 Apr;73(4):410-16.
20. Ortiz-Guerrero G, Amador-Muñoz D, Calderón-Ospina CA, López-Fuentes D, Nava Mesa M.O. Proton pump inhibitors and dementia: physiopathological mechanisms and clinical consequences. Neural Plasticity 2018;21:5257285.
21. Delgado MG, Calleja S, Suarez L, Pascual J. Recurrent confusional episodes associated with hypomagnesaemia due to esomeprazol. BMJ Case Reports 2013; article bcr2013200501.
22. Pasina L, Zanotta D, Puricelli S, Bonoldi G. Acute neurological symptoms secondary to hypomagnesemia induced by proton pump inhibitors: a case series. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2016;72(5):641-3.
23. Herghelegiu AM, Prada GI, Nacu R. Prolonged use of proton pomp inhibitors and cognitive function in older adults. Farmácia 2016;64(2):262-7.
24. Booker A, Jacob LE, Rapp M, Bohlken J, Kostev K. Risk factors for dementia diagnosis in German primary care practices. International Psychogeriatrics 2016;28(7):1059-65.
25. Haenisch B, von Holt K, Wiese B, Prokein J, Lange C, Ernst A, Brettschneider C, König HH, Werle J, Weyerer S, Luppa M, Riedel-Heller SG, Fuchs A, Pentzek M, Weeg D, Bickel H, Broich K, Jessen F, Maier W, Scherer M. Risk of dementia in elderly patients with the use of proton pump inhibitors. European Archives of Psychiatry Clinical Neurosciences 2015 Aug;265(5):419-28.
26. Gray SL, Walker RL, Dublin S, Yu O, Aiello Bowles EJ, Anderson ML, Crane PK, Larson EB. Proton pump inhibitor use and dementia risk: prospective population-based study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2018;66(2):247-53.
27. Tai SY, Chien CY, Wu DC, Lin KD, Ho BL, Chang YH, Chang YP. Risk of dementia from proton pump inhibitor use in Asian population: a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan. PLoS One 2017 Feb;12(2):e0171006.
28. Batchelor R, Gilmartin JF, Kemp W, Hopper I, Liew D. Dementia, cognitive impairment and proton pump inhibitor therapy: a systematic review. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2017 Aug;32(8):1426-35.
29. Park CH, Kim EH, Roh YH, Kim HY, Lee SK. The association between the use of proton pump inhibitors and the risk of hypomagnesemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One 2014 Nov;9(11):e112558.
30. Danziger J, William JH, Scott DJ, Lee J, Lehman LW, Mark RG, Howell MD, Celi LA. Mukamal KJ. Proton-pump inhibitor use is associated with low serum magnesium concentrations. Kidney International 2013 Apr;83(4):692-9.
31. Kim S, Lee H, Park CH, Shim CN, Lee HJ, Park JC, Shin SK, Lee SK., Lee YC, Kim HY, Kang DR. Clinical predictors associated with proton pump inhibitor-induced hypomagnesemia. American Journal of Therapeutics 2015 Jan-Feb;22(1):14-21.
32. Gau JT, Yang YX, Chen R, Kao TC. Uses of proton pump inhibitors and hypomagnesemia. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2012 May;21(5):553-9.
33. Zipursky J, Macdonald EM, Hollands S, Gomes T, Mamdani MM, Paterson JM, Lathia N, Juurlink DN. Proton pump inhibitors and hospitalization with hypomagnesemia: a population-based case-control study. PLoS Medicine 2014 Sep;11(9):e1001736.
34. Markovits N, Loebstein R, Halkin H, Bialik M, Landes-Westerman J, Lomnicky J, Kurnik D. The association of proton pump inhibitors and hypomagnesemia in the community setting. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2014 Aug;54(8):889-95.
35. Cheungpasitporn W, Thongprayoon C, Kittanamongkolchai W, Srivali N, Edmonds PJ, Ungprasert P, O’Corragain OA, Korpaisarn S, Erickson SB. Proton pump inhibitors linked to hypomagnesemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Renal Failure 2015 Aug;37(7):1237-41.
36. US Food and Drug Administration. FDA Drug Safety Communication: low magnesium levels can be associated with long-term use of Proton Pump Inhibitor drugs (PPIs). Available from: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drugsafety/ucm245011.htm Accessed 2018 Feb 05.
37. Lazarus B, Chen Y, Wilson F, Sang Y, Chang AR, Coresh J, Grams ME. Proton pump inhibitor use and the risk of chronic kidney disease. JAMA Internal Medicine 2016 Feb;176(2):238-46.
38. Antoniou T, Macdonald EM, Hollands S, Gomes T, Mamdani MM, Garg AX, Paterson JM, Juurlink DN. Proton pump inhibitors and the risk of acute kidney injury in older patients: a population-based cohort study. CMAJ Open 2015 Apr;3(2):E166-71.
39. Blank ML, Parkin L, Paul C, Herbison P. A nationwide nested case-control study indicates an increased risk of acute interstitial nephritis with proton pump inhibitor use. Kidney International 2014 Oct;86(4):837-44.
40. Yang Y, George KC, Shang WF, Zeng R, Ge SW, Xu G. Proton-pump inhibitors use, and risk of acute kidney injury: a meta-analysis of observational studies. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2017 Apr;11:1291-9.
41. Clooney AG, Bernstein CN, Leslie WD, Vagianos K, Sargent M, Laserna-Mendieta EJ, Claesson MJ, Targownik LE. A comparison of the gut microbiome between long-term users and non-users of proton pump inhibitors. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutic 2016 May;43(9):974-84.
42. Cunningham R, Dale B, Undy B, Gaunt N. Proton pump inhibitors as a risk factor for Clostridium difficile diarrhoea. The Journal of Hospital Infection 2003 Jul;54(3):243-5.
43. Dial S, Alrasadi K, Manoukian C, Huang A, Menzies D. Risk of Clostridium difficile diarrhea among hospital in patients prescribed proton pump inhibitors: cohort and case-control studies. CMAJ 2004 Jul;171(1):33-8.
44. Kwok CS, Arthur AK, Anibueze CI, Singh S, Cavallazzi R, Loke YK. Risk of Clostridium difficile infection with acid suppressing drugs and antibiotics: meta-analysis. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 2012 Jul;107(7):1011-9.
45. Kwok CS, Arthur AK, Anibueze CI, Cavallazzi R, Singh S LY. Proton pump inhibitors and associated risk of Clostridium difficile infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2012;73(6):985.
46. Deshpande A, Pant C, Pasupuleti V, Rolston DDK, Jain A, Deshpande N, Thota P, Sferra TJ, Hernandez AV. Association between proton pump inhibitor therapy and Clostridium difficile infection in a meta-analysis. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2012 Mar;10(3):225-33.
47. Tleyjeh I, Bin Abdulhak A, Riaz M, Alasmari FA, Garbati MA, AlGhamdi M, Khan AR, Al Tannir M, Erwin PJ, Ibrahim T, Allehibi A, Baddour LM, Sutton AJ. Association between acid-suppression therapy and Clostridium difficile infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2012;18:113.
48. Tleyjeh IM, Bin Abdulhak AA, Riaz M, Alasmari FA, Garbati MA, AlGhamdi M, Khan AR, Al Tannir M, Erwin PJ, Ibrahim T, Allehibi A, Baddour LM, Sutton AJ. Association between proton pump inhibitor therapy and Clostridium difficile infection: a contemporary systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One 2012;7(12):e50836.
49. Bavishi C, Dupont HL. Systematic review: the use of proton pump inhibitors and increased susceptibility to enteric infection. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutic 2011 Dec;34(11-12):1269-81.
50. Trifan A, Stanciu C, Girleanu I, Stoica OC, Singeap AM, Maxim R, Chiriac SA, Ciobica A, Boiculese L. Proton pump inhibitors therapy and risk of Clostridium difficile infection: systematic review and meta-analysis. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2017 Sep;23(35):6500-15.
51. Hermos JA, Young MM, Fonda JR, Gagnon DR, Fiore LD, Lawler EV. Risk of community-acquired pneumonia in veteran patients to whom proton pump inhibitors were dispensed. Clinical Infectious Disease 2012 Jan;54(1):33-42.
52. Cohen SM, Lee HJ, Leiman DA, Roy N, Misono S. Associations between community-acquired pneumonia and proton pump inhibitors in the laryngeal/voice-disordered population. Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery 2018 Nov;194599818811292.
53. Lambert AA, Lam JO, Paik JJ, Ugarte-Gil C, Drummond MB, Crowell TA. Risk of community-acquired pneumonia with outpatient proton-pump inhibitor therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One 2015 Jun;10(6):e0128004.
54. Schillinger W, Teucher N, Sossalla S, Kettlewell S, Werner C, Raddatz D, Elgner A, Tenderich G, Pieske B, Ramadori G, Schöndube FA, Kögler H, Kockskämper J, Maier LS, Schwörer H, Smith GL, Hasenfuss G. Negative inotropy of the gastric proton pump inhibitor pantoprazole in myocardium from humans and rabbits: evaluation of mechanisms. Circulation 2007 Jul;116(1):57-66.
55. Sossalla S, Schotola H, Schmitto J, Toischer K, Sohns C, Schwörer H, Hasenfuss G, Maier L, Schillinger W. Effects of different proton pump inhibitors on cardiac contractility in isolated human failing myocardium. The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (Torino) 2011 Jun;52(3):437-44.
56. Shih CJ, Chen YT, Ou SM, Li SY, Chen TJ, Wang SJ. Proton pump inhibitor use represents an independent risk factor for myocardial infarction. International Journal of Cardiology 2014 Nov;177(1):292-7.
57. Комаров А.Л., Шахматова О.О., Мурасеева В., Новикова Е.С., Гуськова Е.В., Панченко Е.П. Прием ингибиторов протонной помпы и прогноз пациентов после плановых чрескожных коронарных вмешательств. Терапевтический архив 2018;90(9):92-100.
58. Shiraev TP, Bullen A. Proton pump inhibitors and cardiovascular events: a systematic review. Heart, Lung & Circulation 2018 Apr;27(4):443-50.
59. Shah NH, LePendu P, Bauer-Mehren A, Ghebremariam YT, Iyer SV, Marcus J, Nead KT, Cooke JP, Leeper NJ. Proton pump inhibitor usage and the risk of myocardial infarction in the general population. PLoS One 2015 Jun;10(6):e0124653.
60. Melloni C, Washam JB, Jones WS, Halim SA, Hasselblad V, Mayer SB, Heidenfelder BL, Dolor RJ. Conflicting results between randomized trials and observational studies on the impact of proton pump inhibitors on cardiovascular events when coadministered with dual antiplatelet therapy: systematic review. Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 2015 Jan;8(1):47-55.
61. Hu W, Tong J, Kuang X, Chen W, Liu Z. Influence of proton pump inhibitors on clinical outcomes in coronary heart disease patients receiving aspirin and clopidogrel. Medicine (Baltimore) 2018 Jan;97(3):e9638.
62. Sherwood MW, Melloni C, Jones WS, Washam JB, Hasselblad V, Dolor RJ. Individual proton pump inhibitors and outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease on dual antiplatelet therapy: a systematic review. Journal of the American Heart Association 2015;29;4(11). pii: e002245.
63. Jalving M, Koornstra JJ, Wesseling J, Boezen HM, De Jong S, Kleibeuker JH. Increased risk of fundic gland polyps during long-term proton pump inhibitor therapy. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2006 Nov;24(9):1341-8.
64. Ahn JS, Eom CS, Jeon CY, Park SM. Acid suppressive drugs and gastric cancer: a meta-analysis of observational studies. World Journal of Gastroenterology 2013 Apr;19(16):2560-8.
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1. Sychev DA. Polypragmasy in clinical practice: problem and solutions. Saint Petersburg: Professia; 2016. 224 p. (In Russian).
2. Ushkalova EA, Tkacheva ON, Runikhina NK, Chukhareva NA, Bevz AYu. Pharmacotherapy characteristics in elderly patients. Introduction to the problem. Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology 2016;12(1):94-100 (In Russian).
3. Russia population. Demographic. Update 2018 Mar 03. Available from: http://www.statdata.ru/russia Accessed 2019 Feb 07.
4. Campins L, Serra-Prat M, Gózalo I, López D, Palomera E, Agustí C, Cabré M; REMEI Group. Randomized controlled trial of an intervention to improve drug appropriateness in community-dwelling polymedicated elderly people. Family Practice 2016 Feb;34(1):36-42.
5. Johnell O, Kanis JA. An estimate of the worldwide prevalence and disability associated with osteoporotic fractures. Osteoporosis International 2006 Dec;17(12):1726.
6. Maes ML, Fixen DR, Linnebur SA. Adverse effects of proton-pump inhibitor use in older adults: a review of the evidence. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety 2017;8(9):273-7.
7. Yu LY, Sun LN, Zhang XH, Li YQ, Yu L, Yuan ZQ, Meng L, Zhang HW, Wang YQ. A review of the novel application and potential adverse effects of proton pump inhibitors. Advances in Therapy 2017 May;34(5):1070-86.
8. Chiu HF, Huang YW, Chang CC, Yang CY. Use of proton pump inhibitors increased the risk of hip fracture: a population-based case-control study. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2010 Nov;19(11):1131-6.
9. Pouwels S, Lalmohamed A, Souverein P, Cooper C, Veldt BJ, Leufkens HG, de Boer A, van Staa T, de Vries F. Use of proton pump inhibitors and risk of hip/ femur fracture: a population-based case-control study. Osteoporosis International 2011 Mar;22(3):903-10.
10. Yang YX, Lewis JD, Epstein S, Metz DC. Long-term proton pump inhibitor therapy and risk of hip fracture. JAMA 2006 Dec;296(24):2947-53.
11. Harding BN, Weiss NS, Walker RL, Larson EB, Dublin S. Proton pump inhibitor use and the risk of fractures among an older adult cohort. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2018 Jun;27(6):596-603.
12. Seppala LJ, van de Glind EMM, Daams JG, Ploegmakers KJ, de Vries M, Wermelink AMAT, van der Velde N; EUGMS Task and Finish Group on Fall-Risk-Increasing Drugs. Fall-risk-increasing drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis: III. Others. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2018 Apr;19(4):372.e1-372.e8.
13. Eusebi LH, Rabitti S, Artesiani ML, Gelli D, Montagnani M, Zagari RM, Bazzoli F. Proton pump inhibitors: risks of long-term use. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2017 Jul;32(7):1295-302.
14. Mitchell S, Rockwood K. The association between antiulcer medication and initiation of cobalamin initiation in older persons. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2001;54:531-4.
15. Sarzynski E, Puttarajappa C, Xie Y, Grover M, Laird-Fick H. Association between proton pump inhibitor use and anemia: a retrospective cohort study. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2011 Aug;56(8):2349-53.
16. Lam JR, Schneider JL, Zhao W, Corley DA. Proton pump inhibitor and histamine 2 receptor antagonist use and vitamin B12 deficiency. JAMA 2013 Dec;310:2435-42.
17. Yuan M, Xie X, Cao WF., Xiong YQ, Wu L, Zhou H, Wu XM. Proton pump inhibitors and the risk of dementia: is there a link? Medical Principles and Practice 2018 Oct 14. doi: 10.1159/000494461. [Epub ahead of print].
18. Imfeld P, Bodmer M, Jick SS, Meier CR. Proton pump inhibitor use and risk of developing alzheimer’s disease or vascular dementia: a case-control analysis. Drug Safety 2018 Dec;41(12):1387-96.
19. Gomm W, von Holt K, Thomé F, Broich K, Maier W, Fink A, Doblhammer G, Haenisch B. Association of proton pump inhibitors with risk of dementia: a phamacoepidemiological claims data analysis. JAMA Neurology 2016 Apr;73(4):410-16.
20. Ortiz-Guerrero G, Amador-Muñoz D, Calderón-Ospina CA, López-Fuentes D, Nava Mesa M.O. Proton pump inhibitors and dementia: physiopathological mechanisms and clinical consequences. Neural Plasticity 2018;21:5257285.
21. Delgado MG, Calleja S, Suarez L, Pascual J. Recurrent confusional episodes associated with hypomagnesaemia due to esomeprazol. BMJ Case Reports 2013; article bcr2013200501.
22. Pasina L, Zanotta D, Puricelli S, Bonoldi G. Acute neurological symptoms secondary to hypomagnesemia induced by proton pump inhibitors: a case series. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2016;72(5):641-3.
23. Herghelegiu AM, Prada GI, Nacu R. Prolonged use of proton pomp inhibitors and cognitive function in older adults. Farmácia 2016;64(2):262-7.
24. Booker A, Jacob LE, Rapp M, Bohlken J, Kostev K. Risk factors for dementia diagnosis in German primary care practices. International Psychogeriatrics 2016;28(7):1059-65.
25. Haenisch B, von Holt K, Wiese B, Prokein J, Lange C, Ernst A, Brettschneider C, König HH, Werle J, Weyerer S, Luppa M, Riedel-Heller SG, Fuchs A, Pentzek M, Weeg D, Bickel H, Broich K, Jessen F, Maier W, Scherer M. Risk of dementia in elderly patients with the use of proton pump inhibitors. European Archives of Psychiatry Clinical Neurosciences 2015 Aug;265(5):419-28.
26. Gray SL, Walker RL, Dublin S, Yu O, Aiello Bowles EJ, Anderson ML, Crane PK, Larson EB. Proton pump inhibitor use and dementia risk: prospective population-based study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2018;66(2):247-53.
27. Tai SY, Chien CY, Wu DC, Lin KD, Ho BL, Chang YH, Chang YP. Risk of dementia from proton pump inhibitor use in Asian population: a nationwide cohort study in Taiwan. PLoS One 2017 Feb;12(2):e0171006.
28. Batchelor R, Gilmartin JF, Kemp W, Hopper I, Liew D. Dementia, cognitive impairment and proton pump inhibitor therapy: a systematic review. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2017 Aug;32(8):1426-35.
29. Park CH, Kim EH, Roh YH, Kim HY, Lee SK. The association between the use of proton pump inhibitors and the risk of hypomagnesemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One 2014 Nov;9(11):e112558.
30. Danziger J, William JH, Scott DJ, Lee J, Lehman LW, Mark RG, Howell MD, Celi LA. Mukamal KJ. Proton-pump inhibitor use is associated with low serum magnesium concentrations. Kidney International 2013 Apr;83(4):692-9.
31. Kim S, Lee H, Park CH, Shim CN, Lee HJ, Park JC, Shin SK, Lee SK., Lee YC, Kim HY, Kang DR. Clinical predictors associated with proton pump inhibitor-induced hypomagnesemia. American Journal of Therapeutics 2015 Jan-Feb;22(1):14-21.
32. Gau JT, Yang YX, Chen R, Kao TC. Uses of proton pump inhibitors and hypomagnesemia. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2012 May;21(5):553-9.
33. Zipursky J, Macdonald EM, Hollands S, Gomes T, Mamdani MM, Paterson JM, Lathia N, Juurlink DN. Proton pump inhibitors and hospitalization with hypomagnesemia: a population-based case-control study. PLoS Medicine 2014 Sep;11(9):e1001736.
34. Markovits N, Loebstein R, Halkin H, Bialik M, Landes-Westerman J, Lomnicky J, Kurnik D. The association of proton pump inhibitors and hypomagnesemia in the community setting. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2014 Aug;54(8):889-95.
35. Cheungpasitporn W, Thongprayoon C, Kittanamongkolchai W, Srivali N, Edmonds PJ, Ungprasert P, O’Corragain OA, Korpaisarn S, Erickson SB. Proton pump inhibitors linked to hypomagnesemia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Renal Failure 2015 Aug;37(7):1237-41.
36. US Food and Drug Administration. FDA Drug Safety Communication: low magnesium levels can be associated with long-term use of Proton Pump Inhibitor drugs (PPIs). Available from: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drugsafety/ucm245011.htm Accessed 2018 Feb 05.
37. Lazarus B, Chen Y, Wilson F, Sang Y, Chang AR, Coresh J, Grams ME. Proton pump inhibitor use and the risk of chronic kidney disease. JAMA Internal Medicine 2016 Feb;176(2):238-46.
38. Antoniou T, Macdonald EM, Hollands S, Gomes T, Mamdani MM, Garg AX, Paterson JM, Juurlink DN. Proton pump inhibitors and the risk of acute kidney injury in older patients: a population-based cohort study. CMAJ Open 2015 Apr;3(2):E166-71.
39. Blank ML, Parkin L, Paul C, Herbison P. A nationwide nested case-control study indicates an increased risk of acute interstitial nephritis with proton pump inhibitor use. Kidney International 2014 Oct;86(4):837-44.
40. Yang Y, George KC, Shang WF, Zeng R, Ge SW, Xu G. Proton-pump inhibitors use, and risk of acute kidney injury: a meta-analysis of observational studies. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2017 Apr;11:1291-9.
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