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Издательство Атмосфера

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Лечебное дело
2016 / N 1

Управление сосудистыми рисками у пациентов с артериальной гипертонией и сахарным диабетом 2-го типа (библиография)
О.А. Кисляк, С.Л. Постникова, Т.О. Мышляева

1. Rydén L., Grant P.J., Anker S.D., Berne C., Cosentino F., Danchin N., Deaton C., Escaned J., Hammes H.P., Huikuri H., Marre M., Marx N., Mellbin L., Ostergren J., Patrono C., Seferovic P., Uva M.S., Taskinen M.R., Tendera M., Tuomilehto J., Valensi P., Zamorano J.L.; ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG), Zamorano J.L., Achenbach S., Baumgartner H., Bax J.J., Bueno H., Dean V., Deaton C., Erol C., Fagard R., Ferrari R., Hasdai D., Hoes A.W., Kirchhof P., Knuuti J., Kolh P., Lancellotti P., Linhart A., Nihoyannopoulos P., Piepoli M.F., Ponikowski P., Sirnes P.A., Tamargo J.L., Tendera M., Torbicki A., Wijns W., Windecker S.; Document Reviewers, De Backer G., Sirnes P.A., Ezquerra E.A., Avogaro A., Badimon L., Baranova E., Baumgartner H., Betteridge J., Ceriello A., Fagard R., Funck-Brentano C., Gulba D.C., Hasdai D., Hoes A.W., Kjekshus J.K., Knuuti J., Kolh P., Lev E., Mueller C., Neyses L., Nilsson P.M., Perk J, Ponikowski P., Reiner Z., Sattar N., Schächinger V., Scheen A., Schirmer H., Strömberg A., Sudzhaeva S., Tamargo J.L., Viigimaa M., Vlachopoulos C., Xuereb R.G. et al. ESC Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD. The Task Force on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and developed in collaboration with the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Eur Heart J 2013; 34: 3035–3087.
2. Клинические рекомендации “Алгоритмы специализированной медицинской помощи больным сахарным диабетом”. Под ред. И.И. Дедова, М.В. Шестаковой. 7-й выпуск. Сахарный диабет 2015; 18(1S): 1–112.
3. Haffner S.M., Lehto S, Rönnemaa T., Pyörälä K., Laakso M. Mortality from coronary heart disease in subjects with type 2 diabetes and in nondiabetic subjects with and without prior myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med 1998; 339(4): 229–234.
4. Gaede P., Lund-Andersen H., Parving H.H, Pedersen O. Effect of a multifactorial intervention on mortality in type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med 2008; 358(6): 580–591.
5. Zinman B., Wanner C., Lachin J.M., Fitchett D., Bluhmki E., Hantel S., Mattheus M., Devins T., Johansen O.E., Woerle H.J., Broedl U.C., Inzucchi S.E.; EMPA-REG OUTCOME Investigators. Empagliflozin, cardiovascular outcomes, and mortality in type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med 2015; 373: 2117–2128б.
6. Кисляк О.А., Мышляева Т.О., Малышева Н.В. Сахарный диабет 2 типа, артериальная гипертензия и риск сердечно-сосудистых осложнений. Сах диабет 2008; (1): 45–50.
7. UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) Group. Tight blood pressure control and risk of macrovascular and microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes. UKPDS 38. Br. Med. J. 1998; 317: 705–713.
8. Hansson L., Zanchetti A., Carruthers S.G., Dahlöf B., Elmfeldt D., Julius S., Ménard J., Rahn K.H., Wedel H., Westerling S. Effects of intensive blood-pressure lowering and low-dose aspirin in patients with hypertension: principal results of the Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) randomised trial. HOT Study Group. Lancet 1998; 351(9118): 1755–1762.
9. Patel A.; ADVANCE Collaborative Group, MacMahon S., Chalmers J., Neal B., Woodward M., Billot L., Harrap S., Poulter N., Marre M., Cooper M., Glasziou P., Grobbee D.E., Hamet P., Heller S., Liu L.S., Mancia G., Mogensen C.E., Pan C.Y., Rodgers A., Williams B. Effects of a fixed combination of perindopril and Indapamide on macrovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: results of the blood pressure lowering arm of the ADVANCE trial. Lancet 2007; 370(9590): 829–840.
10. Mancia G., Fagard R., Narkiewicz K., Redón J., Zanchetti A., Böhm M., Christiaens T., Cifkova R., De Backer G., Dominiczak A., Galderisi M., Grobbee D.E., Jaarsma T., Kirchhof P., Kjeldsen S.E., Laurent S., Manolis A.J., Nilsson P.M., Ruilope L.M., Schmieder R.E., Sirnes P.A., Sleight P., Viigimaa M., Waeber B., Zannad F.; Task Force Members.2013ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension The Task Force for th management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension(ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). J Hypertension 2013; 31(7): 1281–1357.
11. Sleight P. The ONTARGET/TRANSCEND Trial Programme: baseline data. Acta Diabetol 2005; 42(Suppl 1): S50–6.
12. Teo K., Yusuf S., Sleight P., Anderson C., Mookadam F., Ramos B., Hilbrich L., Pogue J., Schumacher H.; The ONTARGET/TRANSCEND Investigators. Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics of 2 large , simple, randomized trials evaluating telmisartan, ramipril, and their combination in high-risk patients: The ONgoing Telmisartan Alone and in combination with Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial/Telmisartan Randomized AssessmeNt Study in ACE iNtolerant subjects with cardiovascular Disease (ONTARGET/TRANSCEND) trials. Am Heart J 2004; 148(1): 52–61.
13. Bakris G., Burgess E., Weir M., Davidai G., Koval S.; AMADEO Study Investigators. Telmisartan is more effective than losartan in reducing proteinuria in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Kidney Int. 2008; 74(3): 364–369.
14. Голухова Е.З., Мустафаева А.З. Влияние сахарного диабета II типа на диастолическую функцию миокарда левого желудочка у больных с ишемической болезнью сердца. Креативная кардиология 2013; (2): 46–52.
15. Kurtz T.W., Pravenec M. Antidiabetic mechanisms of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists: beyond the renin-angiotensin system. J Hypertens 2004; 22(12): 2253–2261.

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