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Издательство Атмосфера

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Нервные болезни
2023 / N 3

Сложности дифференциальной диагностики болезни Альцгеймера с ранним дебютом (клинический случай)
Н.Н. Коберская


1. Ayodele T, Rogaeva E, Kurup JT, Beecham G, Reitz C. Early­onset Alzheimer’s disease: what is missing in research? Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports 2021 Jan;21(2):4.
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8. Smits LL, Pijnenburg YA, van der Vlies AE, Koedam EL, Bouwman FH, Reuling IE, Scheltens P, van der Flier WM. Early onset APOE E4­negative Alzheimer’s disease patients show faster cognitive decline on non­memory domains. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2015 Jul;25(7):1010­7.
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11. Rascovsky K, Hodges JR, Knopman D, Mendez MF, Kramer JH, Neuhaus J, van Swieten JC, Seelaar H, Dopper EG, Onyike CU, Hillis AE, Josephs KA, Boeve BF, Kertesz A, Seeley WW, Rankin KP, Johnson JK, Gorno­Tempini ML, Rosen H, Prioleau­Latham CE, Lee A, Kipps CM, Lillo P, Piguet O, Rohrer JD, Rossor MN, Warren JD, Fox NC, Galasko D, Salmon DP, Black SE, Mesulam M, Weintraub S, Dickerson BC, Diehl­Schmid J, Pasquier F, Deramecourt V, Lebert F, Pijnenburg Y, Chow TW, Manes F, Grafman J, Cappa SF, Freedman M, Grossman M, Miller BL. Sensitivity of revised diagnostic criteria for the behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia. Brain 2011 Sep;134(Pt 9):2456­77.
12. Ossenkoppele R, Pijnenburg YA, Perry DC, Cohn­Sheehy BI, Scheltens NM, Vogel JW, Kramer JH, van der Vlies AE, La Joie R, Rosen HJ, van der Flier WM, Grinberg LT, Rozemuller AJ, Huang EJ, van Berckel BN, Miller BL, Barkhof F, Jagust WJ, Scheltens P, Seeley WW, Rabinovici GD. The behavioural/dysexecutive variant of Alzheimer’s disease: clinical, neuroimaging and pathological features. Brain 2015 Sep;138(Pt 9):2732­49.
13. Hodges JR, Davies RR, Xuereb JH, Casey B, Broe M, Bak TH, Kril JJ, Halliday GM. Clinicopathological correlates in frontotemporal dementia. Annals of Neurology 2004 Sep;56(3):399­406.
14. Rosen HJ, Gorno­Tempini ML, Goldman WP, Perry RJ, Schuff N, Weiner M, Feiwell R, Kramer JH, Miller BL. Patterns of brain atrophy in frontotemporal dementia and semantic dementia. Neurology 2002 Jan;58(2):198­208.
15. Tsuchiya K, Ikeda M, Hasegawa K, Fukui T, Kuroiwa T, Haga C, Oyanagi S, Nakano I, Matsushita M, Yagishita S, Ikeda K. Distribution of cerebral cortical lesions in Pick’s disease with Pick bodies: a clinicopathological study of six autopsy cases showing unusual clinical presentations. Acta Neuropathologica 2001 Dec;102(6):553­71.
16. Graham A, Davies R, Xuereb J, Halliday G, Kril J, Creasey H, Graham K, Hodges J. Pathologically proven frontotemporal dementia presenting with severe amnesia. Brain 2005 Mar;128(Pt 3):597­605.
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18. Janssen JC, Warrington EK, Morris HR, Lantos P, Brown J, Revesz T, Wood N, Khan MN, Cipolotti L, Fox NC, Rossor MN. Clinical features of frontotemporal dementia due to the intronic tau 10(+16) mutation. Neurology 2002 Apr;58(8):1161­8.
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28. Vercelletto M, Boutoleau­Bretonnière C, Volteau C, Puel M, Auriacombe S, Sarazin M, Michel BF, Couratier P, Thomas­Antérion C, Verpillat P, Gabelle A, Golfier V, Cerato E, Lacomblez L; French research network on frontotemporal dementia. French research network on Frontotemporal dementia. Memantine in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia: negative results. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2011;23(4):749­59.
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32. Riedl L, Mackenzie IR, Förstl H, Kurz A, Diehl­Schmid J. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration: current perspectives. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2014 Feb;10:297­310. 

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