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Издательство Атмосфера

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Нервные болезни
2020 / N 2

Эндоваскулярное закрытие открытого овального окна у дайверов с декомпрессионной болезнью в анамнезе. Обзор литературы и собственные клинические наблюдения
Д.В. Огнерубов, Е.В. Меркулов, А.О. Чечёткин, А.Р. Каршиева, А.С. Терещенко, М.И. Макеев, М.А. Саидова, С.Г. Салихов, А.Н. Самко


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2. Lynch JH, Bove AA. Diving medicine: a review of current evidence. Journal of Special Operations Medicine 2009 Fall;9(4):72-9.
3. Baratt DM, Harch PG, Van Meter K. Decompression illness in divers: a review of the literature. The Neurologist 2002 May;8(3):186-202.
4. Wilmshurst PT, Pearson MJ, Walsh KP, Morrison WL, Bryson P. Relationship between right-to-left shunts and cutaneous decompression illness. Clinical Science (London, England: 1979) 2001 May;100(5):539-42.
5. Wilmshurst PT. Cutis marmorata and cerebral arterial gas embolism. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine 2015 Dec;45(4):261.
6. Germonpre P, Balestra C, Obeid G, Caers D. Cutis marmorata skin decompression sickness is a manifestation of brainstem bubble embolization, not of local skin bubbles. Medical Hypotheses 2015 Dec;85(6):863-9.
7. Kemper TC, Rienks R, van Ooij PJ, van Hulst RA. Cutis marmorata in decompression illness may be cerebrally mediated: a novel hypothesis on the aetiology of cutis marmorata. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine 2015 Jun;45(2):84-8.
8. Koopsen R, Stella PR, Thijs KM, Rienks R. Persistent foramen ovale closure in divers with a history of decompression sickness. Netherlands Heart Journal 2018 Nov;26(11):535-9.
9. Vann RD, Butler FK, Mitchell SJ, Moon RE. Decompression illness. The Lancet 2011 Jan;377(9760):153-64.
10. Henzel J, Rudziński PN, Kłopotowski M, Konka M, Dzielińska Z, Demkow M. Transcatheter closure of patent foramen ovale for the secondary prevention of decompression illness in professional divers: a single-centre experience with long-term follow-up. Kardiologia Polska 2018;76(1):153-7.
11. Hagen P, Scholz D, Edwards W. Incidence and size of patent foramen ovale during the first 10 decades of life: an autopsy study of 965 normal hearts. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 1984 Jan;59(1):17-20.
12. Wilmshurst PT, Morrison WL, Walsh KP. Comparison of the size of persistent foramen ovale and atrial septal defects in divers with shunt-related decompression illness and in the general population. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine 2015 Jun;45(2):89-93.
13. Torti SR, Billinger M, Schwerzmann M, Vogel R, Zbinden R, Windecker S, Seiler C. Risk of decompression illness among 230 divers in relation to the presence and size of patent foramen ovale. European Heart Journal 2004 Jun;25(12):1014-20.
14. Cantais E, Louge P, Suppini A, Foster PP, Palmier B. Right-to-left shunt and risk of decompression illness with cochleovestibular and cerebral symptoms in divers: case control study in 101 consecutive dive accidents. Critical Care Medicine 2003 Jan;31(1):84-8.
15. Germonpré P, Dendale P, Unger P, Balestra C. Patent foramen ovale and decompression sickness in sports divers. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md.: 1985) 1998 May;84(5):1622-6.
16. Wilmshurst PT, Byrne JC, Webb-Peploe MM. Relation between interatrial shunts and decompression sickness in divers. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine 2015 Jun;45(2):129-31.
17. Wilmshurst PT. The role of persistent foramen ovale and other shunts in decompression illness. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine 2015 Jun;45(2):98-104.
18. Schwerzmann M, Seiler C, Lipp E, Guzman R, Lövblad KO, Kraus M, Kucher N. Relation between directly detected patent foramen ovale and ischemic brain lesions in sport divers. Annals of Internal Medicine 2001 Jan;134(1):21-4.
19. Honěk J, Srámek M, Sefc L, Januška J, Fiedler J, Horváth M, Tomek A, Novotný S, Honěk T, Veselka J. Effect of catheter-based patent foramen ovale closure on the occurrence of arterial bubbles in scuba divers. JACC. Cardiovascular Intervention 2014 Apr;7(4):403-8.
20. Klingmann C, Rathmann N, Hausmann D, Bruckner T, Kern R. Lower risk of decompression sickness after recommendation of conservative decompression practices in divers with and without vascular right-to-left shunt. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine 2012 Sep;42(3):146-50.
21. Gempp E, Louge P, Blatteau JE, Hugon M. Risks factors for recurrent neurological decompression sickness in recreational divers: a case-control study. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 2012 Oct;52(5):530-6.
22. Billinger M, Zbinden R, Mordasini R, Windecker S, Schwerzmann M, Meier B, Seiler C. Patent foramen ovale closure in recreational divers: effect on decompression illness and ischaemic brain lesions during long-term follow-up. Heart (British Cardiac Society) 2011 Dec;97(23):1932-7.
23. Pristipino C, Anzola GP, Ballerini L, Bartorelli A, Cecconi M, Chessa M, Donti A, Gaspardone A, Neri G, Onorato E, Palareti G, Rakar S, Rigatelli G, Santoro G, Toni D, Ussia GP, Violini R; Italian Society of Invasive Cardiology (SICI-GISE); Italian Stroke Association (ISA-AIS); Italian Association of Hospital Neurologists, Neuroradiologists, Neurosurgeons (SNO); Congenital Heart Disease Study Group of Italian Society Of Cardiology; Italian Association Of Hospital Cardiologists (ANMCO); Italian Society Of Pediatric Cardiology (SICP); Italian Society of Cardiovascular Echography (SIEC); Italian Society of Hemostasis and Thrombosis (SISET). Management of patients with patent foramen ovale and cryptogenic stroke: a collaborative, multidisciplinary, position paper: executive summary. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Intervention 2013 Jul;82(1):122-9.
24. Mas JL, Derumeaux G, Guillon B, Massardier E, Hosseini H, Mechtouff L, Arquizan C, Béjot Y, Vuillier F, Detante O, Guidoux C, Canaple S, Vaduva C, Dequatre-Ponchelle N, Sibon I, Garnier P, Ferrier A, Timsit S, Robinet-Borgomano E, Sablot D, Lacour JC, Zuber M, Favrole P, Pinel JF, Apoil M, Reiner P, Lefebvre C, Guérin P, Piot C, Rossi R, Dubois-Randé JL, Eicher JC, Meneveau N, Lusson JR, Bertrand B, Schleich JM, Godart F, Thambo JB, Leborgne L, Michel P, Pierard L, Turc G, Barthelet M, Charles-Nelson A, Weimar C, Moulin T, Juliard JM, Chatellier J. Patent foramen ovale closure or anticoagulation vs. antiplatelets after stroke. The New England Journal of Medicine 2017 Sep;377(11):1011-21.
25. Carroll JD, Saver JL, Thaler DE, Smalling RW, Berry S, MacDonald LA, Marks DS, Tirschwell DL; RESPECT Investigators. Closure of patent foramen ovale versus medical therapy after cryptogenic stroke. The New England Journal of Medicine 2013 Mar;368(12):1092-100.
26. Søndergaard L, Kasner SE, Rhodes JF, Andersen G, Iversen HK, Nielsen-Kudsk JE, Settergren M, Sjöstrand C, Roine RO, Hildick-Smith D, Spence JD, Thomassen L; Gore REDUCE Clinical Study Investigators. Patent foramen ovale closure or antiplatelet therapy for cryptogenic stroke. The New England Journal of Medicine 2017 Sep;377(11):1033-42.
27. Lee PH, Song JK, Kim JS, Heo R, Lee S, Kim DH, Song JM, Kang DH, Kwon SU, Kang DW, Lee D, Kwon HS, Yun SC, Sun BJ, Park JH, Lee JH, Jeong HS, Song HJ, Kim J, Park SJ. Cryptogenic stroke and high-risk patent foramen ovale: the DEFENSE-PFO trial. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2018 May;71(20):2335-42.
28. EEde MV. Recurrent cutaneous decompression illness after PFO device implantation: a case report. Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine 2016 Nov-Dec;43(7):841-5.

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