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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Нервные болезни
2019 / N 1

Приобретенная невильсоновская гепатоцеребральная дегенерация
В.В. Полещук, Е.В. Яковенко, Е.Ю. Федотова, С.Н. Иллариошкин


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7. Shulpekova YuO, Pavlov ChS, Damulin IV. Acquired non-Wilsonian hepatocerebral degeneration as a special form of persistent hepatic encephalopathy. The Neurological Journal 2017;22(1):10-8 (In Russian).
8. Podymova SD. Liver disease. Moscow: MIA; 2018. 984 p. (In Russian).
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12. Fitsanakis VA, Piccola G, Marreilha dos Santos AP, Aschner JL, Aschner M. Putative proteins involved in manganese transport across the blood-brain barrier. Human & Experimental Toxicology 2007 Apr;26(4):295-302.
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14. Ferro JM, Viana P, Santos P. Management of neurologic manifestations in patients with liver disease. Current Treatment Options in Neurology 2016 Aug;18(8):37.
15. Poleshchuk VV, Fedotova EYu, Ivanova-Smolenskaya IA. Case of hepatolenticular degeneration with neurological form debut after 45 years. Nervous Diseases 2012;2:40-4 (In Russian).
16. Zogzas CE, Mukhopadhyay S. Inherited disorders of manganese metabolism. Advances in Neurobiology 2017;18:35-49.
17. Papapetropoulos S, Singer C. Management of the extrapyramidal syndrome in chronic acquired hepatocerebral degeneration (CAHD). Movement Disorders 2005 Aug;20(8):1088-9.
18. Guilarte TR. Manganese and Parkinson’s disease: a critical review and new findings. Environmental Health Perspectives 2010 Aug;118(8):1071-80.
19. Stamelou M, Bhatia KP. A new treatable genetic disorder of manganese metabolism causing dystonia-parkinsonism and cirrhosis: the “new” Wilson’s disease? Movement Disorders 2012 Jul;27(8):962.
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21. Jog MS, Lang AE. Chronic acquired hepatocerebral degeneration: case reports and new insights. Movement Disorders 1995 Nov;10(6):714-22.
22. Stracciari A, Guarino M, Pazzaglia P, Marchesini G, Pisi P. Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration: full recovery after liver transplantation. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 2001 Jan;70(1):136-7.

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