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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Атмосфера. Новости кардиологии
2021 / N 3

Оценка антигипертензивной эффективности различных блокаторов ренин-ангиотензин-альдостероновой системы по данным суточного мониторирования артериального давления
Ю.А. Карпов, В.В. Толкачева, И.Г. Климов


1. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants. The Lancet 2021 Sep;398(10304):957-80.
2. Anwar YA, White WB. Chronotherapeutics for cardiovascular disease. Drugs 1998 May;55(5):631-43.
3. Gosse P, Lasserre R, Minifié C, Lemetayer P, Clementy J. Blood pressure surge on rising. Journal of Hypertension 2004 Jun;22(6):1113-8.
4. Kario K. Vascular damage in exaggerated morning surge in blood pressure. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 2007 Apr;49(4):771-2.
5. Parati G, Pomidossi G, Albini F, Malaspina D, Mancia G. Relationship of 24-hour blood pressure mean and variability to severity of target-organ damage in hypertension. Journal of Hypertension 1987 Feb;5(1):93-8.
6. Staessen JA, Thijs L, Fagard R, O’Brien ET, Clement D, de Leeuw PW, Mancia G, Nachev C, Palatini P, Parati G, Tuomilehto J, Webster J. Predicting cardiovascular risk using conventional vs ambulatory blood pressure in older patients with systolic hypertension. Systolic Hypertension in Europe Trial Investigators. JAMA 1999 Aug;282(6):539-46.
7. Kikuya M, Ohkubo T, Asayama K, Metoki H, Obara T, Saito S, Hashimoto J, Totsune K, Hoshi H, Satoh H, Imai Y. Ambulatory blood pressure and 10-year risk of cardiovascular and noncardiovascular mortality: the Ohasama study. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 2005 Feb;45(2):240-5.
8. Asayama K, Ohkubo T, Kikuya M, Obara T, Metoki H, Inoue R, Hara A, Hirose T, Hoshi H, Hashimoto J, Totsune K, Satoh H, Imai Y. Prediction of stroke by home ‘morning’ versus ‘evening’ blood pressure values: the Ohasama study. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 2006 Oct;48(4):737-43.
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10. Kario K. Time for focus on morning hypertension: pitfall of current antihypertensive medication. American Journal of Hypertension 2005 Feb;18(2 Pt 1):149-51.
11. Metoki H, Ohkubo T, Kikuya M, Asayama K, Obara T, Hashimoto J, Totsune K, Hoshi H, Satoh H, Imai Y. Prognostic significance for stroke of a morning pressor surge and a nocturnal blood pressure decline: the Ohasama study. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 2006 Feb;47(2):149-54.
12. Hoshide S, Kario K, Hoshide Y, Umeda Y, Hashimoto T, Kunii O, Ojima T, Shimada K. Associations between nondipping of nocturnal blood pressure decrease and cardiovascular target organ damage in strictly selected community-dwelling normotensives. American Journal of Hypertension 2003 Jun;16(6):434-8.
13. Ohkubo T, Imai Y, Tsuji I, Nagai K, Watanabe N, Minami N, Kato J, Kikuchi N, Nishiyama A, Aihara A, Sekino M, Satoh H, Hisamichi S. Relation between nocturnal decline in blood pressure and mortality. The Ohasama Study. American Journal of Hypertension 1997 Nov;10(11):1201-7.
14. Kario K, Matsuno T, Kobayashi H, Imiya M, Matsuo M, Shimada K. Nocturnal fall of blood pressure and silent cerebrovascular damage in elderly hypertensive patients. Advanced silent cerebrovascular damage in extreme dippers. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 1996 Jan;27(1):130-5.
15. Kario K, Pickering TG, Matsuo T, Hoshide S, Schwartz JE, Shimada K. Stroke prognosis and abnormal nocturnal blood pressure falls in older hypertensives. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 2001 Oct;38(4):852-7.
16. Ohkubo T, Hozawa A, Yamaguchi J, Kikuya M, Ohmori K, Michimata M, Matsubara M, Hashimoto J, Hoshi H, Araki T, Tsuji I, Satoh H, Hisamichi S, Imai Y. Prognostic significance of the nocturnal decline in blood pressure in individuals with and without high 24-h blood pressure: the Ohasama study. Journal of Hypertension 2002 Nov;20(11):2183-9.
17. Obara T, Ito K, Ohkubo T, Shibamiya T, Shinki T, Nakashita M, Hara A, Metoki H, Inoue R, Asayama K, Kikuya M, Mano N, Imai Y; J-HOME Study Group. Uncontrolled hypertension based on morning and evening home blood pressure measurements from the J-HOME study. Hypertension Research 2009 Dec;32(12):1072-8.
18. Hermida RC, Ayala DE, Calvo C. Optimal timing for antihypertensive dosing: focus on valsartan. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2007 Mar;3(1):119-31.
19. Hermida RC, Ayala DE, Fernández JR, Calvo C. Chronotherapy improves blood pressure control and reverts the nondipper pattern in patients with resistant hypertension. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 2008 Jan;51(1):69-76.
20. White WB, Weber MA, Sica D, Bakris GL, Perez A, Cao C, Kupfer S. Effects of the angiotensin receptor blocker azilsartan medoxomil versus olmesartan and valsartan on ambulatory and clinic blood pressure in patients with stages 1 and 2 hypertension. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 2011 Mar;57(3):413-20.
21. Bakris GL, Sica D, Weber M, White WB, Roberts A, Perez A, Cao C, Kupfer S. The comparative effects of azilsartan medoxomil and olmesartan on ambulatory and clinic blood pressure. Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.) 2011 Feb;13(2):81-8.
22. Sica D, White WB, Weber MA, Bakris GL, Perez A, Cao C, Handley A, Kupfer S. Comparison of the novel angiotensin II receptor blocker azilsartan medoxomil vs valsartan by ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.) 2011 Jul;13(7):467-72.
23. Rakugi H, Enya K, Sugiura K, Ikeda Y. Comparison of the efficacy and safety of azilsartan with that of candesartan cilexetil in Japanese patients with grade I–II essential hypertension: a randomized, double-blind clinical study. Hypertension Research 2012 May;35(5):552-8.
24. Lacourcière Y, Asmar R. A comparison of the efficacy and duration of action of candesartan cilexetil and losartan as assessed by clinic and ambulatory blood pressure after a missed dose, in truly hypertensive patients: a placebo-controlled, forced titration study. Candesartan/Losartan study investigators. American Journal of Hypertension 1999 Dec;12(12 Pt 1-2):1181-7.
25. Neutel JM, Smith DH. Evaluation of angiotensin II receptor blockers for 24-hour blood pressure control: meta-analysis of a clinical database. Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich, Conn.) 2003 Jan-Feb;5(1):58-63.
26. Fogari R, Mugellini A, Zoppi A, Derosa G, Rinaldi A, Fogari E, Vanasia A, Preti P. Efficacy of losartan, valsartan, and telmisartan in patients with mild to moderate hypertension: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Current Therapeutic Research. Clinical and Experimental 2002 Jan;63(1):1-14.
27. Hermida RC, Ayala DE, Khder Y, Calvo C. Ambulatory blood pressure-lowering effects of valsartan and enalapril after a missed dose in previously untreated patients with hypertension: a prospective, randomized, open-label, blinded end-point trial. Clinical Therapeutics 2008 Jan;30(1):108-20.
28. Zappe DH, Crikelair N, Kandra A, Palatini P. Time of administration important? Morning versus evening dosing of valsartan. Journal of Hypertension 2015 Feb;33(2):385-92.
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33. Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Beevers G, de Faire U, Fyhrquist F, Ibsen H, Kristiansson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik P, Oparil S, Wedel H; LIFE Study Group. Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in Hypertension Study (LIFE): a randomized trial against atenolol. The Lancet 2002 Mar;359(9311):995-1003.
34. Weber MA, Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Brunner HR, Ekman S, Hansson L, Hua T, Laragh JH, McInnes GT, Mitchell L, Plat F, Schork MA, Smith B, Zanchetti A. Blood pressure dependent and independent effects of antihypertensive treatment on clinical events in the VALUE trial. The Lancet 2004 Jun;363(9426):2049-51.
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38. Hermida RC, Calvo C, Ayala DE, Fernández JR, Covelo M, Mojón A, López JE. Treatment of non-dipper hypertension with bedtime administration of valsartan. Journal of Hypertension 2005 Oct;23(10):1913-22.
39. Hermida RC, Ayala DE. Chronotherapy with the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor ramipril in essential hypertension: improved blood pressure control with bedtime dosing. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 2009 Jul;54(1):40-6.
40. Hermida RC, Ayala DE, Fernández JR, Calvo C. Comparison of the efficacy of morning versus evening administration of telmisartan in essential hypertension. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex.: 1979) 2007 Oct;50(4):715-22.
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