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Атмосфера. Новости кардиологии
2020 / N 4

Хроническая сердечная недостаточность: новое определение, новые подходы к лечению
Ю.А. Карпов


1. Tereshchenko SN, Galyavich AS, Uskach TM, Ageyev FT, Arutyunov GP, Begrambekova YuL, Belenkov YuN, Boytsov SA, Vasyuk YuA, Garganeyeva AA, Gendlin GE, Gilyarevskiy SR, Glezer MG, Gautier SV, Gupalo EM, Dovzhenko TV, Drapkina OM, Duplyakov DV, Zhirov IV, Zateyshchikov DA, Kobalava ZhD, Koziolova NA, Koroteev AV, Libis RA, Lopatin YuM, Mareyev VYu, Mareyev YuV, Matskeplishvili ST, Nasonova SN, Narusov OYu, Nedoshivin AO, Ovchinnikov AG, Orlova YaA, Perepech NB, Samko AN, Saidova MA, Safiullina AA, Sitnikova MYu, Skvortsov AA, Skibitskiy VV, Stukalova OV, Tarlovskaya EI, Tereshchenko AS, Chesnikova AI, Fomin IV, Shevchenko AO, Shaposhnik II, Sharia MA, Shlyakhto EV, Yavelov IS, Yakushin SS. Clinical practice guidelines for chronic heart failure, 2020. Russian Journal of Cardiology 2020;25(11):311-74 (In Russian).
2. Ziaeian B, Fonarow GC. Epidemiology and aetiology of heart failure. Nature Reviews. Cardiology 2016 Jun;13(6):368-78.
3. Vos T, Flaxman AD, Naghavi M, Lozano R, Michaud C, Ezzati M, Shibuya K, Salomon JA, Abdalla S, Aboyans V, Abraham J, Ackerman I, Aggarwal R, Ahn SY, Ali MK, Alvarado M, Anderson HR, Anderson LM, Andrews KG, Atkinson C, Baddour LM, Bahalim AN, Barker-Collo S, Barrero LH, Bartels DH, Basáñez MG, Baxter A, Bell ML, Benjamin EJ, Bennett D, Bernabé E, Bhalla K, Bhandari B, Bikbov B, Bin Abdulhak A, Birbeck G, Black JA, Blencowe H, Blore JD, Blyth F, Bolliger I, Bonaventure A, Boufous S, Bourne R, Boussinesq M, Braithwaite T, Brayne C, Bridgett L, Brooker S, Brooks P, Brugha TS, Bryan-Hancock C, Bucello C, Buchbinder R, Buckle G, Budke CM, Burch M, Burney P, Burstein R, Calabria B, Campbell B, Canter CE, Carabin H, Carapetis J, Carmona L, Cella C, Charlson F, Chen H, Cheng AT, Chou D, Chugh SS, Coffeng LE, Colan SD, Colquhoun S, Colson KE, Condon J, Connor MD, Cooper LT, Corriere M, Cortinovis M, de Vaccaro KC, Couser W, Cowie BC, Criqui MH, Cross M, Dabhadkar KC, Dahiya M, Dahodwala N, Damsere-Derry J, Danaei G, Davis A, De Leo D, Degenhardt L, Dellavalle R, Delossantos A, Denenberg J, Derrett S, Des Jarlais DC, Dharmaratne SD, Dherani M, Diaz-Torne C, Dolk H, Dorsey ER, Driscoll T, Duber H, Ebel B, Edmond K, Elbaz A, Ali SE, Erskine H, Erwin PJ, Espindola P, Ewoigbokhan SE, Farzadfar F, Feigin V, Felson DT, Ferrari A, Ferri CP, Fèvre EM, Finucane MM, Flaxman S, Flood L, Foreman K, Forouzanfar MH, Fowkes FG, Franklin R, Fransen M, Freeman MK, Gabbe BJ, Gabriel SE, Gakidou E, Ganatra HA, Garcia B, Gaspari F, Gillum RF, Gmel G, Gosselin R, Grainger R, Groeger J, Guillemin F, Gunnell D, Gupta R, Haagsma J, Hagan H, Halasa YA, Hall W, Haring D, Haro JM, Harrison JE, Havmoeller R, Hay RJ, Higashi H, Hill C, Hoen B, Hoffman H, Hotez PJ, Hoy D, Huang JJ, Ibeanusi SE, Jacobsen KH, James SL, Jarvis D, Jasrasaria R, Jayaraman S, Johns N, Jonas JB, Karthikeyan G, Kassebaum N, Kawakami N, Keren A, Khoo JP, King CH, Knowlton LM, Kobusingye O, Koranteng A, Krishnamurthi R, Lalloo R, Laslett LL, Lathlean T, Leasher JL, Lee YY, Leigh J, Lim SS, Limb E, Lin JK, Lipnick M, Lipshultz SE, Liu W, Loane M, Ohno SL, Lyons R, Ma J, Mabweijano J, MacIntyre MF, Malekzadeh R, Mallinger L, Manivannan S, Marcenes W, March L, Margolis DJ, Marks GB, Marks R, Matsumori A, Matzopoulos R, Mayosi BM, McAnulty JH, McDermott MM, McGill N, McGrath J, Medina-Mora ME, Meltzer M, Mensah GA, Merriman TR, Meyer AC, Miglioli V, Miller M, Miller TR, Mitchell PB, Mocumbi AO, Moffitt TE, Mokdad AA, Monasta L, Montico M, Moradi-Lakeh M, Moran A, Morawska L, Mori R, Murdoch ME, Mwaniki MK, Naidoo K, Nair MN, Naldi L, Narayan KM, Nelson PK, Nelson RG, Nevitt MC, Newton CR, Nolte S, Norman P, Norman R, O’Donnell M, O’Hanlon S, Olives C, Omer SB, Ortblad K, Osborne R, Ozgediz D, Page A, Pahari B, Pandian JD, Rivero AP, Patten SB, Pearce N, Padilla RP, Perez-Ruiz F, Perico N, Pesudovs K, Phillips D, Phillips MR, Pierce K, Pion S, Polanczyk GV, Polinder S, Pope CA 3rd, Popova S, Porrini E, Pourmalek F, Prince M, Pullan RL, Ramaiah KD, Ranganathan D, Razavi H, Regan M, Rehm JT, Rein DB, Remuzzi G, Richardson K, Rivara FP, Roberts T, Robinson C, De Leòn FR, Ronfani L, Room R, Rosenfeld LC, Rushton L, Sacco RL, Saha S, Sampson U, Sanchez-Riera L, Sanman E, Schwebel DC, Scott JG, Segui-Gomez M, Shahraz S, Shepard DS, Shin H, Shivakoti R, Singh D, Singh GM, Singh JA, Singleton J, Sleet DA, Sliwa K, Smith E, Smith JL, Stapelberg NJ, Steer A, Steiner T, Stolk WA, Stovner LJ, Sudfeld C, Syed S, Tamburlini G, Tavakkoli M, Taylor HR, Taylor JA, Taylor WJ, Thomas B, Thomson WM, Thurston GD, Tleyjeh IM, Tonelli M, Towbin JA, Truelsen T, Tsilimbaris MK, Ubeda C, Undurraga EA, van der Werf MJ, van Os J, Vavilala MS, Venketasubramanian N, Wang M, Wang W, Watt K, Weatherall DJ, Weinstock MA, Weintraub R, Weisskopf MG, Weissman MM, White RA, Whiteford H, Wiersma ST, Wilkinson JD, Williams HC, Williams SR, Witt E, Wolfe F, Woolf AD, Wulf S, Yeh PH, Zaidi AK, Zheng ZJ, Zonies D, Lopez AD, Murray CJ, AlMazroa MA, Memish ZA. Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. The Lancet 2012 Dec;380(9859):2163-96.
4. Fomin IV, Belenkov YuN, Mareyev VYu, Ageyev FT, Badin YuM, Galyavich AS, Danielyan MO, Kamalov GM, Kolbin AA, Kechedzhiyeva SG, Makarova VG, Makarova NV, Malenkova VYu, Sayfutdinov RI, Tarlovskaya EI, Khokhlov RA, Shcherbinina EV, Yakushin SS. Prevalence of chronic heart failure in the European part of the Russian Federation: EPOCHA-CHF data. Russian Heart Failure Journal 2006;7(3):112-5 (In Russian).
5. Polyakov DS, Fomin IV, Belenkov YuN, Mareyev VYu, Ageyev FT, Artemyeva EG, Badin YuV, Bakulina EV, Vinogradova NG, Galyavich AS, Ionova TS, Kamalov GM, Kechedzhiyeva SG, Koziolova NA, Malenkova VYu, Malchikova SV, Mareyev YuV, Smirnova EA, Tarlovskaya EI, Shcherbinina EV, Yakushin SS. Chronic heart failure in the Russian Federation: what has changed in 20 years of follow-up? Results of the EPOCHA-CHF study. Kardiologiia 2021;61(4):4-14 (In Russian).
6. Yancy CW, Jessup M, Bozkurt B, Butler J, Casey DE Jr, Colvin MM, Drazner MH, Filippatos GS, Fonarow GC, Givertz MM, Hollenberg SM, Lindenfeld JA, Masoudi FA, McBride PE, Peterson PN, Stevenson LW, Westlake C. 2017 ACC/AHA/HFSA focused update of the 2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of heart failure: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Heart Failure Society of America. Circulation 2017 Aug;136(6):e137-61.
7. Ponikowski P, Voors AA, Anker SD, Bueno H, Cleland JG, Coats AJ, Falk V, Gonzalez-Juanatey JR, Harjola VP, Jankowska EA, Jessup M, Linde C, Nihoyannopoulos P, Parissis JT, Pieske B, Riley JP, Rosano GM, Ruilope LM, Ruschitzka F, Rutten FH, van der Meer P; ESC Scientific Document Group. 2016 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure: the Task Force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Developed with the special contribution of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. European Journal of Heart Failure 2016 Aug;18(8):891-975.
8. Bozkurt B, Coats AJS, Tsutsui H, Abdelhamid CM, Adamopoulos S, Albert N, Anker SD, Atherton J, Böhm M, Butler J, Drazner MH, Felker GM, Filippatos G, Fiuzat M, Fonarow GC, Gomez-Mesa JE, Heidenreich P, Imamura T, Jankowska EA, Januzzi J, Khazanie P, Kinugawa K, Lam CSP, Matsue Y, Metra M, Ohtani T, Piepoli MF, Ponikowski P, Rosano GMC, Sakata Y, Seferović P, Starling RC, Teerlink JR, Vardeny O, Kamamoto K, Yancy C, Zhang J, Zieroth S. Universal definition and classification of heart failure: a report of the Heart Failure Society of America, Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology, Japanese Heart Failure Society and Writing Committee of the Universal Definition of Heart Failure: Endorsed by the Canadian Heart Failure Society, Heart Failure Association of India, Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand, and Chinese Heart Failure Association. European Journal of Heart Failure 2021 Mar;23(3):352-80.
9. Solomon SD, Claggett B, Lewis EF, Desai A, Anand I, Sweitzer NK, O’Meara E, Shah SJ, McKinlay S, Fleg JL, Sopko G, Pitt B, Pfeffer MA; TOPCAT Investigators. Influence of ejection fraction on outcomes and efficacy of spironolactone in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. European Heart Journal 2016 Feb;37(5):455-62.
10. Solomon SD, Vaduganathan M, Claggett BL, Packer M, Zile M, Swedberg K, Rouleau JA, Pfeffer M, Desai A, Lund LH, Kober L, Anand I, Sweitzer N, Linssen G, Merkely B, Luis Arango J, Vinereanu D, Chen CH, Senni M, Sibulo A, Boytsov S, Shi V, Rizkala A, Lefkowitz M, McMurray JJ. Sacubitril/valsartan across the spectrum of ejection fraction in heart failure. Circulation 2020 Feb;141(5):352-61.
11. Lund LH, Claggett B, Liu J, Lam CS, Jhund PS, Rosano GM, Swedberg K, Yusuf S, Granger CB, Pfeffer MA, McMurray JJ, Solomon SD. Heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction in CHARM: characteristics, outcomes and effect of candesartan across the entire ejection fraction spectrum. European Journal of Heart Failure 2018 Aug;20(8):1230-9.
12. Cleland JG, Bunting KV, Flather MD, Altman DG, Holmes J, Coats AJ, Manzano L, McMurray JJ, Ruschitzka F, van Veldhuisen DJ, von Lueder TG, Bohm M, Andersson B, Kjekshus J, Packer M, Rigby AS, Rosano G, Wedel H, Hjalmarson A, Wikstrand J, Kotecha D; Beta-blockers in Heart Failure Collaborative Group. Beta-blockers for heart failure with reduced, mid-range, and preserved ejection fraction: an individual patient-level analysis of double-blind randomized trials. European Heart Journal 2018 Jan;39(1):26-35.
13. Zheng SL, Chan FT, Nabeebaccus AA, Shah AM, McDonagh T, Okonko DO, Ayis S. Drug treatment effects on outcomes in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart 2018 Mar;104(15):407-15.
14. Tsuji K, Sakata Y, Nochioka K, Miura M, Yamauchi T, Onose T, Abe R, Oikawa T, Kasahara S, Sato M, Shiroto T, Takahashi J, Miyata S, Shimokawa H; CHART-2 Investigators. Characterization of heart failure patients with mid-range left ventricular ejection fraction – a report from the CHART-2 study. European Journal of Heart Failure 2017 Oct;19(10):1258-69.
15. Bozkurt B, Ezekowitz J. Substance and substrate: LVEF and sex subgroup analyses of PARAGON-HF and PARADIGM-HF trials. Circulation 2020 Feb;141(5):362-6.
16. McMurray JJV, Solomon SD, Inzucchi SE, Køber L, Kosiborod MN, Martinez FA, Ponikowski P, Sabatine MS, Anand IS, Bělohlávek J, Böhm M, Chiang CE, Chopra VK, de Boer RA, Desai AS, Diez M, Drozdz J, Dukát A, Ge J, Howlett JG, Katova T, Kitakaze M, Ljungman CEA, Merkely B, Nicolau JC, O’Meara E, Petrie MC, Vinh PN, Schou M, Tereshchenko S, Verma S, Held C, DeMets DL, Docherty KF, Jhund PS, Bengtsson O, Sjöstrand M, Langkilde AM; DAPA-HF Trial Committees and Investigators. Dapagliflozin in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction. The New England Journal of Medicine 2019 Nov;381(21):1995-2008.
17. Wiviott SD, Raz I, Bonaca MP, Mosenzon O, Kato E, Cahn A, Silverman MG, Zelniker TA, Kuder JF, Murphy SA, Bhatt DL, Leiter LA, McGuire DK, Wilding JPH, Ruff CT, Gause-Nilsson IAM, Fredriksson M, Johansson PA, Langkilde AM, Sabatine MS; DECLARE–TIMI 58 Investigators. Dapagliflozin and cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes. The New England Journal of Medicine 2019 Jan;380(4):347-57.
18. Docherty KF, Jhund PS, Inzucchi SE, Køber L, Kosiborod MN, Martinez FA, Ponikowski P, DeMets DL, Sabatine MS, Bengtsson O, Sjöstrand M, Langkilde AM, Desai AS, Diez M, Howlett JG, Katova T, Ljungman CEA, O’Meara E, Petrie MC, Schou M, Verma S, Vinh PN, Solomon SD, McMurray JJV. Effects of dapagliflozin in DAPA-HF according to background heart failure therapy. European Heart Journal 2020 Jul;41(25):2379-92.
19. Jhund P, Adamson C, Inzucchi SE, Kosiborod M, Langkilde AM, Martinez F, Bengtsson O, Ponikowski P, Sabatine M, Sjoestrand M, Solomon SD, McMurray J. Effect of treatment with dapagliflozin is consistent across the range of body mass index in patients with HFrEF: an analysis of the DAPA-HF trial. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2020 Mar;75(11 Suppl 1):673.
20. Køber L, Docherty K, Inzucchi SE, Jhund P, Kosiborod M, Langkilde AM, Martinez F, Bengtsson O, Ponikowski P, Sabatine M, Sjoestrand M, Solomon SD, McMurray J. Dapagliflozin improves outcomes irrespective of NT-proBNP concentration in patients with HFrEF: an analysis of the DAPA-HF trial. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2020 Mar;75(11 Suppl 1):675.
21. Martinez FA, Serenelli M, Nicolau JC, Petrie MC, Chiang CE, Tereshchenko S, Solomon SD, Inzucchi SE, Køber L, Kosiborod MN, Ponikowski P, Sabatine MS, DeMets DL, Dutkiewicz-Piasecka M, Bengtsson O, Sjöstrand M, Langkilde AM, Jhund PS, McMurray JJV. Efficacy and safety of dapagliflozin in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction according to age: insights from DAPA-HF. Circulation 2020 Jan;141(2):100-11.
22. Kosiborod MN, Jhund PS, Docherty KF, Diez M, Petrie MC, Verma S, Nicolau JC, Merkely B, Kitakaze M, DeMets DL, Inzucchi SE, Køber L, Martinez FA, Ponikowski P, Sabatine MS, Solomon SD, Bengtsson O, Lindholm D, Niklasson A, Sjöstrand M, Langkilde AM, McMurray JJV. Effects of dapagliflozin on symptoms, function, and quality of life in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction: results from the DAPA-HF trial. Circulation 2020 Jan;141(2):90-9.
23. McMurray JJV, DeMets DL, Inzucchi SE, Køber L, Kosiborod MN, Langkilde AM, Martinez FA, Bengtsson O, Ponikowski P, Sabatine MS, Sjöstrand M, Solomon SD; DAPA-HF Committees and Investigators. Dapagliflozin and prevention of adverse-outcomes in heart failure trial (DAPAHF): results in nondiabetic patients. Presented at AHA Scientific Session; Philadelphia, PA; 2019 Nov 16. Available from: https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/7891/presentation/35181 Accessed 2021 May 27.
24. Solomon SD, Dobson J, Pocock S, Skali H, McMurray JJV, Granger CB, Yusuf S, Swedberg K, Young JB, Michelson EL, Pfeffer MA; Candesartan in Heart failure: Assessment of Reduction in Mortality and morbidity (CHARM) Investigators. Influence of nonfatal hospitalization for heart failure on subsequent mortality in patients with chronic heart failure. Circulation 2007 Sep;116(13):1482-7.
25. Bello NA, Claggett B, Desai AS, McMurray JJV, Granger CB, Yusuf S, Swedberg K, Pfeffer MA, Solomon SD. Influence of previous heart failure hospitalization on cardiovascular events in patients with reduced and preserved ejection fraction. Circulation. Heart Failure 2014 Jul;7(4):590-5.
26. Berg DD, Jhund PS, Docherty KF, Murphy SA, Verma S, Inzucchi SE, Køber L, Kosiborod MN, Langkilde AM, Martinez FA, Bengtsson O, Ponikowski P, Sjöstrand M, Solomon SD, McMurray JJV, Sabatine MS. Time to clinical benefit of dapagliflozin and significance of prior heart failure hospitalization in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. JAMA Cardiology 2021 May;6(5):499-507.
27. Packer M, Anker SD, Butler J, Filippatos G, Pocock SJ, Carson P, Januzzi J, Verma S, Tsutsui H, Brueckmann M, Jamal W, Kimura K, Schnee J, Zeller C, Cotton D, Bocchi E, Böhm M, Choi DJ, Chopra V, Chuquiure E, Giannetti N, Janssens S, Zhang J, Juanatey JRG, Kaul S, Brunner-La Rocca HP, Merkely B, Nicholls SJ, Perrone S, Pina I, Ponikowski P, Sattar N, Senni M, Seronde MF, Spinar J, Squire I, Taddei S, Wanner C, Zannad F; EMPEROR-Reduced Trial Investigators. Cardiovascular and renal outcomes with empagliflozin in heart failure. The New England Journal of Medicine 2020 Oct;383(15):1413-24.
28. Zinman B, Wanner C, Lachin JM, Fitchett D, Bluhmki E, Hantel S, Mattheus M, Devins T, Johansen OE, Woerle HJ, Broedl UC, Inzucchi SE; EMPA-REG OUTCOME Investigators. Empagliflozin, cardiovascular outcomes, and mortality in type 2 diabetes. The New England Journal of Medicine 2015 Nov;373(22):2117-28.
29. Zelniker TA, Wiviott SD, Raz I, Im K, Goodrich EL, Bonaca MP, Mosenzon O, Kato ET, Cahn A, Furtado RHM, Bhatt DL, Leiter LA, McGuire DK, Wilding JPH, Sabatine MS. SGLT2 inhibitors for primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular and renal outcomes in type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cardiovascular outcome trials. The Lancet 2019 Jan;393(101666):31-9.
30. Verma S, McMurray JJV, Cherney DZI. The metabolodiuretic promise of sodium-dependent glucose cotransporter 2 inhibition: the search for the sweet spot in heart failure. JAMA Cardiology 2017 Sep;2(9):939-40.
31. Sattar N, McLaren J, Kristensen SL, Preiss D, McMurray JJ. SGLT2 Inhibition and cardiovascular events: why did EMPA-REG Outcomes surprise and what were the likely mechanisms? Diabetologia 2016 Jul;59(7):1333-9.
32. Striepe K, Jumar A, Ott C, Karg MV, Schneider MP, Kannenkeril D, Schmieder RE. Effects of the selective sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor empagliflozin on vascular function and central hemodynamics in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Circulation 2017 Sep;136(12):1167-9.
33. Verma S, McMurray JJV. SGLT2 inhibitors and mechanisms of cardiovascular benefit: a state-of-the-art review. Diabetologia 2018 Oct;61(10):2108-17.
34. Verma S, Rawat S, Ho KL, Wagg CS, Zhang L, Teoh H, Dyck JE, Uddin CU, Oudit GY, Mayoux E, Lehrke M, Marx N, Lopaschuk GD. Empagliflozin increases cardiac energy production in diabetes: novel translational insights into the heart failure benefits of SGLT2 Inhibitors. JACC Basic to Translational Sciences 2018 Aug;3(5):575-87.
35. Seferović PM, Fragasso G, Petrie M, Mullens W, Ferrari R, Thum T, Bauersachs J, Anker SD, Ray R, Çavuşoğlu Y, Polovina M, Metra M, Ambrosio G, Prasad K, Jeferović J, Jhund PS, Dattilo G, Čelutkiene J, Piepoli M, Moura B, Chioncel O, Gal TB, Heymans S, de Boer RA, Jaarsma T, Hill L, Lopatin Y, Lyon AR, Ponikowski P, Lainščak M, Jankowska E, Mueller C, Cosentino F, Lund L, Filippatos GS, Ruschitzka F, Coats AJS, Rosano GMC. Sodium glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors in heart failure: beyond glycaemic control. A position paper of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology. European Journal of Heart Failure 2020 Sep;2(9):1495-503.
36. Writing Committee; Maddox TM, Januzzi JL Jr, Allen LA, Breathett F, Butler J, Davis LL, Fonarow GC, Ibrahim NE, Lindenfeld JA, Masoudi FA, Motiwala SR, Oliveros E, Patterson JH, Walsh MN, Wasserman A, Yancy CW, Youmans QR. 2021 Update to the 2017 ACC Expert Consensus decision pathway for optimization of heart failure treatment: answers to 10 pivotal issues about heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: a report of the American College of Cardiology Solution Set Oversight Committee. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2021 Feb;77(6):772-810.
37. McMurray JJV, Packer M. How should we sequence the treatments for heart failure and a reduced ejection fraction? A redefinition of evidence-based medicine. Circulation 2021 Mar;143(9):875-7.
38. Lam PH, Packer M, Fonarow GC, Faselis C, Allman RM, Morgan CJ, Singh SN, Pitt B, Ahmed A. Early effects of starting doses of enalapril in patients with chronic heart failure in the SOLVD treatment trial. The American Journal of Medicine 2020 Feb;133(2):e25-31.
39. Krum H, Roecker EB, Mohacsi P, Rouleau JL, Tendera M, Coats AJ, Katus HA, Fowler MB, Packer M; Carvedilol Prospective Randomized Cumulative Survival (COPERNICUS) Study Group. Effects of initiating carvedilol in patients with severe chronic heart failure: results from the COPERNICUS study. JAMA 2003 Feb;289(6):712-8.
40. Pitt B, White H, Nicolau J, Martinez F, Gheorghiade M, Aschermann M, van Veldhuisen DJ, Zannad F, Krum H, Mukherjee R, Vincent J; EPHESUS Investigators. Eplerenone reduces mortality 30 days after randomization following acute myocardial infarction in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction and heart failure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2005 Aug;46(3):425-31.
41. Packer M, Poole-Wilson PA, Armstrong PW, Cleland JG, Horowitz JD, Massie BM, Rydén L, Thygesen K, Uretsky BF. Comparative effects of low and high doses of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, lisinopril, on morbidity and mortality in chronic heart failure. ATLAS study group. Circulation 1999 Dec;100(23):2312-8.
42. Desai AS, Vardeny O, Claggett B, McMurray JJ, Packer M, Swedberg K, Rouleau JL, Zile MR, Lefkowitz M, Shi V, Solomon SD. Reduced risk of hyperkalemia during treatment of heart failure with mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists by use of sacubitril/valsartan compared with enalapril: a secondary analysis of the PARADIGM HF trial. JAMA Cardiology 2017 Jan;2(1):79-85.
43. Packer M. Activation and inhibition of sodium-hydrogen exchanger is a mechanism that links the pathophysiology and treatment of diabetes mellitus with that of heart failure. Circulation 2017 Oct;136(16):1548-59.

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