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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Атмосфера. Новости кардиологии
2020 / N 4

“Вместе мы можем больше” – использование фиксированной комбинации β-адреноблокатора бисопролола и ингибитора ангиотензинпревращающего фермента периндоприла аргинина в лечении больных с артериальной гипертонией
И.А. Либов, Ю.Н. Моисеева, О.В. Кондрашов


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16. Pitt B, O’Neill B, Feldman R, Ferrari R, Schwartz L, Mudra H, Bass T, Pepine C, Texter M, Haber H, Uprichard A, Cashin-Hemphill L, Lees RS; QUIET Study Group. The QUinapril Ischemic Event Trial (QUIET): evaluation of chronic ACE inhibitor therapy in patients with ischemic heart disease and preserved left ventricular function. The American Journal of Cardiology 2001 May;87(9):1058-63.
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18. Kotseva K, De Backer G, De Bacquer D, Rydén L, Hoes A, Grobbee D, Maggioni A, Marques-Vidal P, Jennings C, Abreu A, Aguiar C, Badariene J, Bruthans J, Castro Conde A, Cifkova R, Crowley J, Davletov K, Deckers J, De Smedt D, De Sutter J, Dilic M, Dolzhenko M, Dzerve V, Erglis A, Fras Z, Gaita D, Gotcheva N, Heuschmann P, Hasan-Ali H, Jankowski P, Lalic N, Lehto S, Lovic D, Mancas S, Mellbin L, Milicic D, Mirrakhimov E, Oganov R, Pogosova N, Reiner Z, Stöerk S, Tokgözoğlu L, Tsioufis C, Vulic D, Wood D; EUROASPIRE Investigators. Lifestyle and impact on cardiovascular risk factor control in coronary patients across 27 countries: results from the European Society of Cardiology ESC-EORP EUROASPIRE V registry. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2019 May;26(8):824-35.
19. Brugts JJ, Bertrand M, Remme W, Ferrari R, Fox K, MacMahon S, Chalmers J, Simoons ML, Boersma E. The treatment effect of an ACE-inhibitor based regimen with perindopril in relation to beta-blocker use in 29,463 patients with vascular disease: a combined analysis of individual data of ADVANCE, EUROPA and PROGRESS trials. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 2017 Aug;31(4):391-400.
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24. Lutai MI, Golikova IP. The effectiveness of treatment of patients with stable coronary heart disease and concomitant hypertension: the results of a multicenter study PRESTOL. Ukrainian Journal of Cardiology 2019;26(1):19-30.

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