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Атмосфера. Новости кардиологии 2018 / N 1
Валсартан – ключ к решению вопросов профилактики сердечно-сосудистых осложнений Ю.А. Карпов, А.В. Мелехов
1. McInnes GT. Angiotensin II antagonism in clinical practice: experience with valsartan. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 1999;33(Suppl 1):S29-32; discussion S41-3.
2. Abraham НМ, White СМ, White WB. The comparative efficacy and safety of the angiotensin receptor blockers in the management of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Drug Safety 2015 Jan;38(1):33-54.
3. Chazova IE, Oshchepkova EV, Zhernakova YuV, Karpov YuA, Arkhipov MV, Barbarash OL, Galyavich AS, Grinshtein YuI, Eregin SYa, Karpov RS, Kislyak OA, Kobalava ZhD, Konradi AO, Kukharchuk VV, Litvin AYu, Martynov AI, Medvedeva IA, Milyagin VA, Nebieridze DV, Nevzorova VA, Ogarkov MYu, Ostroumova OD, Perepech NB, Petrichko TA, Podzolkov VI, Rogoza AN, Skibitskiy VV, Tereshchenko SV, Tkacheva ON, Trubacheva IA, Tuyev AV, Tyurina TV, Fomin VV, Chikhladze NM, Chukaeva II, Shalaev SV, Shestakova MV, Shlyk SV, Shaposhnik II, Yakushin SS. Diagnostics and treatment of arterial hypertension. Clinical guidelines. Kardiologicheskiy Vestnik 2015;X(1):3-30 (In Russian).
4. The Task Force on the management of stable coronary artery disease of the European Society of Cardiology. 2013 ESC guidelines on the management of stable coronary artery disease. Russian Journal of Cardiology 2014;7(111):7-79 (In Russian).
5. Mareev VYu, Ageev FT, Arutyunov GP, Koroteev AV, Mareev YuV, Ovchinnikov AG, Belenkov YuN, Vasyuk YuA, Galyavich AS, Garganeeva AA, Gilyarevsky SR, Glezer MG, Koziolova NA, Kots YaI, Lopatin YuM, Martynov AI, Moiseev VS, Revishvili ASh, Sitnikova MYu, Skibitsky VV, Sokolov EI, Storozhakov GI, Fomin IV, Chesnikova AI, Shlyakhto EV, Akchurin RS, Aronov DM, Arkhipov MV, Bart BYa, Belousov YuB, Boytsov SA, Gendlin GE, Golikov AP, Golitsyn SP, Gurevich MA, Danielyan MO, Dovgalevskiy PYa, Zadionchenko VS, Karpov RS, Karpov YuA, Kobalava ZhD, Kuznetsov VA, Lazebnik LB, Nasonov EL, Nedogoda SV, Nikitin YuP, Oganov RG, Panchenko EP, Perepech NB, Podzolkov VI, Pozdnyakov YuA, Rakov AL, Ruda MYa, Rylova AK, Simonenko VB, Sidorenko BA, Staroverov II, Sulimov VA, Tarlovskaya EI, Tereshchenko SN, Fomina IG, Chazova IE, Drapkina OM. SEHF, RSC and RSMSIM national guidelines on CHF diagnostics and treatment (4th revision). Approved at the SEHF Congress 2012 Dec 7; at the SEHF Board of Directors meeting 2013 Mar 31; at the RSC Congress 2013 Sep 25. Russian Heart Failure Journal 2013;14(7(81)):379-472 (In Russian).
6. Holwerda NJ, Fogari R, Angeli P, Porcellati C, Hereng C, Oddou-Stock P, Heath R, Bodin F. Valsartan, a new angiotensin II antagonist for the treatment of essential hypertension: efficacy and safety compared with placebo and enalapril. Journal of Hypertension 1996 Sep;14(9):1147-51.
7. Mallion JM, Boutelant S, Chabaux P, Baguet JP, Muller M, Meilenbrock S, Heath R, Bodin F. Valsartan, a new angiotensin II antagonist; blood pressure reduction in essential hypertension compared with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, enalapril. Blood Pressure Monitoring 1997 Aug;2(4):179-84.
8. Fogari R, Mugellini A, Zoppi A, Marasi G, Pasotti C, Poletti L, Rinaldi A, Preti P. Effects of valsartan compared with enalapril on blood pressure and cognitive function in elderly patients with essential hypertension. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2004 Feb;59(12):863-8.
9. Neutel J, Weber M, Pool J, Smith D, Fitzsimmons S, Chiang YT, Gatlin M. Valsartan, a new angiotensin II antagonist: antihypertensive effects over 24 hours. Clinical Therapeutics 1997 May-Jun;19(3):447-58; discussion 367-8.
10. Hermida RC, Calvo C, Ayala DE, Domínguez MJ, Covelo M, Fernández JR, Mojón A, López JE. Administration time-dependent effects of valsartan on ambulatory blood pressure in hypertensive subjects. Hypertension 2003 Sep;42(3):283-90.
11. Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Weber M, Brunner HR, Ekman S, Hansson L, Hua T, Laragh J, McInnes GT, Mitchell L, Plat F, Schork A, Smith B, Zanchetti A; VALUE trial group. Outcomes in hypertensive patients at high cardiovascular risk treated with regimens based on valsartan or amlodipine: the VALUE randomised trial. Lancet 2004 Jun;363(9426):2022-31.
12. Julius S, Kjeldsen SE, Brunner H, Hansson L, Platt F, Ekman S, Laragh JH, McInnes G, Schork AM, Smith B, Weber M, Zanchetti A; VALUE Trial. VALUE trial: Long term blood pressure trends in 13,449 patients with hypertension and high cardiovascular risk. American Journal of Hypertension 2003 Jul;16(7):544-8.
13. Muramatsu T, Matsushita K, Yamashita K, Kondo T, Maeda K, Shintani S, Ichimiya S, Ohno M, Sone T, Ikeda N, Watarai M, Murohara T; NAGOYA HEART Study Investigators. Comparison between valsartan and amlodipine regarding cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertensive patients with glucose intolerance: NAGOYA HEART Study. Hypertension 2012 Mar;59(3):580-6.
14. Malacco E, Varì N, Capuano V, Spagnuolo V, Borgnino C, Palatini P; Val-Syst study. A randomized, double-blind, active-controlled, parallel-group comparison of valsartan and amlodipine in the treatment of isolated systolic hypertension in elderly patients: the Val-Syst study. Clinical Therapeutics 2003 Nov;25(11):2765-80.
15. Benz JR, Black HR, Graff A, Reed A, Fitzsimmons S, Shi Y. Valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide in patients with essential hypertension. A multiple dose, double-blind, placebo controlled trial comparing combination therapy with monotherapy. Journal of Human Hypertension 1998 Dec;12(12):861-6.
16. Calhoun DA, Glazer RD, Pettyjohn FS, Coenen PD, Zhao Y, Grosso A. Efficacy and tolerability of combination therapy with valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide in the initial treatment of severe hypertension. Current Medical Research and Opinion 2008 Aug;24(8):2303-11.
17. Izzo JL Jr, Jia Y, Zappe DH. Influence of age and race on 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure responses to valsartan, hydrochlorothiazide, and their combination: implications for clinical practice. Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich) 2017;19(2):143-50.
18. Zappe DH, Sowers JR, Hsueh WA, Haffner SM, Deedwania PC, Fonseca VA, Keeling L, Sica DA. Metabolic and antihypertensive effects of combined angiotensin receptor blocker and diuretic therapy in prediabetic hypertensive patients with the cardiometabolic syndrome. Journal of Clinical Hypertension (Greenwich) 2008 Dec;10(12):894-903.
19. Nixon RM, Müller E, Lowy A, Falvey H. Valsartan vs. other angiotensin II receptor blockers in the treatment of hypertension: a meta–analytical approach. International Journal of Clinical Practice 2009;63(5):766-75.
20. Ogihara T, Saruta T, Rakugi H, Matsuoka H, Shimamoto K, Shimada K, Imai Y, Kikuchi K, Ito S, Eto T, Kimura G, Imaizumi T, Takishita S, Ueshima H; Valsartan in Elderly Isolated Systolic Hypertension Study Group. Target blood pressure for treatment of isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly: valsartan in elderly isolated systolic hypertension study. Hypertension 2010 Aug; 56(2):196-202.
21. Narumi H, Takano H, Shindo S, Fujita M, Mizuma H, Kuwabara Y, Komuro I; Valsartan Amlodipine Randomized Trial Investigators. Effects of valsartan and amlodipine on cardiorenal protection in Japanese hypertensive patients: the Valsartan Amlodipine Randomized Trial. Hypertension Research 2011 Jan;34(1):62-9.
22. Takano H, Hasegawa H, Narumi H, Shindo S, Mizuma H, Kuwabara Y, Kobayashi Y, Komuro I; VART investigators. Effects of valsartan and amlodipine on home blood pressure and cardiovascular events in Japanese hypertensive patients: a subanalysis of the VART. Journal of Human Hypertension 2012 Nov;26(11):656-63.
23. Kucukler N, Kurt IH, Topaloglu C, Gurbuz S, Yalcin F. The effect of valsartan on left ventricular myocardial functions in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine (Hagerstown) 2012 Mar;13(3):181-6.
24. Suzuki K, Kato K, Soda S, Kamimura T, Aizawa Y. The effect of valsartan on regression of left ventricular hypertrophy in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2004 May;6(3):195-9.
25. Zhang X, Li ZL, Crane JA, Jordan KL, Pawar AS, Textor SC, Lerman A, Lerman LO. Valsartan regulates myocardial autophagy and mitochondrial turnover in experimental hypertension. Hypertension 2014 Jul;64(1):87-93.
26. Viberti G, Wheeldon NM; MicroAlbuminuria Reduction With VALsartan (MARVAL) Study Investigators. Microalbuminuria reduction with valsartan in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a blood pressure-independent effect. Circulation 2002 Aug;106(6):672-8.
27. Ridker PM, Danielson E, Rifai N, Glynn RJ; Val-MARC Investigators. Valsartan, blood pressure reduction, and C-reactive protein: primary report of the Val-MARC trial. Hypertension 2006 Jul;48(1):73-9.
28. Gavriilaki E, Gkaliagkousi E, Nikolaidou B, Triantafyllou G, Chatzopoulou F, Douma S. Increased thrombotic and impaired fibrinolytic response to acute exercise in patients with essential hypertension: the effect of treatment with an angiotensin II receptor blocker. Journal of Human Hypertension 2014;28(10):606-9.
29. Suzuki H, Sano T., Umeda Y, Yamamoto A, Toma N, Sakaida H, Taki W. Valsartan prevents neointimal hyperplasia after carotid artery stenting by suppressing endothelial cell injuries. Neurological Research 2015; 37(1):35-42.
30. Elliott WJ, Meyer PM. Incident diabetes in clinical trials of antihypertensive drugs: a network meta-analysis. Lancet 2007 Jan;369(9557):201-7.
31. Weycker D, Falvey H, Edelsberg J, Oster J. Risk of diabetes in hypertensive patients receiving valsartan versus losartan. Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2007;9(Suppl A):448.
32. NAVIGATOR Study Group, McMurray JJ, Holman RR, Haffner SM, Bethel MA, Holzhauer B, Hua TA, Belenkov Y, Boolell M, Buse JB, Buckley BM, Chacra AR, Chiang FT, Charbonnel B, Chow CC, Davies MJ, Deedwania P, Diem P, Einhorn D, Fonseca V, Fulcher GR, Gaciong Z, Gaztambide S, Giles T, Horton E, Ilkova H, Jenssen T, Kahn SE, Krum H, Laakso M, Leiter LA, Levitt NS, Mareev V, Martinez F, Masson C, Mazzone T, Meaney E, Nesto R, Pan C, Prager R, Raptis SA, Rutten GE, Sandstroem H, Schaper F, Scheen A, Schmitz O, Sinay I, Soska V, Stender S, Tamás G, Tognoni G, Tuomilehto J, Villamil AS, Vozár J, Califf RM. Effect of valsartan on the incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular events. The New England Journal of Medicine 2010 Apr;362(16):1477-90.
33. McMurray J, Solomon S, Pieper K, Reed S, Rouleau J, Velazquez E, White H, Howlett J, Swedberg K, Maggioni A, Køber L, Van de Werf F, Califf R, Pfeffer M. The effect of valsartan, captopril, or both on atherosclerotic events after acute myocardial infarction: an analysis of the Valsartan in Acute Myocardial Infarction Trial (VALIANT). Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2006 Feb;47(4):726-33.
34. Peters S, Götting B, Trümmel M, Rust H, Brattström A. Valsartan for prevention of restenosis after stenting of type B2/C lesions: the VAL-PREST trial. Journal of Invasive Cardiology 2001 Feb;13(2):93-7.
35. Peters S, Trümmel M, Meyners W, Koehler B, Westermann K. Valsartan versus ACE inhibition after bare metal stent implantation – results of the VALVACE trial. International Journal of Cardiology 2005 Feb;98(2):331-5.
36. Cohn JN, Tognoni G; Valsartan Heart Failure Trial Investigators. A randomized trial of the angiotensin-receptor blocker valsartan in chronic heart failure. The New England Journal of Medicine 2001 Dec;345(23):1667-75.
37. Maggioni AP, Latini R, Carson PE, Singh SN, Barlera S, Glazer R, Masson S, Cerè E, Tognoni G, Cohn JN; Val-HeFT Investigators. Valsartan reduces the incidence of atrial fibrillation in patients with heart failure: results from the Valsartan Heart Failure Trial (Val-HeFT). American Heart Journal 2005 Mar;149(3):548-57.
38. Ho CY, McMurray JJV, Cirino AL, Colan SD, Day SM, Desai AS, Lipshultz SE, MacRae CA, Shi L, Solomon SD, Orav EJ, Braunwald E; VANISH trial investigators and executive committee. The Design of the Valsartan for Attenuating Disease Evolution in Early Sarcomeric Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (VANISH) Trial. American Heart Journal 2017 May;187:145-55. |
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