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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Практическая пульмонология (ранее – "Атмосфера. Пульмонология и аллергология"): ISSN 2409-756X (Online), ISSN 2409-6636 (Print)
2018 / N 1

Трансбронхиальная криобиопсия легкого
М.В. Самсонова, А.Л. Черняев

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2. Deygas N, Froudarakis M, Ozenne G, Vergnon JM. Cryotherapy in early superficial bronchogenic carcinoma. Chest 2001 Jul;120(1):26-31.
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4. Sehgal IS, Bal A, Dhooria S, Agrawal P, Gupta N, Ram B, Aggarwal AN, Behera D, Agarwal R. A prospective randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy and safety of cup vs alligator forceps for performing transbronchial lung biopsy in patients with sarcoidosis. Chest 2016 Jun;149(6):1584-6.
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8. Sheth JS, Belperio JA, Fishbein MC, Kazerooni EA, Lagstein A, Murray S, Myers JL, Simon RH, Sisson TH, Sundaram B, White ES, Xia M, Zisman D, Flaherty KR. Utility of transbronchial vs surgical lung biopsy in the diagnosis of suspected fibrotic interstitial lung disease. Chest 2017 Feb;151(2):389-99.
9. Berbescu EA, Katzenstein AL, Snow JL, Zisman DA. Transbronchial biopsy in usual interstitial pneumonia. Chest 2006 May;129(5):1126-31.
10. Ensminger SA, Prakash UB. Is bronchoscopic lung biopsy helpful in the management of patients with diffuse lung disease? The European Respiratory Journal 2006 Dec;28(6):1081-4.
11. Leslie KO, Gruden JF, Parish JM, Scholand MB. Transbronchial biopsy interpretation in the patient with diffuse parenchymal lung disease. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2007;131:407-23.
12. Casoni GL, Tomassetti S, Cavazza A, Colby TV, Dubini A, Ryu JH, Carretta E, Tantalocco P, Piciucchi S, Ravaglia C, Gurioli C, Romagnoli M, Gurioli C, Chilosi M, Poletti V. Transbronchial lung cryobiopsy in the diagnosis of fibrotic interstitial lung diseases. PLoS One 2014 Feb;9(2): e86716. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086716. eCollection 2014.
13. Kebbe J, Abdo T. Interstitial lung disease: the diagnostic role of bronchoscopy. Journal of Thoracic Disease 2017 Sep;9(Suppl 10):S996-S1010.
14. Vergnon JM, Huber RM, Moghissi K. Place of cryotherapy, brachytherapy and photodynamic therapy in therapeutic bronchoscopy of lung cancers. The European Respiratory Journal 2006 Jul;28(1):200-18.
15. Baron TH, Kamath PS, McBane RD. Management of antithrombotic therapy in patients undergoing invasive procedures. The New England Journal of Medicine 2013;368(22):2113-24.
16. Ravaglia C, Bonifazi M, Wells AU, Tomassetti S, Gurioli C, Piciucchi S, Dubini A, Tantalocco P, Sanna S, Negri E, Tramacere I, Ventura VA, Cavazza A, Rossi A, Chilosi M, La Vecchia C, Gasparini S, Poletti V. Safety and diagnostic yield of transbronchial lung cryobiopsy in diffuse parenchymal lung diseases: a comparative study versus video-assisted thoracoscopic lung biopsy and a systematic review of the literature. Respiration 2016;91(3):215-27.
17. Pajares V, Puzo C, Castillo D, Lerma E, Montero MA, Ramos-Barb@ón D, Amor-Carro O, Gil de Bernab@é A, Franquet T, Plaza V, Hetzel J, Sanchis J, Torrego A. Diagnostic yield of transbronchial cryobiopsy in interstitial lung disease: a randomized trial. Respirology 2014 Aug;19(6):900-6.
18. Lentz RJ , Argento AC, Colby TV, Rickman O B, Maldonado F. Transbronchial cryobiopsy for diffuse parenchymal lung disease: a state-of-the-art review of procedural techniques, current evidence, and future challenges. Journal of Thoracic Disease 2017 Jul;9(7):2186-2203.
19. Johannson KA, Marcoux VS, Ronksley PE, Ryerson CJ. Diagnostic yield and complications of transbronchial lung cryobiopsy for interstitial lung disease. A systematic review and metaanalysis. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2016 Oct;13(10):1828-38.
20. Hagmeyer L, Theegarten D, Treml M, Priegnitz C, Randerath W. Validation of transbronchial cryobiopsy in interstitial lung disease – interim analysis of a prospective trial and critical review of the literature. Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases 2016 Mar;33(1):2-9.
21. Ussavarungsi K, Kern RM, Roden AC, Ryu JH, Edell ES. Transbronchial cryobiopsy in diffuse parenchymal lung disease: retrospective analysis of 74 cases. Chest 2017 Feb;151(2):400-8.

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