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Издательство Атмосфера

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Лечебное дело
2020 / N 4

Синдром хронической абдоминальной ишемии
М.М. Мутаев, А.А. Щеголев, С.А. Папоян, О.М. Мутаев, А.А. Ведерников

Список литературы

1. Вaccelli G. Patologia del cuore e dell’aorta. 3-vol. set. Roma: Stab. Tip. Giuseppe Via. III. 1867.
2. Крюков А.Н. Неотложная симптоматология внутренних болезней. М., Л.: Биомедгиз; 1935. 130 с.
3. Mikkelsen WP. Intestinal angina: its surgical significance. American Journal of Surgery 1957 Aug;94(2):262-7; discussion 267-9.
4. Heard G, Jefferies JD, Peters DK. Chronic intestinal ischemia: successful aorta/superior – mesenteric bypass. The Lancet 1963 Nov;2(7315):975-8.
5. Vollmar J. Rekonstruktive Chirurgie der Arterien. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlage; 1967. 426 p.
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8. Stoney RJ, Ehrenfeld WK, Wylie EJ. Revascularization methods in chronic visceral ischemia caused by atherosclerosis. Annals of Surgery 1977 Oct;186(4):468-76.
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18. Mensink PB, Moons LMG, Kuipers EJ. Chronic gastrointestinal ischaemia: shifting paradigms. Gut 2011 May;60(5):722-37.
19. Alahdab F, Arwani R, Pasha AK, Razouki ZA, Prokop LJ, Huber TS, Murad MH. A systematic review and meta-analysis of endovascular versus open surgical revascularization for chronic mesenteric ischemia. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2018 May;67(5):1598-605.
20. Clair DG, Beach JM. Mesenteric ischemia. The New England Journal of Medicine 2016 Mar;374(10):959-68.
21. Roobottom CA, Dubbins PA. Significant disease of the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries in asymptomatic patients: predictive value of Doppler sonography. AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology 1993 Nov;161(5):985-8.
22. Wilson DB, Mostafavi K, Craven TE, Ayerdi J, Edwards MS, Hansen KJ. Clinical course of mesenteric artery stenosis in elderly Americans. Archives of Internal Medicine 2006 Oct;166(19):2095-100.
23. Park CM, Chung JW, Kim HB, Shin SJ, Park JH. Celiac axis stenosis: incidence and etiologies in asymptomatic individuals. Korean Journal of Radiology 2001 Jan-Mar;2(1):8-13.
24. Mensink PB, van Petersen AS, Geelkerken RH, Otte JA, Huisman AB, Kolkman JJ. Clinical significance of splanchnic artery stenosis. The British Journal of Surgery 2006 Nov;93(11):1377-82.
25. van Noord D, Kuipers EJ, Mensink PB. Single vessel abdominal arterial disease. Best Practice & Research: Clinical Gastroenterology 2009 Jan;23(1):49-60.
26. van Dijk LJD, Moons LMG, van Noord D, Moelker A, Verhagen HJM, Bruno MJ, Rouwet EV. Persistent symptom relief after revascularization in patients with single-artery chronic mesenteric ischemia. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2018 Sep;68(3):779-85.
27. Otte JA, Geelkerken RH, Oostveen E, Mensink PB, Huisman AB, Kolkman JJ. Clinical impact of gastric exercise tonometry on diagnosis and management of chronic gastrointestinal ischemia. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2005 Jul;3(7):660-6.
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32. Mensink PB, van Petersen AS, Kolkman JJ, Otte JA, Huisman AB, Geelkerken RH. Gastric exercise tonometry: the key investigation in patients with suspected celiac artery compression syndrome. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2006 Aug;44(2):277-81.
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3. Mikkelsen WP. Intestinal angina: its surgical significance. American Journal of Surgery 1957 Aug;94(2):262-7; discussion 267-9.
4. Heard G, Jefferies JD, Peters DK. Chronic intestinal ischemia: successful aorta/superior – mesenteric bypass. The Lancet 1963 Nov;2(7315):975-8.
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16. Shaws RS, Maynard EP 3rd. Acute and chronic thrombosis of mesenteric arteries associated with malabsorption: a report of two cases successfully treated by thromo-endarterectomy. The New England Journal of Medicine 1958 May;258(18):874-8.
17. Furrer JJ, Grüntzig A, Kugelmeier J, Goebel N. Treatment of abdominal angina with percutaneous dilatation of an arteria mesenterica superior stenosis. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology 1980;3(1):43-4.
18. Mensink PB, Moons LMG, Kuipers EJ. Chronic gastrointestinal ischaemia: shifting paradigms. Gut 2011 May;60(5):722-37.
19. Alahdab F, Arwani R, Pasha AK, Razouki ZA, Prokop LJ, Huber TS, Murad MH. A systematic review and meta-analysis of endovascular versus open surgical revascularization for chronic mesenteric ischemia. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2018 May;67(5):1598-605.
20. Clair DG, Beach JM. Mesenteric ischemia. The New England Journal of Medicine 2016 Mar;374(10):959-68.
21. Roobottom CA, Dubbins PA. Significant disease of the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries in asymptomatic patients: predictive value of Doppler sonography. AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology 1993 Nov;161(5):985-8.
22. Wilson DB, Mostafavi K, Craven TE, Ayerdi J, Edwards MS, Hansen KJ. Clinical course of mesenteric artery stenosis in elderly Americans. Archives of Internal Medicine 2006 Oct;166(19):2095-100.
23. Park CM, Chung JW, Kim HB, Shin SJ, Park JH. Celiac axis stenosis: incidence and etiologies in asymptomatic individuals. Korean Journal of Radiology 2001 Jan-Mar;2(1):8-13.
24. Mensink PB, van Petersen AS, Geelkerken RH, Otte JA, Huisman AB, Kolkman JJ. Clinical significance of splanchnic artery stenosis. The British Journal of Surgery 2006 Nov;93(11):1377-82.
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