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Издательство Атмосфера

Телефон издательства

Лечебное дело
2020 / N 1

Изменение микробиоты кишечника и риск прогрессирования саркопении
А.В. Николайчук, А.В. Соколова, Д.О. Драгунов, М.А. Тихомирова, И.А. Дуванов

Список литературы

1. Rosenberg IH. Summary comments. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1989 Nov;50(5):1231-3.
2. Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Baeyens JP, Bauer JM, Boirie Y, Cederholm T, Landi F, Martin FC, Michel JP, Rolland Y, Schneider SM, Topinkova E, Vandewoude M, Zamboni M. Sarcopenia: European consensus on definition and diagnosis. Report of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People. Age and Ageing 2010 Jul;39(4):412-23.
3. Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Bahat G, Bauer J, Boirie Y, Bruyère O, Cederholm T, Cooper C, Landi F, Rolland Y, Sayer AA, Schneider SM, Sieber CC, Topinkova E, Vandewoude M, Visser M, Zamboni M; Writing Group for the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People 2 (EWGSOP2); Extended Group for EWGSOP2; Bautmans I, Baeyens JP, Cesari M, Cherubini A, Kanis J, Maggio M, Martin F, Michel JP, Pitkala K, Reginster JY, Rizzoli R, Sánchez-Rodríguez D, Schols J. Sarcopenia: revised European consensus on definition and diagnosis. Age and Ageing 2019 Jan;48(1):16-31.
4. Beaudart C, Zaaria M, Pasleau F, Reginster JY, Bruyère O. Health outcomes of sarcopenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One 2017 Jan;12(1):e0169548.
5. Tyrovolas S, Koyanagi A, Olaya B, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Miret M, Chatterji S, Tobiasz-Adamczyk B, Koskinen S, Leonardi M, Haro JM. Factors associated with skeletal muscle mass, sarcopenia, and sarcopenic obesity in older adults: a multi-continent study. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 2016 Jun;7(3):312-21.
6. Gadelha AB, Vainshelboim B, Ferreira AP, Neri SGR, Bottaro M, Lima RM. Stages of sarcopenia and the incidence of falls in older women: a prospective study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2018 Nov-Dec;79:151-7.
7. Ticinesi A, Lauretani F, Milani C, Nouvenne A, Tana C, Del Rio D, Maggio M, Ventura M, Meschi T. Aging gut microbiota at the cross-road between nutrition, physical frailty, and sarcopenia: is there a gut-muscle axis? Nutrients 2017 Nov;9(12):1303.
8. Nascimento CM, Ingles M, Salvador-Pascual A, Cominetti MR, Gomez-Cabrera MC, Viña J. Sarcopenia, frailty and their prevention by exercise. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2019 Feb;132:42-9.
9. Morley JE, Sanford AM. Screening for sarcopenia. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 2019;23(9):768-70.
10. Russo C, Giannotti C, Signori A, Cea M, Murialdo R, Ballestrero A, Scabini S, Romairone E, Odetti P, Nencioni A, Monacelli F. Predictive values of two frailty screening tools in older patients with solid cancer: a comparison of SAOP2 and G8. Oncotarget 2018 Oct;9(80):35056-68.
11. Bachettini NP, Bielemann RM, Barbosa-Silva TG, Menezes AMB, Tomasi E, Gonzalez MC. Sarcopenia as a mortality predictor in community-dwelling older adults: a comparison of the diagnostic criteria of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2020 Apr;74(4):573-80.
12. Furtado GE, Letieri R, Caldo A, Patricio M, Loureiro M, Hogervorst E, Ferreira JP, Teixeira AM. The role of physical frailty independent components on increased disabilities in institutionalized older women. Translational Medicine & UniSa 2019 Jan-Jun;19:17-26.
13. Yang M, Hu X, Xie L, Zhang L, Zhou J, Lin J, WangY, Li Yaqi, Han Z, Zhang D, Zuo Y, Li Y. Comparing mini sarcopenia risk assessment with SARC-F for screening sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2019 Jan;20(1):53-7.
14. Muessig JM, Nia AM, Masyuk M, Lauten A, Sacher AL, Brenner T, Franz M, Bloos F, Ebelt H, Schaller SJ, Fuest K, Rabe C, Dieck T, Steiner S, Graf T, Jánosi RA, Meybohm P, Simon P, Utzolino S, Rahmel T, Barth E, Schuster M, Kelm M, Jung C. Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) reliably stratifies octogenarians in German ICUs: a multicentre prospective cohort study. BMC Geriatrics 2018 Jul;18(1):162.
15. Arutyunov GP, Kostyukevich OI, Serov RA, Rylova NV, Bylova NA. Collagen accumulation and dysfunctional mucosal barrier of the small intestine in patients with chronic heart failure. International Journal of Cardiology 2008 Apr;125(2):240-5.
16. van Tongeren SP, Slaets JPJ, Harmsen HJM, Welling GW. Fecal microbiota composition and frailty. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2005 Oct;71(10):6438-42.
17. Biagi E, Rampelli S, Turroni S, Quercia S, Candela M, Brigidi P. The gut microbiota of centenarians: signatures of longevity in the gut microbiota profile. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2017 Jul;165(Pt B):180-4.
18. Vaiserman AM, Koliada AK, Marotta F. Gut microbiota: a player in aging and a target for anti-aging intervention. Ageing Research Reviews 2017 May;35:36-45.
19. Arboleya S, Watkins C, Stanton C, Ross RP. Gut bifidobacteria populations in human health and aging. Frontiers in Microbiology 2016 Aug;(7):1224.
20. Jackson MA, Jeffery IB, Beaumont M, Bell JT, Clark AG, Ley RE, O’Toole PW, Spector TD, Steves CJ. Signatures of early frailty in the gut microbiota. Genome Medicine 2016 Jan;8(1):8.
21. de la Cuesta-Zuluaga J, Mueller NT, Corrales-Agudelo V, Velásquez-Mejía EP, Carmona JA, Abad JM, Escobar JS. Metformin is associated with higher relative abundance of mucin-degrading Akkermansia muciniphila and several short-chain fatty acid-producing microbiota in the gut. Diabetes Care 2017 Jan;40(1):54-62.
22. Арутюнов Г.П., Кафарская Л.И., Власенко В.К. Биоценоз кишечника и сердечно-сосудистый континуум. Журнал Сердечная Недостаточность 2004;5:224-9.
23. Picca A, Fanelli F, Calvani R, Mulè G, Pesce V, Sisto A, Pantanelli C, Bernabei R, Landi F, Marzetti E. Gut dysbiosis and muscle aging: searching for novel targets against sarcopenia. Mediators of Inflammation 2018 Jan;(2018):1-15.
24. Nagpal R, Mainali R, Ahmadi S, Wang S, Singh R, Kavanagh K, Kitzman DW, Kushugulova A, Marotta F, Yadav H. Gut microbiome and aging: physiological and mechanistic insights. Nutrition and Healthy Aging 2018 Jun;4(4):267-85.
25. den Besten G, Gerding A, van Dijk TH, Ciapaite J, Bleeker A, van Eunen K, Havinga R, Groen AK, Reijngoud DJ, Bakker BM. Protection against the metabolic syndrome by guar gum-derived short-chain fatty acids depends on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ and glucagon-like peptide-1. PLoS One 2015Aug;10(8):e136364.
26. Seo DY, Lee SR, Kim N, Ko KS, Rhee BD, Han J. Age-related changes in skeletal muscle mitochondria: the role of exercise. Integrative Medicine Research 2016 Sep;5(3):182-6.
27. Rygiel KA, Picard M, Turnbull DM. The ageing neuromuscular system and sarcopenia: a mitochondrial perspective: sarcopenia and mitochondria. Journal of Physiology 2016 Aug;594(16):4499-512.
28. Арутюнов Г.П., Кафарская Л.И., Былова Н.А., Чернявская Т.К., Покровский Ю.А., Корсунская М.И. Качественные и количественные показатели микрофлоры толстого кишечника при различных функциональных классах хронической сердечной недостаточности. Журнал Cердечная Недостаточность 2005;6(5):176-80.
29. Nahas PC, Rossato LT, Martins FM, Souza AP, de Branco FMS, Carneiro MAS, Teixeira KR, Orsatti FL, de Oliveira EP. Moderate increase in protein intake promotes a small additional improvement in functional capacity, but not in muscle strength and lean mass quality, in postmenopausal women following resistance exercise: a randomized clinical trial. Nutrients 2019 Jun;11(6):1323.
30. Sachs S, Zarini S, Kahn DE, Harrison KA, Perreault L, Phang T, Newsom SA, Strauss A, Kerege A, Schoen JA, Bessesen DH, Schwarzmayr T, Graf E, Lutter D, Krumsiek J, Hofmann SM, Bergman BC. Intermuscular adipose tissue directly modulates skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in humans. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism 2019 May;316(5):E866-79.
31. Bjørkhaug ST, Aanes H, Neupane SP, Bramness JG, Malvik S, Henriksen C, Skar V, Medhus AW, Valeur J. Characterization of gut microbiota composition and functions in patients with chronic alcohol overconsumption. Gut Microbes 2019;10(6):663-75.
32. Zeisel SH, Warrier M. Trimethylamine N-oxide, the microbiome, and heart and kidney disease. Annual Review of Nutrition 2017 Aug;37:157-81.
33. Кашух Е.А., Ивашкин В.Т. Влияние микробиома человека на состояние сердечно-сосудистой системы. Молекулярная медицина 2017;15(4):3-7.
34. Kim RB, Morse BL, Djurdjev O, Tang M, Muirhead N, Barrett B, Holmes DT, Madore F, Clase CM, Rigatto C, Levin A; CanPREDDICT Investigators. Advanced chronic kidney disease populations have elevated trimethylamine N-oxide levels associated with increased cardiovascular events. Kidney International 2016 May;(8):1144-52.
35. Rohrmann S, Linseisen J, Allenspach M, von Eckardstein A, Müller D. Plasma concentrations of trimethylamine-N-oxide are directly associated with dairy food consumption and low-grade inflammation in a German adult population. The Journal of Nutrition 2016 Feb;146(2):283-9.
36. Dalle S, Rossmeislova L, Koppo K. The role of inflammation in age-related sarcopenia. Frontiers in Physiology 2017 Dec;8:1045.
37. Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Sayer AA. Sarcopenia. The Lancet 2019 Jun;393(10191):2636-46.
38. Anton SD, Hida A, Mankowski R, Layne A, Solberg LM, Mainous AG, Buford T. Nutrition and exercise in sarcopenia. Current Protein & Peptide Science 2018;19(7):649-67.
39. Yin J, Lu X, Qian Z, Xu W, Zhou X. New insights into the pathogenesis and treatment of sarcopenia in chronic heart failure. Theranostics 2019;9(14):4019-29.
40. Sarcopenia Guidelines Development Group of the Belgian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (BSGG); Beckwée D, Delaere A, Aelbrecht S, Baert V, Beaudart C, Bruyere O, de Saint-Hubert M, Bautmans I. Exercise interventions for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia: a systematic umbrella review. The Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging 2019;23(6):494-502.
41. Oesen S, Halper B, Hofmann M, Jandrasits W, Franzke B, Strasser EM, Graf A, Tschan H, Bachl N, Quittan M, Wagner KH, Wessner B. Effects of elastic band resistance training and nutritional supplementation on physical performance of institutionalised elderly: a randomized controlled trial. Experimental Gerontology 2015 Dec;72:99-108.
42. Zdzieblik D, Oesser S, Baumstark MW, Gollhofer A, König D. Collagen peptide supplementation in combination with resistance training improves body composition and increases muscle strength in elderly sarcopenic men: a randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Nutrition 2015 Oct;114(8):1237-45.
43. Hanach NI, McCullough F, Avery A. The impact of dairy protein intake on muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance in middle-aged to older adults with or without existing sarcopenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Advances in Nutrition (Bethesda, Md.) 2019 Jan;10(1):59-69.
44. MetaHIT consortium; Forslund K, Hildebrand F, Nielsen T, Falony G, Le Chatelier E, Sunagawa S, Prifti E, Vieira-Silva S, Gudmundsdottir V, Krogh Pedersen H, Arumugam M, Kristiansen K, Yvonne Voigt A, Vestergaard H, Hercog R, Igor Costea P, Roat Kultima J, Li J, Jørgensen T, Levenez F, Dore J, Bjørn Nielsen H, Brunak S, Raes J, Hansen T, Wang J, Dusko Ehrlich S, Bork P, Pedersen, O. Disentangling type 2 diabetes and metformin treatment signatures in the human gut microbiota. Nature 2015 Dec;528(7581):262-6.
45. Zhang X, Zhao Y, Xu J, Xue Z, Zhang M, Pang X, Zhang X, Zhao L. Modulation of gut microbiota by berberine and metformin during the treatment of high-fat diet-induced obesity in rats. Scientific Reports 2015 Sep;5(1):14405.
46. Shaw SC, Dennison EM, Cooper C. Epidemiology of sarcopenia: determinants throughout the lifecourse. Calcified Tissue International 2017;101(3):229-47.


1. Rosenberg IH. Summary comments. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1989 Nov;50(5):1231-3.
2. Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Baeyens JP, Bauer JM, Boirie Y, Cederholm T, Landi F, Martin FC, Michel JP, Rolland Y, Schneider SM, Topinkova E, Vandewoude M, Zamboni M. Sarcopenia: European consensus on definition and diagnosis. Report of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People. Age and Ageing 2010 Jul;39(4):412-23.
3. Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Bahat G, Bauer J, Boirie Y, Bruyère O, Cederholm T, Cooper C, Landi F, Rolland Y, Sayer AA, Schneider SM, Sieber CC, Topinkova E, Vandewoude M, Visser M, Zamboni M; Writing Group for the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People 2 (EWGSOP2); Extended Group for EWGSOP2; Bautmans I, Baeyens JP, Cesari M, Cherubini A, Kanis J, Maggio M, Martin F, Michel JP, Pitkala K, Reginster JY, Rizzoli R, Sánchez-Rodríguez D, Schols J. Sarcopenia: revised European consensus on definition and diagnosis. Age and Ageing 2019 Jan;48(1):16-31.
4. Beaudart C, Zaaria M, Pasleau F, Reginster JY, Bruyère O. Health outcomes of sarcopenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One 2017 Jan;12(1):e0169548.
5. Tyrovolas S, Koyanagi A, Olaya B, Ayuso-Mateos JL, Miret M, Chatterji S, Tobiasz-Adamczyk B, Koskinen S, Leonardi M, Haro JM. Factors associated with skeletal muscle mass, sarcopenia, and sarcopenic obesity in older adults: a multi-continent study. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 2016 Jun;7(3):312-21.
6. Gadelha AB, Vainshelboim B, Ferreira AP, Neri SGR, Bottaro M, Lima RM. Stages of sarcopenia and the incidence of falls in older women: a prospective study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2018 Nov-Dec;79:151-7.
7. Ticinesi A, Lauretani F, Milani C, Nouvenne A, Tana C, Del Rio D, Maggio M, Ventura M, Meschi T. Aging gut microbiota at the cross-road between nutrition, physical frailty, and sarcopenia: is there a gut-muscle axis? Nutrients 2017 Nov;9(12):1303.
8. Nascimento CM, Ingles M, Salvador-Pascual A, Cominetti MR, Gomez-Cabrera MC, Viña J. Sarcopenia, frailty and their prevention by exercise. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2019 Feb;132:42-9.
9. Morley JE, Sanford AM. Screening for sarcopenia. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 2019;23(9):768-70.
10. Russo C, Giannotti C, Signori A, Cea M, Murialdo R, Ballestrero A, Scabini S, Romairone E, Odetti P, Nencioni A, Monacelli F. Predictive values of two frailty screening tools in older patients with solid cancer: a comparison of SAOP2 and G8. Oncotarget 2018 Oct;9(80):35056-68.
11. Bachettini NP, Bielemann RM, Barbosa-Silva TG, Menezes AMB, Tomasi E, Gonzalez MC. Sarcopenia as a mortality predictor in community-dwelling older adults: a comparison of the diagnostic criteria of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2020 Apr;74(4):573-80.
12. Furtado GE, Letieri R, Caldo A, Patricio M, Loureiro M, Hogervorst E, Ferreira JP, Teixeira AM. The role of physical frailty independent components on increased disabilities in institutionalized older women. Translational Medicine & UniSa 2019 Jan-Jun;19:17-26.
13. Yang M, Hu X, Xie L, Zhang L, Zhou J, Lin J, WangY, Li Yaqi, Han Z, Zhang D, Zuo Y, Li Y. Comparing mini sarcopenia risk assessment with SARC-F for screening sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2019 Jan;20(1):53-7.
14. Muessig JM, Nia AM, Masyuk M, Lauten A, Sacher AL, Brenner T, Franz M, Bloos F, Ebelt H, Schaller SJ, Fuest K, Rabe C, Dieck T, Steiner S, Graf T, Jánosi RA, Meybohm P, Simon P, Utzolino S, Rahmel T, Barth E, Schuster M, Kelm M, Jung C. Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) reliably stratifies octogenarians in German ICUs: a multicentre prospective cohort study. BMC Geriatrics 2018 Jul;18(1):162.
15. Arutyunov GP, Kostyukevich OI, Serov RA, Rylova NV, Bylova NA. Collagen accumulation and dysfunctional mucosal barrier of the small intestine in patients with chronic heart failure. International Journal of Cardiology 2008 Apr;125(2):240-5.
16. van Tongeren SP, Slaets JPJ, Harmsen HJM, Welling GW. Fecal microbiota composition and frailty. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2005 Oct;71(10):6438-42.
17. Biagi E, Rampelli S, Turroni S, Quercia S, Candela M, Brigidi P. The gut microbiota of centenarians: signatures of longevity in the gut microbiota profile. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2017 Jul;165(Pt B):180-4.
18. Vaiserman AM, Koliada AK, Marotta F. Gut microbiota: a player in aging and a target for anti-aging intervention. Ageing Research Reviews 2017 May;35:36-45.
19. Arboleya S, Watkins C, Stanton C, Ross RP. Gut bifidobacteria populations in human health and aging. Frontiers in Microbiology 2016 Aug;(7):1224.
20. Jackson MA, Jeffery IB, Beaumont M, Bell JT, Clark AG, Ley RE, O’Toole PW, Spector TD, Steves CJ. Signatures of early frailty in the gut microbiota. Genome Medicine 2016 Jan;8(1):8.
21. de la Cuesta-Zuluaga J, Mueller NT, Corrales-Agudelo V, Velásquez-Mejía EP, Carmona JA, Abad JM, Escobar JS. Metformin is associated with higher relative abundance of mucin-degrading Akkermansia muciniphila and several short-chain fatty acid-producing microbiota in the gut. Diabetes Care 2017 Jan;40(1):54-62.
22. Arutyunov GP, Kafarskaya LI, Vlasenko VK. Intestinal biocenosis and cardiovascular continuum. Russian Heart Failure Journal 2004;5:224-9 (In Russian).
23. Picca A, Fanelli F, Calvani R, Mulè G, Pesce V, Sisto A, Pantanelli C, Bernabei R, Landi F, Marzetti E. Gut dysbiosis and muscle aging: searching for novel targets against sarcopenia. Mediators of Inflammation 2018 Jan;(2018):1-15.
24. Nagpal R, Mainali R, Ahmadi S, Wang S, Singh R, Kavanagh K, Kitzman DW, Kushugulova A, Marotta F, Yadav H. Gut microbiome and aging: physiological and mechanistic insights. Nutrition and Healthy Aging 2018 Jun;4(4):267-85.
25. den Besten G, Gerding A, van Dijk TH, Ciapaite J, Bleeker A, van Eunen K, Havinga R, Groen AK, Reijngoud DJ, Bakker BM. Protection against the metabolic syndrome by guar gum-derived short-chain fatty acids depends on peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ and glucagon-like peptide-1. PLoS One 2015Aug;10(8):e136364.
26. Seo DY, Lee SR, Kim N, Ko KS, Rhee BD, Han J. Age-related changes in skeletal muscle mitochondria: the role of exercise. Integrative Medicine Research 2016 Sep;5(3):182-6.
27. Rygiel KA, Picard M, Turnbull DM. The ageing neuromuscular system and sarcopenia: a mitochondrial perspective: sarcopenia and mitochondria. Journal of Physiology 2016 Aug;594(16):4499-512.
28. Arutyunov GP, Kafarskaya LI, Bylova NA, Chernyavskaya TK, Pokrovskiy YuA, Korsunskaya MI. Qualitative and quantitative indicators of large intestine microflora in various functional classes of chronic heart failure. Russian Heart Failure Journal 2005;6(5):176-80 (In Russian).
29. Nahas PC, Rossato LT, Martins FM, Souza AP, de Branco FMS, Carneiro MAS, Teixeira KR, Orsatti FL, de Oliveira EP. Moderate increase in protein intake promotes a small additional improvement in functional capacity, but not in muscle strength and lean mass quality, in postmenopausal women following resistance exercise: a randomized clinical trial. Nutrients 2019 Jun;11(6):1323.
30. Sachs S, Zarini S, Kahn DE, Harrison KA, Perreault L, Phang T, Newsom SA, Strauss A, Kerege A, Schoen JA, Bessesen DH, Schwarzmayr T, Graf E, Lutter D, Krumsiek J, Hofmann SM, Bergman BC. Intermuscular adipose tissue directly modulates skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity in humans. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism 2019 May;316(5):E866-79.
31. Bjørkhaug ST, Aanes H, Neupane SP, Bramness JG, Malvik S, Henriksen C, Skar V, Medhus AW, Valeur J. Characterization of gut microbiota composition and functions in patients with chronic alcohol overconsumption. Gut Microbes 2019;10(6):663-75.
32. Zeisel SH, Warrier M. Trimethylamine N-oxide, the microbiome, and heart and kidney disease. Annual Review of Nutrition 2017 Aug;37:157-81.
33. Kashukh EA, Ivashkin VT. Effect of human microbiome on cardiovascular system. Molecular Medicine 2017;15(4):3-7 (In Russian).
34. Kim RB, Morse BL, Djurdjev O, Tang M, Muirhead N, Barrett B, Holmes DT, Madore F, Clase CM, Rigatto C, Levin A; CanPREDDICT Investigators. Advanced chronic kidney disease populations have elevated trimethylamine N-oxide levels associated with increased cardiovascular events. Kidney International 2016 May;(8):1144-52.
35. Rohrmann S, Linseisen J, Allenspach M, von Eckardstein A, Müller D. Plasma concentrations of trimethylamine-N-oxide are directly associated with dairy food consumption and low-grade inflammation in a German adult population. The Journal of Nutrition 2016 Feb;146(2):283-9.
36. Dalle S, Rossmeislova L, Koppo K. The role of inflammation in age-related sarcopenia. Frontiers in Physiology 2017 Dec;8:1045.
37. Cruz-Jentoft AJ, Sayer AA. Sarcopenia. The Lancet 2019 Jun;393(10191):2636-46.
38. Anton SD, Hida A, Mankowski R, Layne A, Solberg LM, Mainous AG, Buford T. Nutrition and exercise in sarcopenia. Current Protein & Peptide Science 2018;19(7):649-67.
39. Yin J, Lu X, Qian Z, Xu W, Zhou X. New insights into the pathogenesis and treatment of sarcopenia in chronic heart failure. Theranostics 2019;9(14):4019-29.
40. Sarcopenia Guidelines Development Group of the Belgian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (BSGG), Beckwée D, Delaere A, Aelbrecht S, Baert V, Beaudart C, Bruyere O, de Saint-Hubert M, Bautmans I. Exercise interventions for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia: a systematic umbrella review. The Journal of Nutrition, Health, and Aging 2019;23(6):494-502.
41. Oesen S, Halper B, Hofmann M, Jandrasits W, Franzke B, Strasser EM, Graf A, Tschan H, Bachl N, Quittan M, Wagner KH, Wessner B. Effects of elastic band resistance training and nutritional supplementation on physical performance of institutionalised elderly: a randomized controlled trial. Experimental Gerontology 2015 Dec;72:99-108.
42. Zdzieblik D, Oesser S, Baumstark MW, Gollhofer A, König D. Collagen peptide supplementation in combination with resistance training improves body composition and increases muscle strength in elderly sarcopenic men: a randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Nutrition 2015 Oct;114(8):1237-45.
43. Hanach NI, McCullough F, Avery A. The impact of dairy protein intake on muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance in middle-aged to older adults with or without existing sarcopenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Advances in Nutrition (Bethesda, Md.) 2019 Jan;10(1):59-69.
44. MetaHIT consortium; Forslund K, Hildebrand F, Nielsen T, Falony G, Le Chatelier E, Sunagawa S, Prifti E, Vieira-Silva S, Gudmundsdottir V, Krogh Pedersen H, Arumugam M, Kristiansen K, Yvonne Voigt A, Vestergaard H, Hercog R, Igor Costea P, Roat Kultima J, Li J, Jørgensen T, Levenez F, Dore J, Bjørn Nielsen H, Brunak S, Raes J, Hansen T, Wang J, Dusko Ehrlich S, Bork P, Pedersen, O. Disentangling type 2 diabetes and metformin treatment signatures in the human gut microbiota. Nature 2015 Dec;528(7581):262-6.
45. Zhang X, Zhao Y, Xu J, Xue Z, Zhang M, Pang X, Zhang X, Zhao L. Modulation of gut microbiota by berberine and metformin during the treatment of high-fat diet-induced obesity in rats. Scientific Reports 2015 Sep;5(1):14405.
46. Shaw SC, Dennison EM, Cooper C. Epidemiology of sarcopenia: determinants throughout the lifecourse. Calcified Tissue International 2017;101(3):229-47.

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