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Издательство Атмосфера

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Лечебное дело
2018 / N 2

Совершенствование деятельности по активному мониторингу эффективности и безопасности лекарственных средств в амбулаторно-поликлиническом секторе
К.Е. Назимкин, В.Н. Ларина, П.И. Кузнецов, Ю.А. Никитина, М.А. Куприн, Т.Н. Миронова, Е.В. Федорова, М.М. Котова

Список литературы

1. Seddon ME, Jackson A, Cameron C, Young ML, Escott L, Maharaj A, Miller N. The Adverse Drug Event Collaborative: a joint venture to measure medication-related patient harm. The New Zeland Medical Journal 2013 Jan;126(1368):9-20.
2. Клиническая фармакология: учебник. Под ред. Кукеса В.Г. 4-е изд. М.: Гэотар-Медиа; 2013. 1056 с.
3. WHO. Patient safety research: a guide for developing training programmes. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2011. 81 p.
4. Price SD, Holman C, Sanfilippo FM, Emery JD. Impact of specific Beers Criteria medications on associations between drug exposure and unplanned hospitalisation in elderly patients taking high-risk drugs: a case-time-control study in Western Australia. Drugs & Aging 2014 Apr;31(4):311-25.
5. Dalleur O, Spinewine A, Henrard S, Losseau C, Speybroeck N, Boland B. Inappropriate prescribing and related hospital admissions in frail older persons according to the STOPP and START criteria. Drugs & Aging 2012 Oct;29(10):829-37.
6. Клиническая фармакология в практическом здравоохранении. Учебное пособие. Под ред. Кукеса В.Г., Батищевой Г.А., Чернова Ю.Н. Воронеж: Истоки; 2016. 56 c.
7. Pirmohamed M, James S, Meakin S, Green C, Scott AK, Walley TJ, Farrar K, Park BK, Breckenridge AM. Adverse drug reactions as cause of admission to hospital: prospective analysis of 18 820 patients. BMJ 2004 Jul;329(7456):15-9.
8. Kongkaew C, Noyce PR, Ashcroft DM. Hospital admissions associated with adverse drug reactions: a systematic review of prospective observational studies. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2008 Jul;42(7):1017-25.
9. WHO Department of Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy. Quality assurance and safety: medicines. 2001. Available from: http://www.portal.pmnch.org/medicines/areas/quality_safety/safety_efficacy/tor.pdf Accessed 2018 Jul 18.
10. Данилина К.С., Сычев Д.А., Головина О.В., Ильина Е.С., Горботенкова С.В. Частота назначения потенциально нерекомендованных лекарственных препаратов (по критериям STOPP START) пожилым пациентам, находящимся в терапевтических отделениях стационара: результаты фармакоэпидемиологического исследования. Фарматека 2015;13(306):25-8.
11. Ioannidis JP, Mulrow CD, Goodman SN. Adverse events: the more you search, the more you find. Annals of Internal Medicine 2006 Feb;144(4):298-300.
12. Brennan TA, Leape LL, Laird NM, Hebert L, Localio AR, Lawthers AG, Newhouse JP, Weiler PC, Hiatt HH; Harvard Medical Practice Study I. Incidence of adverse events and negligence in hospitalized patients: results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study I. 1991. Quality and Safety in Health Care 2004 Apr;13(2):145-51; discussion 151-2.
13. Neale G, Woloshynowych M. Retrospective case record review: a blunt instrument that needs sharpening. Quality and Safety in Health Care 2003 Feb;12(1):2-3.
14. Thomas EJ, Studdert DM, Runciman WB, Webb RK, Sexton EJ, Wilson RM, Gibberd RW, Harrison BT, Brennan TA. A comparison of iatrogenic injury studies in Australia and the USA. I: Context, methods, casemix, population, patient and hospital characteristics. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2000 Oct;12(5):371-8.
15. Van den Heede K, Sermeus W, Diya L, Lesaffre E, Vleugels A. Adverse outcomes in Belgian acute hospitals: retrospective analysis of the national hospital discharge dataset. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2006 Jun;18(3):211-9.
16. Gandhi TK, Burstin HR, Cook EF, Puopolo AL, Haas JS, Brennan TA, Bates DW. Drug complications in outpatients. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2000 Mar;15(3):149-54.
17. Hanlon JT, Schmader KE, Koronkowski MJ, Weinberger M, Landsman PB, Samsa GP, Lewis IK. Adverse drug events in high risk older outpatients. Journal of American Geriatric Society 1997 Aug;45(8):945-8.
18. Стуров Н.В. Сравнительный анализ эффективности методов выявления неблагоприятных побочных реакций на лекарственные средства в Российской Федерации в современных условиях: Автореф. дис. … канд. мед. наук. М.; 2009. 17 c.
19. Лепахин В.К., Романов Б.К., Торопова И.А. Анализ сообщений о нежелательных реакциях на лекарственные средства. Ведомости Научного центра экспертизы средств медицинского применения 2012;1:22-5.
20. Хосева Е.Н., Морозова Т.Е., Ермаков Д.А., Ошорова С.Д. Вопросы контроля безопасности лекарственной терапии в широкой клинической практике: позиции пациентов и медработников. Врач-аспирант 2013;57(2.1):203-12.
21. Montserrat-Capella D, Suárez M, Ortiz L, Mira JJ, Duarte HG, Reveiz L; AMBEAS Group. Frequency of ambulatory care adverse events in Latin American countries: the AMBEAS/PAHO cohort study. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2015 Feb;27(1):52-9.
22. Назимкин К.Е. Комплексная оценка безопасности лекарственных средств в амбулаторной практике методом активного проспективного мониторинга: Автореф. дис. … канд. мед. наук. М.; 2009. 24 c.
23. Постановление Правительства РФ от 15 апреля 2014 г. № 294 "Об утверждении государственной программы Российской Федерации "Развитие здравоохранения".
24. Федеральный закон РФ от 12 апреля 2010 г. № 61-ФЗ (ред. от 03.07.2016) "Oб обращении лекарственных средств" (с изм. и доп., вступ. в силу с 01.01.2017). Глава 13. Мониторинг эффективности и безопасности лекарственных препаратов, находящихся в обращении в Российской Федерации. Статья 64. Фармаконадзор.
25. Приказ Министерства здравоохранения и социального развития РФ от 26 августа 2010 г. № 757н "Об утверждении порядка осуществления мониторинга безопасности лекарственных препаратов для медицинского применения, регистрации побочных действий, серьезных нежелательных реакций, непредвиденных нежелательных реакций при применении лекарственных препаратов для медицинского применения".
26. Приказ Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы от 01.12.2017 г. № 836 "Об организации деятельности по мониторингу эффективности и безопасности лекарственных препаратов".


1. Seddon ME, Jackson A, Cameron C, Young ML, Escott L, Maharaj A, Miller N. The Adverse Drug Event Collaborative: a joint venture to measure medication-related patient harm. The New Zeland Medical Journal 2013 Jan;126(1368):9-20.
2. A textbook of clinical pharmacology. Kukes VG, editor. 4th ed. Moscow: Geotar-Media; 2013. 1056 p. (In Russian).
3. WHO. Patient safety research: a guide for developing training programmes. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2011. 81 p.
4. Price SD, Holman C, Sanfilippo FM, Emery JD. Impact of specific Beers Criteria medications on associations between drug exposure and unplanned hospitalisation in elderly patients taking high-risk drugs: a case-time-control study in Western Australia. Drugs & Aging 2014 Apr;31(4):311-25.
5. Dalleur O, Spinewine A, Henrard S, Losseau C, Speybroeck N, Boland B. Inappropriate prescribing and related hospital admissions in frail older persons according to the STOPP and START criteria. Drugs & Aging 2012 Oct;29(10):829-37.
6. A textbook of clinical pharmacology in public healthcare practice. Kukes VG, Batyshcheva GA, Chernova YuN, editors. Voronezh: Istoki; 2016. 56 p. (In Russian).
7. Pirmohamed M, James S, Meakin S, Green C, Scott AK, Walley TJ, Farrar K, Park BK, Breckenridge AM. Adverse drug reactions as cause of admission to hospital: prospective analysis of 18 820 patients. BMJ 2004 Jul;329(7456):15-9.
8. Kongkaew C, Noyce PR, Ashcroft DM. Hospital admissions associated with adverse drug reactions: a systematic review of prospective observational studies. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2008 Jul;42(7):1017-25.
9. WHO Department of Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy. Quality assurance and safety: medicines. 2001. Available from: http://www.portal.pmnch.org/medicines/areas/quality_safety/safety_efficacy/tor.pdf Accessed 2018 Jul 18.
10. Danilina KS, Sychev DA, Golovina OV, Ilyina ES, Gorbotenkova SV. Rate of prescription of potentially unauthorized medicines (STOPP and START criteria) elderly patients in the therapeutic departments of hospital: results of a pharmacoepidemiological study. Pharmateca 2015;13(306):25-8 (In Russian).
11. Ioannidis JP, Mulrow CD, Goodman SN. Adverse events: the more you search, the more you find. Annals of Internal Medicine 2006 Feb;144(4):298-300.
12. Brennan TA, Leape LL, Laird NM, Hebert L, Localio AR, Lawthers AG, Newhouse JP, Weiler PC, Hiatt HH; Harvard Medical Practice Study I. Incidence of adverse events and negligence in hospitalized patients: results of the Harvard Medical Practice Study I. 1991. Quality and Safety in Health Care 2004 Apr;13(2):145-51; discussion 151-2.
13. Neale G, Woloshynowych M. Retrospective case record review: a blunt instrument that needs sharpening. Quality and Safety in Health Care 2003 Feb;12(1):2-3.
14. Thomas EJ, Studdert DM, Runciman WB, Webb RK, Sexton EJ, Wilson RM, Gibberd RW, Harrison BT, Brennan TA. A comparison of iatrogenic injury studies in Australia and the USA. I: Context, methods, casemix, population, patient and hospital characteristics. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2000 Oct;12(5):371-8.
15. Van den Heede K, Sermeus W, Diya L, Lesaffre E, Vleugels A. Adverse outcomes in Belgian acute hospitals: retrospective analysis of the national hospital discharge dataset. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2006 Jun;18(3):211-9.
16. Gandhi TK, Burstin HR, Cook EF, Puopolo AL, Haas JS, Brennan TA, Bates DW. Drug complications in outpatients. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2000 Mar;15(3):149-54.
17. Hanlon JT, Schmader KE, Koronkowski MJ, Weinberger M, Landsman PB, Samsa GP, Lewis IK. Adverse drug events in high risk older outpatients. Journal of American Geriatric Society 1997 Aug;45(8):945-8.
18. Sturov NB. Comparative analysis of methods’ efficiency for identifying adverse drug reactions in the RF nowadays [abstract of dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences]. Moscow; 2009. 17 p. (In Russian).
19. Lepakhin VK, Romanov BK, Toropova IA. Adverse drug reactions: reports’ analysis. The Bulletin of the Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products 2012;1:22-5 (In Russian).
20. Khoseva EN, Morozova TE, Ermakov DA, Oshorova SD. Safety control of medicinal therapy in wide clinical practice: positions of patients and healthcare workers. Postgraduate doctor 2013;57(2.1):203-12 (In Russian).
21. Montserrat-Capella D, Suárez M, Ortiz L, Mira JJ, Duarte HG, Reveiz L; AMBEAS Group. Frequency of ambulatory care adverse events in Latin American countries: the AMBEAS/PAHO cohort study. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2015 Feb;27(1):52-9.
22. Nazimkin KE. Complex assessment of drug safety in outpatient practice by the method of active prospective monitoring [abstract of dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences]. Moscow; 2009. 24 p. (In Russian).
23. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 294. "About approval of the state program of the Russian Federation "Health care development" (In Russian).
24. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2010 No. 61-FZ (edition from July 03, 2016) "About drug circulation" Chapter 13. Monitoring of efficiency and safety of the medicine which are in circulation in the Russian Federation. Article 64. Pharmaconadzor. (In Russian).
25. Order of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 757n of August 26, 2010 on the Endorsement of the procedure of monitoring of the safety of medicines of medical application, registration of side effects, strong undesirable response, unexpected undesirable response in the cases of use of medicines of medical application" (In Russian).
26. Order of Healthcare Department of Moscow of December 01, 2017 No. 836 "About the organization of activity on monitoring of efficiency and safety of medicines" (In Russian).

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