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Нервные болезни
2020 / N 4

Дегенеративная шейная миелопатия: способы клинической оценки и алгоритм выбора лечения
Т.В. Сигалева, Д.В. Дмуховский, А.О. Гуща, И.С. Бакулин, А.Г. Пойдашева, Н.А. Супонева, М.А. Пирадов


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2. Poydasheva AG, Bakulin IS, Chernyavskiy AY, Suponeva NA, Piradov MA. Motor cortex mapping with navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation and its clinical application. Medical Alphabet 2017;2(22):21-5 (In Russian).
3. Hit MA, Nikitin SS, Gushcha AO. Role of transcranial magnetic stimulation in diagnosis of cervical spondylogenic myelopathy. Annals of Clinical and Experimental Neurology 2012;6(2):23-6 (In Russian).
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5. Badhiwala JH, Ahuja CS, Akbar MA, Witiw CD, Nassiri F, Furlan JC, Curt A, Wilson JR, Fehlings MG. Degenerative cervical myelopathy – update and future directions. Nature Reviews. Neurology 2020 Feb;16(2):108-24.
6. Bednarik J, Kadanka Z, Dusek L, Kerkovsky M, Vohanka S, Novotny O, Urbanek I, Kratochvilova D. Presymptomatic spondylotic cervical myelopathy: an updated predictive model. European Spine Journal 2008 Mar;17(3):421-31.
7. Behrbalk E, Salame K, Regev GJ, Keynan O, Boszczyk B, Lidar Z. Delayed diagnosis of cervical spondylotic myelopathy by primary care physicians. Neurosurgical Focus 2013 Jul;35(1):E1.
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11. Dalitz K, Vitzthum HE. Evaluation of five scoring systems for cervical spondylogenic myelopathy. The Spine Journal 2019 Feb;19(2):e41-6.
12. Davies BM, Khan DZ, Mowforth OD, McNair AGK, Gronlund T, Kolias AG, Tetreault L, Starkey ML, Sadler I, Sarewitz E, Houlton D, Carter J, Kalsi-Ryan S, Aarabi B, Kwon BK, Kurpad SN, Harrop J, Wilson JR, Grossman R, Curt A, Fehlings MG, Kotter MRN. RE-CODE DCM (REsearch Objectives and Common Data Elements for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy): a consensus process to improve research efficiency in DCM, through establishment of a standardized dataset for clinical research and the definition of the research priorities. Global Spine Journal 2019 May;9(1 Suppl):65S-76S.
13. Davies BM, McHugh M, Elgheriani A, Kolias AG, Tetreault L, Hutchinson PJ, Fehlings MG, Kotter MRN. The reporting of study and population characteristics in degenerative cervical myelopathy: a systematic review. PLoS One 2017 Mar;12(3):e0172564.
14. Davies BM, Mowforth OD, Smith EK, Kotter MR. Degenerative cervical myelopathy. BMJ 2018 Feb 22;360:k186.
15. Deftereos SN, Kechagias EA, Panagopoulos G, Seretis A, Orphanidis G, Antoniu E., Georgakoulias N, Karageorgiou CE. Localisation of cervical spinal cord compression by TMS and MRI. Functional Neurology 2009 Apr-Jun;24(2):99-105.
16. Edwards CC 2nd, Riew KD, Anderson PA, Hilibrand AS, Vaccaro AF. Cervical myelopathy: current diagnostic and treatment strategies. The Spine Journal 2003 Jan-Feb;3(1):68-81.
17. Fehlings MG, Ibrahim A, Tetreault L, Albanese V, Alvarado M, Arnold P, Barbagallo G, Bartels R, Bolger C, Defino H, Kale S, Massicotte E, Moraes O, Scerrati M, Tan G, Tanaka M, Toyone T, Yukawa Y, Zhou Q, Zileli M, Kopjar B. A global perspective on the outcomes of surgical decompression in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy: results from the prospective multicenter AOSpine international study on 479 patients. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2015 Sep;40(17):1322-8.
18. Fehlings MG, Tetreault LA, Riew KD, Middleton JW, Aarabi B, Arnold PM, Brodke DS, Burns AS, Carette S, Chen R, Chiba K, Dettori JR, Furlan JC, Harrop JS, Holly LT, Kalsi-Ryan S, Kotter M, Kwon BK, Martin AR, Milligan J, Nakashima H, Nagoshi N, Rhee J, Singh A, Skelly AC, Sodhi S, Wilson JR, Yee A, Wang JC. A clinical practice guideline for the management of patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy: recommendations for patients with mild, moderate, and severe disease and nonmyelopathic patients with evidence of cord compression. Global Spine Journal 2017 Sep;7(3 Suppl):70S-83S.
19. Fehlings MG, Wilson JR, Kopjar B, Yoon ST, Arnold PM, Massicotte EM, Vaccaro AR, Brodke DS, Shaffrey CI, Smith JS, Woodard EJ, Banco RJ, Chapman JR, Janssen ME, Bono CM, Sasso RC, Dekutoski MB, Gokaslan ZL. Efficacy and safety of surgical decompression in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy: results of the AOSpine North America prospective multi-center study. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume 2013 Sep;95(18):1651-8.
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23. Furlan JC, Craven BC. Psychometric analysis and critical appraisal of the original, revised, and modified versions of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association score in the assessment of patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Neurosurgical Focus 2016 Jun;40(6):E6.
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27. Jutzeler CR, Ulrich A, Huber B, Rosner J, Kramer JLK, Curt A. Improved diagnosis of cervical spondylotic myelopathy with contact heat evoked potentials. Journal of Neurotrauma 2017 Jun;34(12):2045-53.
28. Karadimas SK, Gatzounis G, Fehlings MG. Pathobiology of cervical spondylotic myelopathy. European Spine Journal 2015 Apr;24(Suppl 2):132-8.
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43. Rhee J, Tetreault LA, Chapman JR, Wilson JR, Smith JS, Martin AR, Dettori JR, Fehlings MG. Nonoperative versus operative management for the treatment degenerative cervical myelopathy: an updated systematic review. Global Spine Journal 2017 Sep;7(3 Suppl):35S-41S.
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50. Tetreault L, Kopjar B, Nouri A, Arnold P, Barbagallo G, Bartels R, Qiang Z, Singh A, Zileli M, Vaccaro A, Fehlings MG. The modified Japanese Orthopaedic Association scale: establishing criteria for mild, moderate and severe impairment in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy. European Spine Journal 2017 Jan;26(1):78-84.
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