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Издательство Атмосфера

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Практическая пульмонология (ранее – "Атмосфера. Пульмонология и аллергология"): ISSN 2409-756X (Online), ISSN 2409-6636 (Print)
2019 / N 4

Муковисцидоз: некоторые вопросы эпидемиологии и генетики
С.А. Красовский, Т.А. Адян, Е.Л. Амелина, Д.Ф. Сергиенко, В.В. Шадрина, М.Ю. Гущин, О.Г. Зоненко, М.А. Макарова


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12. Kusova ZA. Efficacy of newborns’ massive screening program for cystic fibrosis [Abstract from dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences] 2011. 23 p. (In Russian).
13. Sherman VD, Kondratyeva EI, Voronkova AYu, Kashirskaya NYu, Shabalova LA, Nikonova VS, Zhekayte EK, Kutsev SI. Effect of neonatal screening for cystic fibrosis in patient groups of the Moscow region. Medical Council 2017;18:124-8 (In Russian).
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19. Vishnevskiy A. Demographic consequences of the great Patriotic War. Demographic Review 2016;3(2):3-42 (In Russian).
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21. Register of cystic fibrosis patients with in the Russian Federation. 2013. Moscow: Medpraktika-M; 2015. 63 p. (in Russian).
22. Register of cystic fibrosis patients in the Russian Federation. 2014. Moscow: Medpraktika-M; 2015. 64 p. (in Russian).
23. Kondrateyva EI, Krasovskiy SA, Voronkova AYu, Amelina EL, Chernyak AV, Kashirskaya NYu. Register of cystic fibrosis patients in the Russian Federation. 2015. Moscow: Medpraktika-M; 2016. 72 p. (In Russia).
24. Krasovskiy SA, Chernyak AV, Voronkova AYu, Amelina EL, Kashirskaya NYu, Kondratyeva EI, Gembitskaya TE. Register of cystic fibrosis patients in the Russian Federation. 2016. Moscow: Medpraktika-M; 2018. 64 p. (In Russian).
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26. Burgel PR. Epidemiological trends of cystic fibrosis in France: 10-year perspective. Archives de Pédiatrie 2016 Dec;23(12S):12S4-8.
27. Burgel PR, Bellis G, Olesen HV, Viviani L, Zolin A, Blasi F, Elborn JS. Future trends in cystic fibrosis demography in 34 European countries. European Respiratory Journal 2015;46(1):133-41.
28. Kashirskaya NYu, Krasovskiy SA, Chernyak AV, Sherman VD, Voronkova AYu, Shabalova LA, Nikonova VS, Gorinova YuV, Simonova OI, Amelina EL, Kondratyeva EI, Kapranov NI, Petrova NV, Zinchenko RA. Dynamics of life expectancy of cystic fibrosis patients in Moscow and its connection with therapy received: retrospective analysis for 1993-2013. Current Pediatrics 2015;14(4):503-8 (In Russian).
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31. Petrova NV, Marakhonov AYu, Vasilyeva TA, Kashirskaya NYu, Kondratyeva EI, Zhekaite EK, Voronkova AYu, Sherman VD, Ginter EK, Kutsev SI, Zinchenko RA. Spectrum of mutations detected in complex study of CFTR gene in Russian cystic fibrosis patients. Almanac of Clinical Medicine 2019;47(1):38-46 (In Russian).
32. Gorinova YuV, Savostyanov KV, Pushkov AA, Nikitin AG, Penkov EL, Krasovskiy SA, Simonova OI, Namazova-Baranova LS. Genotype-phenotype correlations of cystic fibrosis in Russian children. The first description of eleven new mutations. Current Pediatrics 2018;17(1):61-9 (In Russian).
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43. Southern KW, Patel S, Sinha IP, Nevitt SJ. Correctors (specific therapies for class II CFTR mutations) for cystic fibrosis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018 Aug;(8):CD010966.
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47. CFF Patient Registry. Annual data report, 2018. Bethesda, Maryland: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation; 2019. 92 p.
48. Krasovskiy SA, Kashirskaya NYu, Chernyak AV, Amelina EL, Petrova NV, Polyakov AV, Kondratyeva EI, Voronkova AYu, Usacheva MV, Adyan TA, Stepanova AA, Alimova IL, Asherova IK, Baykova GV, Basilaya AV, Boytsova EV, Borisov AV, Brisin VYu, Vasilyeva EA, Vasilyeva TG, Vodovozova EV, Voronin SV, Gaymolenko IN, Golubtsova OI, Gorinova YuV, Nazarenko LP, Odinokova ON, Gembitskaya TE, Nikonova VS, Dyachkova AA, Sergiyenko DF, Yenina EA, Yerzutova MV, Zinchenko YuS, Zonenko OG, Ivanova DM, Ilyenkova NA, Kadyrova DV. Genetic characterization of cystic fibrosis patients in the Russian Federation according to the National Register, 2014. Russian Pulmonology 2016;26(2):133-51. (In Russian).
49. Makarov AKh, Petrova NV, Timkovskaya EE, Vasilyeva TA, Kashirskaya NYu, Kondratyeva EI, Zinchenko RA. Spectrum of CFTR mutations in Karachay-Cherkessia. Current Problems of Science and Education 2016;2:28 (In Russian).

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