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Издательство Атмосфера

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Практическая пульмонология (ранее – "Атмосфера. Пульмонология и аллергология"): ISSN 2409-756X (Online), ISSN 2409-6636 (Print)
2018 / N 3

Аллергический бронхолегочный аспергиллез: гистопатология, диагностика и лечение
Э.Х. Анаев

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24. Agarwal R, Dhooria S, Singh Sehgal I, Aggarwal AN, Garg M, Saikia B, Behera D, Chakrabarti A. A randomized trial of Itraconazole vs Prednisolone in acute-stage allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis complicating asthma. Chest 2018 Mar;153(3):656-64.
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32. Agarwal R, Aggarwal AN, Dhooria S, Singh Sehgal I, Garg M, Saikia B, Behera D, Chakrabarti A. A randomised trial of glucocorticoids in acute-stage allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis complicating asthma. The European Respiratory Journal 2016 Feb;47(2):490-8.
33. Ishiguro T, Takayanagi N, Takaku Y, Kagiyama N, Shimizu Y, Yanagisawa T, Kawabata Y, Sugita Y. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis with repeated isolation of nontuberculous mycobacteria. Internal Medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 2013;52(15):1721-6.
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